Daniel kuettel对于他在2012年放弃美国国籍的那一天还保有清晰的记忆。沉重的阴云笼罩在美国驻瑞士伯尔尼的大使馆上空,在那儿他举起右手并发誓:‘我特此完全而绝对地放弃我的美国国籍。’而正好就在他进入大使馆之前,Kuettel亲眼目睹了一场发生在他面前的严重车祸,就好像是一个不祥之兆。
Daniel Kuettel has vivid memories of the day in 2012 when he renounced his United States citizenship.
Daniel kuettel对于他在2012年放弃美国国籍的那一天还保有清晰的记忆。
A heavy fog hung around the US Embassy in Bern Switzerland where he would raise his right hand and swear "I hereby absolutely and entirely renounce my United States nationality." Right before he entered the embassy though Kuettel witnessed a serious car accident right in front of him which seemed almost like an omen.
"It was really weird just a really strange day" said Kuettel 43. "I was sad happy scared relieved worried excited angry delighted..."
Until that day Kuettel considered himself both as American as apple pie and as Swiss as an army knife. His distant relatives on his mother's side had come to America on the Mayflower and Kuettel had spent three years in active service for the US Army. He also had 700 years of family history in Switzerland where he'd moved to pursue work as a software developer when the tech bubble burst in 2000. While he loved living in Switzerland he planned to retire to America the country of his birth.
Now he can't. Renunciation is a permanent act and aside from applying for visas like regular foreign travelers bars ex-Americans from ever residing in the United States.
In 2015 more than 4000 Americans renounced their citizenship—up 20 percent from the previous year according to data released each quarter by the IRS.
The State Department does not keep statistics on why citizens renounce. Some say they do it for political reasons or because they cannot maintain dual citizenship. SKL Tax a US and Canadian tax consultancy firm based in Vancouver has received about a dozen renunciation inquiries this year with mention of Donald Trump according to Max Reed one of the firm's cross-border tax lawyers.
美国国务院并没有对美国人为何放弃国籍做持续数据调查。有些人说他们放弃国籍是出于政治原因或者是不想持有双重国籍。SKL Tax,是一家总部位于温哥华的美国和加拿大联合税务咨询公司,根据该公司一位跨国税务律师Max Reed所说,今年他们收到了大约12份提到了特朗普的 关于放弃国籍的咨询。
But many Americans renounce their citizenship because of the country's rare citizenship-based taxation laws which require US citizens abroad to file highly complicated annual tax returns and sometimes even pay taxes to the IRS. They must also pay taxes to their country of residence whose roads and hospitals they use. The only other country to tax its citizens abroad is Eritrea.
In recent years these laws have spun off into other requirements that have prompted some foreign banks to stop doing business with local Americans in some cases preventing them from opening a checking account. Kuettel began considering renouncing when his local bank in Switzerland refused to refinance his $450000 condominium.
最近几年这些税法又催生了其他一些新要求,导致一些当地银行拒绝和美国人往来,某些情况下还不给美国人开活期存款账户(支票账户)。在瑞士的当地银行拒绝给他提供45万美元买公寓后,Kuettel 开始考虑放弃美国国籍。
As part of the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) of 2010 foreign banks must determine which account holders are US citizens—and potentially disclose their assets to the IRS under threat of huge penalties. Many banks in Europe consider the risk of FATCA compliance too high so they bar US citizens from even having a checking account. The law was designed to catch those taking advantage of foreign tax havens but extends to all 8 million US citizens living overseas.
These complications compel some Americans living abroad to cut their ties to the US altogether according to John Richardson a Canadian-based lawyer who coaches clients through the renunciation process.
据约翰 里查德森这位帮助美国人脱离国籍的加拿大基础法律师说,正是这些麻烦迫使一些海外生活的美国人与美国脱离关系。
"They can't afford the onerous cost [of tax compliance and taxation]" Richardson told me. "They don't want to live in a state of terror so that is why they renounce."
“他们承担不起[税务合规和税务]繁重的成本”理查德森告诉我的。 “他们不希望生活在一个恐惧的状态,这就是为什么他们放弃。”
Megan Wood McGuigan R26; Jul 18 2016 10:49pm +10
I am a US citizen living in the UK and have to file US taxes every single year. It's ridiculous that I have to do this even though I don't live in the US any longer. I don't earn wnough to have to pay anything but the fact that I still have to file really bothers me. I tell people over here about it and they think it's nuts!
Gary Dauphin R26; 23 hrs +2
As a US citizien you are given the privilege of coming back and benefiting from the social safety nets and infrastructure in the US. This your tax dollars could potentially benefit you in the future. If you don't plan on coming back you could renounce your citizenship and skip filing tax returns for good.
Steven Killen R26; UX Designer at Booking.com R26; 23 hrs +6
Only country (besides Eritrea) that does it Gary. So much for your beloved freedom of choice.
Gary,只有美国(除了厄立特里亚) 才这样做。这就是你深爱的选择自由。
Saffy Robinson R26; 15 hrs +1
Gary Dauphin
What social safety nets are available to a US citizen that hasn't lived in the US for several decades?
And what US infrastructure is available to a US citizen that isn't also available to non-taxpaying visitors to the US?
Gary Dauphin,什么样的社会安全网适用于已没有在美国生活了几十年的美国公民?
Daniel Johnson R26; Jul 18 2016 10:05pm +2
A couple of things you might consider iterating on:
1. My attorney advised that the IRS' definition of citizenship does not require an actual certificate of foreign birth which is itself not an application for citizenship but merely official acknowledgement that the person is American. The consequence is that the person mentioned in the article regarding his mother's application owed the tax whether she had applied or not.
2. I was also advised that "former Americans" are a special class for immigration purposes. So you might think you can waltz in to visit the US with your other passport after you renounce but in fact because you are a "former American" you have to apply for a visa. This apparently even applies to holders of passports in countries with visa waivers such as Canadians.
Daniel Johnson R26; Jul 18 2016 10:07pm +3
A quick addition: wonderful to have attention paid to this! It's been a big hassle in my family's life.
Saffy Robinson R26; 15 hrs
That is 100% incorrect. Former USCs who are Canadian citizens enter the US on the exact same terms as other Canadian citizens. If your attorney told you otherwise your attorney should be fired. Note that I speak from personal experience and the experience of some other ex-USC Canadians I know.
Peter Van Buren R26; Jul 18 2016 5:37pm +2
Research much? Renunciants are not barred from living in the US they just become foreigners subject to all US immigration laws an dcan get visas that do allow them to live in America. Also Certificates of Renunication are formally approved only in Washington and can takes months to go through that process. They are not handed out in a 45 minutes interview. In addition one can only apply to give up citizenship. The application can be denied by the US government.
研究了很多的案例吗? 弃籍者不是被禁止在美国生活,他们只是成为了外国人,符合国移民法律法规获得签证后允许他们居住在美国。
Herkimer Von Clausewitz R26; Jul 18 2016 6:51pm +2
You should research the definition of "residing". Means make permanent home. You can't live her permanently if you're not a resident. Also if done at an official European embassy you won't even get an official certificate from Washington. You will just get the paper you signed as the official document.
Well researched article.
Laura Wilson R26; Jul 18 2016 8:05pm +6
This article is very well researched.
An application to renounce citizenship cannot be denied it is a basic human right. However the US does not allow anyone with a mental incapacity to renounce nor their guardians for them thus entraping them in the US's immoral unethical and unjustifiable method of taxation. This renders the tax deferred accounts of disabled children used by their parents to protect them after their passing useless. These accounts are taxed annually along with the local governments contribution. This is nothing other than disgusting.
Indeed a CLN is not given at the renunciation appointment one must often wait months for the official document. However a receipt of payment is given at the consular appointment which can often be used until the official CLN arrives.
Charles Krueger R26; Paris France R26; Jul 18 2016 2:07pm +14
As the article noted that the main goal of FATCA was to stop rich Americans from hiding money overseas and not paying taxes on it. In the end like most of the time it's the little honest guy that gets hit. This is on Obama's hands; period.
Bernie Sanderson R26; Jul 18 2016 10:59pm +3
Sorry Charlie
Main goal of the FATCA is to collect money. All Americans get taxed especially the rich ones. The rich ones pay most income tax. The huge majority of Americans pay no income tax and some believe it or not are negatively taxed and actually make 1500$ a year of taxes or more.
You liberals remember this story next time you tell me I should be taxed more. In America everyone gets taxed 3 or 4 times
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