旧金山社区发现反华涂鸦 [美国媒体]


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A string of spray-painted taggings in southeast San Francisco this weekend are being investigated by the police not just as acts of vandalism, but as hate crimes.


The graffiti took place Sunday, according to a police statement, with the words “No more Chinese” spray-painted in several locations in the Portola neighborhood, just south of where Highway 101 and Interstate 280 merge.


Among the targets were the Palega Recreation Center, an out-of-business supermarket, the 100 block of Brussels Street and the 1300 block of Silver Avenue.


Police ask anyone who might have information about the crimes to contact the department’s tip line at (415) 575-4444 or send a text to TIP411 with “SFPD” at the start of the message.



Bravepeace  Rank 0
If you don't like Chinese, you move, stupid. Do you read history or current news? Chinese have been here as earlier as any immigrants and help built the railway you are enjoying now. Also they have built the mighty drilling equipment for our new terminal. They are strong and powerful, it's time for you to move if you can't take it. There is no place for stupid people like you in here.


yojimbo69  Rank 10546
mainlanders are a little "different" shall we say...


lunatiki  Rank 2769
Don't they have a one-child policy, anyway? 


yayo22  Rank 2600
@lunatiki Hopefully that's what your parents followed. I would hate to think you have a brother or sister who would make some ignorant comments like this.

@lunatiki  我希望你家也坚持计划生育。一想到你有一个兄弟姐妹发表这种无知评论,我就会觉得恶心。

LabreaTarpitz  Rank 4885
Trump voters. Or other republicans. USA! USA!1


Underscore09  Rank 91
What is this "Portola" anyways? Here it's officially either the Excelsior or Vis Valley.

报道上说的“Portola”在哪里?理论上它囊括了 Excelsior 和 Vis Valley。
(注: Portola、Excelsior 和 Vis Valley均为地名。)


sfdb415  Rank 2806
@Underscore09 I can't tell if you're being serious or not. This happened in the Portola. One of SF's most historical and established working class neighborhood's. Excelsior to the West, Vis starts once you go south over Mansell St.


Underscore09  Rank 91
So if my old neighborhood is changing because it is filling up with white people, I can spray "No Gentrification!" or even "No Techies!" on any convenient wall not belonging to a member of La Raza Cosmica. Because it is understandable that I would resent the displacement of my old buddies.
But if my old neighborhood is changing because it is filling up with Chinese people, what phrase can I spraypaint without being charged with a hate crime? Because it is incomprehensible that I would resent... >more


Bender1  Rank 176
It is wrong to spray paint anything on other people's property....


EndPoint  Rank 3180
Copycat. This comes just on the heels of the "No Californians" stickers popping up. Just attention-seeking. Yawn.


whitesatan  Rank 1739


SuaveDuck  Rank 9
Everybody hates everybody now.
Race relations have deteriorated during the Obama Era....



awwee  Rank 20091
@SuaveDuck "Race relations have deteriorated during the Obama Era...."
Yeah, all of the racists came out of the woodwork and started spouting their hate in public.

@SuaveDuck “奥巴马在任期间种族关系不断恶化。。。”

nosferatu  Rank 63
@SuaveDuck I think you're projecting.

Mach5  Rank 3086
Google a time magazine cover from 1997 titled "Asian invasion." Mission accomplished


moebius  Rank 3427
@Mach5 I think you're referring to the plethora of Asian movies at the time.


hypocrat  Rank 262
Dennis Herrera needs to send a warning letter to the property owner for attracting graffiti.

Dennis Herrera应该就吸引涂鸦一事向这个房主发去一封警告信。

sfonlyhonestse  Rank 2640
Add "k and w" to "no" will correct the situtation. 

给“no”加上“k和w”会解决这种状况。(know more Chinese,理解更多的中国人)

bittermelon  Rank 2023
has as much impact as "yankee go home". everyone scratches their heads, takes a couple pictures and goes back to work.


Maximillien  Rank 540
Maybe the cops showed up before they could finish, and the real message was different:
No More Chinese [oligarchs buying up real estate in San Francisco, and allowing it to sit empty, artificially driving up housing prices and exacerbating the already-brutal housing crisis which continues to destroy San Francisco's cultural and economic diversity.]



SFBullMoose  Rank 172
i'd rather not say ........


Underscore09  Rank 91
@SFBullMoose I thought the goal was cultural diversity, not a monochrome city.


ocjohn  Rank 5373
Maybe they like Italian.


civ-e  Rank 2029
it looks like someone wrote "more chinese" and someone with a different writing style (and color paint) wrote "no" on top?


OhShush  Rank 15
@civ-e ~ Wrong.


Capt_Irrelevant  Rank 34
Yes sir, if I was a Chinese person living and working here or even a Asian American born and raised - the mere sight of that savage graffiti would make me want to leave everything and get out of the country Stat! I predict a mass exodus any day now.


yyh  Rank 509
I say put up a few cameras, probably be some little kids or small minded person. Just trolling C-Town.

