美国的南海外交策略貌似已经失败 [美国媒体]



WASHINGTON (Reuters) - In the lead-up to an international court ruling on China's claims in the South China Sea this month United States officials talked about rallying a coalition to impose "terrible" costs to Beijing's international reputation if flouted the court's decision.


But just two weeks after the July 12 announcement by the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague - which at least on paper appeared to be a humiliating defeat for China - the U.S. strategy appears to be unraveling and the court's ruling is in danger of becoming irrelevant.


Earlier this year U.S. officials spoke repeatedly of the need for countries in the Asia-Pacific region and elsewhere including the European unx to make it clear that the decision of the court should be binding.



"We need to be ready to be very loud and vocal in harmony together ... to say that this is international law this is incredibly important it is binding on all parties" Amy Searight the then-U.S. deputy assistant secretary of defense for South and Southeast Asia said in February.

时任美国国防部南亚和东南亚事务助理部长的Amy Searight在2月份说。

Then in April U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Antony blxen said China risked "terrible" damage to its reputation if it ignored The Hague's ruling.

4月份美国美国副国务卿Antony blxen说中国如果忽略海牙的仲裁,就将冒着其国际声誉受损的危险。

The top lawyer from the Philippines which brought the case against China even said Beijing risked "outlaw" status.


The United States had backed Manila's case on the grounds that China's claims to 85 percent of the South China Sea one of the world's busiest trade routes were a threat to freedom of navigation and international law.



Yet after the international court rejected Beijing's position the U.S. calls for a united front appear to have made little headway with only six countries joining Washington in insisting that the decision should be binding.


They include the Philippines but not several other countries with their own claims to parts of the South China Sea that might benefit if Beijing observed the decision.



China also scored a major diplomatic victory earlier this week when the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) dropped any reference to the ruling from a joint statement at the end of a meeting of the 10-country group's foreign minister in Laos. This followed obxtions from Cambodia Beijing's closest ASEAN ally.


On July 15 the European unx distracted after Britain's vote to leave the bloc issued a statement taking note of the ruling but avoiding direct reference to Beijing or any assertion that the decision was binding.



Wake-up1 hour ago
Of course it is irrelevant. Same as if the arbitration court says that Hawaii and Guam do not belong to the US. Will we think it is relevant ? Why are people so stupid ?


Robb1 hour ago
Another fine mess you've gotten us into President Obama.


serembang1 hour ago
David Brunnstrom and Matt Spetalnick in Washington and Ben Blanchard in Beijing are just 2 shameless liars of Reuters. PCA - Permanent Court of Arbitration is not the Arbitration Tribunal saga directed by Obama and played by Shunji Yanai Little Japanese Fascist Senior Legal and Security Advisor to Fascist PM of Abe. Philippines is just a tool of these 2 warmongers which have been trying to control Asean nations for the past 6 years.

驻华盛顿的David Brunnstrom 和 Matt Spetalnick以及驻北京的Ben Blanchard都是路透社无耻的说谎者(译注:这三人都是路透社记者)。pca-常设仲裁庭不该是一场以仲裁庭为背景的闹剧。这场闹剧由奥巴马导演,由柳井俊二主演,柳井这小日本他是法西斯头子安倍的法西斯法律和安全高级顾问。菲律宾只是这两个在过去6年都妄图控制东盟国家的战争贩子的棋子。


Benigno Simeon Ampanotan1 hour ago
He who's got the money make the rules. Right now communist China got the money. Yes it sucks but it's


HERMAN2 hours ago
to many china 5ocents troll here


Chia-Ming Liang2 hours ago
I guess if Muslims start loving USA by the time China would be so shameful and then give away the entire sea.


Dan2 hours ago
Spoken by a country that has invaded a sovereign country Iraq by floundering all possible international laws and killing more than three million people ! US talking about international laws international law my #$%$ !



Don2 hours ago
Obama is terrible when it comes to military strategy! Over this and the mid east. He works of a n ideology like Jimmy Carter did and its been disastrous. When he says America isn't like something I ask yeah then what is it like Mr. Obama? Obama let them drop the rocks and now thinks he can get them to tear it up? What an idiot!

奥巴马就是军事战略白痴!在南海和中东,他居然如卡特般以意识形态为工作重点,这是灾难。奥巴马说美国不喜欢这不喜欢那,我就想问,美国喜欢什么?奥巴马让这些个问题如岩石坠落,并认为它们将落地粉碎? 真是白痴!

V2 hours ago
John Kerry should go to law school Law 101 and learn what binding means

克里应该去法学院进修Law 101课程。学会约束力到底是什么意思。

good times2 hours ago
all the international laws are worthless unless the world's people vote on even having them a hand full of public servants can't make up something this big by themselves and those laws would only stand in international waters not on sovereign countries.



joel2 hours ago
if truimp win this election. china get trouble to u.s.a. afraid from u.s.


😱小王2 hours ago
Amerlican gi must be defeated in our South China Sea chairman xi.


WhoIsTheRightfulOwner2 hours ago
PCA rulings are not law but ICJ rulings are. China rejects PCA and US rejected ICJ.


kJ2 hours ago
China has been reading state deparment emails. They know our plans and intentions.



Paul T2 hours ago
PCA court like all arbitration courts is a tool for international countries to settle disputes ... it has no power to pass judgement without due process ... once international countries are aware that they are being used by America / Philippines to attain their own agenda PCA loses all its credibility ... any responsible arbitration court will insist that both parties agree to submit to arbitration prior to ruling ... in this case only Philippines does ...
All countries see the risk of setting up a dangerous precedent of acknowledging PCA ruling basing on one party's submission ... the next moment ppl might find that we have a new world map ... just because PCA says so basing on one country's submission ...
PCA is no good news to world peace ... they should be disbanded and kicked out of their Hague building ... which also seat other UN bodies ...

海牙法庭像所有仲裁法庭一样是一个用于解决国家间的纠纷的机构,他没有权利通过未在正当法律程序的判决;一旦国际社会意识到 海牙法庭正被美国及菲律宾用于实现他们的意图,海牙法庭将失去它所有的公信力;任何负责任的仲裁法庭都会坚持双方在裁决前都同意提请仲裁,可是在这个仲裁案中只有菲律宾同意提请仲裁;

Kevin2 hours ago
Of course it founders what else can it do in this administration?



wenboy2 hours ago
If there is some sort of conflict breaking out with the risk of dragging the US in who do you think will win the November election? The republicans who are traditionally hawkish or democrats who are traditionally dovish on these issues. Short of Chinese sinking a few US ships the democrats wouldn't do anything because they are more concerned with staying in power.


Aquinno The Filipino Clown2 hours ago
NoW usa has two unelectable presidential candidates at this critical juncture it is destiny. China rise is unstoppable.



Aquinno The Filipino Clown2 hours ago
When George Bush escalated tension in south china sea with spy plane down as the peak 911 happened soon after. Us was distracted from containing China for 10 years. In which Chinese gdp grew 8 times. It is destiny.


Aquinno The Filipino Clown2 hours ago
Why brexit happened at the same time ? This is called destiny. You can't stop China rise.

