“爱骗才会赢!” -民主是如何走上末路的 [美国媒体]



Authored by Eric Zuesse via The Strategic Culture Foundation,

“爱骗才会赢!” -民主是如何走上末路的

What killed democracy was constant lying to the public, by politicians whose only way to win national public office is to represent the interests of the super-rich at the same time as the given politician publicly promises to represent the interests of the public — “and may the better liar win!” — it’s a lying-contest.


When democracy degenerates into that, it becomes dictatorship by the richest, the people who can fund the most lying. Such a government is an aristocracy, no democracy at all, because the aristocracy rule, the public don’t. It’s the type of government that the French Revolution was against and overthrew; and it’s the type of government that the American Revolution was against and overthrew; but it has been restored in both countries.

当民主退化到这个地步,它就变成了超级富豪们的独裁,这些富豪可以为那些谎话连篇的政客提供资金,以这种方式形成的政府是权贵的统治而根本不是民主,因为统治者是权贵而非公众。这曾经是法国大革命和美国独立战争所反对和推翻的那种政府, 然而(现在)在这两个国家,它又死灰复燃了。

First here will be discussed France:
On 7 May 2017, Emmanuel Macron was elected President of France with 66.1% of the vote, compared to Marine Le Pen's 33.9%. That was the second round of voting; the first round had been: Macron 24.0%, Le Pen 21.3% Fillon 20.0%, Melenchon 19.6%, and others 15%; so, the only clear dominator in that 11-candidate contest was Macron, who, in the second round, turned out to have been the second choice of most of the voters for the other candidates. Thus, whereas Le Pen rose from 21.3% to 33.9% in the second round (a 59% increase in her percentage of the vote), Macron rose from 24.0% to 66.1% in the second round (a 275% increase in his percentage of the vote). In other words: Macron didn’t just barely win the Presidency, but he clearly dominated both rounds; it was never at all close.

2017年5月7日,伊曼纽尔•马克龙以66.1%的选票当选法国总统,而玛丽娜•勒庞得票率为33.9%,这是第二轮投票结果;第一轮投票结果为:马克龙24.0%,勒庞21.3% ,菲永20.0%,梅伦森19.6%,其他15%;也就是说,11位候选人中只有马克龙具备明显优势并在第二轮选举中胜出。(以上数据可以看出),在第二轮选举中,勒庞从21.3%上升到33.9%(她的得票率增加了59%),而马克龙在第二轮投票中从24.0%上升到66.1%(他的得票率增加了275%)。换句话说:马克龙不仅勉强赢得了大选,而且他显然在两轮选举中都占绝对优势;(得票数)从未接近过。

But once in office he very quickly disappointed the French public:

On 11 August 2017, Le Figaro bannered (as autotranslated by Google Chrome) "A hundred days later, Macron confronted with the skepticism of the French”, and reported that 36% were “satisfied” and 64% were “dissatisfied” with the new President. 

On 23 March 2018, Politico bannered "Macron’s approval ratings hit record low: poll” and reported that, "Only 40 percent of the French population said they have a favorable opinion of Macron, a drop of 3 percentage points from last month and 12 percentage points from December, while 57 percent said they hold a negative opinion of the president.” 

但上任后,他很快就让法国公众失望了:据2017年8月11日的费加罗报报道, “上任100天后,马克龙受到了法国人的怀疑,36%的人对这位新总统“满意”,64%的人“不满意”。2018年3月23日,美国政治新闻网站"政治"(Politico.com)以大标题形式发表 “马克龙的支持率创历史新低”的文章。文章称,“只有40%的法国人表示对马克龙的看法良好,比上个月下降了3个百分点,比去年12月下降了12个百分点,而57%的人对总统持负面看法。”

On 22 April 2018, Europe 1 reported that 44% were “satisfied” with Macron, and 55% were “dissatisfied” with him; and that — even worse — while 23% were “very dissatisfied” with him, only 5% were “very satisfied” with him.


So, clearly — and this had happened very quickly — the French public didn’t think that they were getting policies that Macron had promised to them during his campaign. He was very different from what they had expected — even though he had won the Presidency in a landslide and clearly dominated both rounds. That plunge in support after being elected President required a lot of deceit during his campaign. 


Second, is US:
The situation in the US was very different in its means, but similar in its outcome: it was a close election between two candidates, each of whom had far more of the electorate despising him or her than admiring him or her. Neither of the two candidates in the second round was viewed net-favorably by the public.


The key round of elimination of the more-attractive candidates, was in the primaries; and, after that, it became merely a choice between uglies in the general election. Any decent (or even nearly decent) person had already been eliminated, by that time. Consequently, the ultimate winner never had the high net-favorable rating from the US public, that Macron did from the French public.


America’s system of ‘democracy’ is very different than France’s:

Throughout the primaries-season — America’s first round — the most-preferred of all candidates in the race was Bernie Sanders, who, in the numerous one-on-one polled hypothetical choices versus any of the opposite Party’s contending candidates, crushed each one of them except John Kasich, who, throughout the primaries, was the second-most preferred of all of the candidates (and who performed far better than did Trump did in the hypothetical match-ups against Clinton). 


In the hypothetical match-ups, Sanders beat Kasich by 3.3%, whereas Kasich beat Clinton by 7.4% — that spread between +3.3% and -7.4% is 10.8%, and gives a pretty reliable indication of what the Democratic National Committee threw away when rigging the primaries and vote-counts for Hillary Clinton to win the Party’s nomination. Sanders beat Trump by 10.4%, whereas Clinton beat Trump by 3.2%. That spread was only 7.2% in favor of Sanders over Clinton; but, in any case, the DNC cared lots more about satisfying its mega-donors than about winning, when they picked Clinton to be the Party’s nominee.


(Ms. Clinton’s actual victory over Mr. Trump in the final election between those two nominees turned out to be by only 2.1% — close enough a spread so as to enable Trump to win in the Electoral College (which is all that counts), which counts not individual voters but a formula that represents both the states and the voters. Sanders would have beaten Trump in a landslide — far too big a margin for the Electoral College to have been able to go the opposite way, such as did happen with Clinton. This fact was also shown here and here. That’s what the DNC threw away.) 


Hillary Clinton received by far the biggest support from billionaires, of all of the candidates; Sanders received by far the least; and this is why the Democratic Party, which Clinton and Barack Obama (two thoroughly billionaire-controlled politicians) effectively controlled, handed its nomination to Clinton. On 7 June 2016, the great investigative journalist Greg Palast headlined and documented "How California is being stolen from Sanders right now”, and four days later a retired statistician’s review of other statisticians’ statistical analysis of data from all of the primaries and caucuses, reaffirmed their findings, that the Democratic nomination had been stolen by the Democratic National Committee, and he concluded that “the whole process has been rigged against Bernie at every level and that is devastating even though I don't agree [politically] with him.” A more detailed study was published on 1 August 2016, titled "Democracy Lost: A Report on the Fatally Flawed 2016 Democratic Primaries”.

在所有候选人中,希拉里•克林顿获得了亿万富翁们最大的支持,而桑德斯得到的支持最少;这就是为什么由克林顿和奥巴马(两位完全由亿万富翁控制的政客)有效控制的民主党,把提名给了希拉里的原因。2016年6月7日,伟大的调查记者格雷戈•帕拉斯特发表了有确凿证明材料的头条文章“加利福尼亚如何从桑德斯手中被偷走”,四天后,一位退休的统计学在为其他统计学家对所有初选和党团数据的统计分析撰写评论时,再一次确认了他们的调查结果,即民主党提名已被民主党全国委员会窃取,他得出结论:“整个过程从每一个层面都是针对伯尼(桑德斯)的,这种做法毁了一切,尽管我也不同意桑德斯的政见。” 2016年8月1日,他发表了一份更详细的研究报告,题为“民主的失落:关于2016年民主初选的致命缺陷的报告”。

Basically, what had happened is that the most-preferred of all the candidates got deep-sixed by Democratic Party billionaires, who ultimately control the DNC, just as Republican billionaires control the RNC. The US Government is squabbles between billionaires, and that’s all. That’s what’s left of American ‘democracy’, now.


On 12 August 2016, Julian Assange noted: "MSNBC on its most influential morning program, Morning Joe, was defending Bernie Sanders. Then Debbie Wasserman Schultz [head of the DNC] called up the president of MSNBC. Amazingly, this is not reported in the US media. It is reported in the US media that they called up Chuck Todd who’s the host of Meet The Press. 


@@ Something much more serious is not reported — that Debbie Wasserman Schultz herself personally called up the president of MSNBC to apply pressure in relation to positive coverage about Bernie Sanders on Morning Joe.” That was typical of what went on.

还有更严重的事情没有报道-黛比•沃瑟曼•舒尔茨亲自打电话给MSNBC总裁,要求他对早上乔对伯尼•桑德斯(Bernie Sanders)的正面报道施加压力。

Hillary Clinton’s favorable rating, by Election Day, was 40.3%, her unfavorable was 55.3%. Donald Trump’s favorable was 39.8%, unfavorable was 53.4%. Bernie Sanders, as of the end of the primaries on 29 June 2016, was 50.8% favorable, 39.6% unfavorable, and it has been getting steadily better afterward. But the suckered Democratic Party voters (the ones who were counted, at any rate) voted slightly more for Hillary than for Bernie. Even despite Sanders’s having had support from few if any billionaires, he almost won the Democratic nomination, and that’s remarkable. He might actually have received more votes during the primaries than Hillary did, but we’ll never know.


So: America is a dictatorship by the billionaires. And this means that it operates by fooling the public. France is similar, though it achieves this via a different way. And, in both countries, deceit is essential, in order to achieve its dictatorship. Fooling the public is now what it’s all about, in either case. Democracy can never be won by fooling the public; because fooling the public means removing the public’s ability to control the government. So, calling such a nation a ‘democracy’, is, itself, deceiving the public — it’s part of the dictatorship, or else support of the dictatorship.


In former times, this system was rationalized as ‘the divine right of kings’. Now it’s rationalized as ‘the divine right of capital’. But it’s also become covered-over by yet another lie: ‘democracy’. This is a ‘democratic’ aristocracy; it is an ‘equal opportunity’ aristocracy. In it, each citizen has ‘equal rights’ as every other citizen, no matter how wealthy. It’s just a castle of lies. And its doors are actually open only to the few richest-and-well-connected.


Here, a former CIA official tries to describe how the American dictatorship works - the enforcement-part of the system, and he does (even if only by implication) also touch upon the financial sources of it.


He discusses his personal case: why he could no longer tolerate working for the CIA. But his description of how he, as an Agency official, saw the system to function, starts at 3:45 in the video. Key passages start at 12:45, and at 20:15.


Maybe any American who would email this article to friends who don’t understand how the system functions, will come under increased US surveillance, but that CIA official’s career and family were destroyed by what the system did to him, which was lots worse than just surveillance.


Remarkably, he nonetheless had the courage to persist (and thus did that video). However, when one sees how politically partisan (and so obtuse) the viewer-comments to that video are, one might be even more depressed than by the account this former CIA official presents. But, even if the situation is hopeless, everyone should at least have the opportunity to understand it. Because, if the aristocracy are the only people who understand it, there can’t be any hope for democracy, at all.


revolla Sat, 05/19/2018 - 23:01 Permalink
"America is a dictatorship by the billionaires."
Especially the FAKE Hebrew billionaires who love FAKE Biblical Israel above America. They're know as the Dual Citizens, the Neocons, the Zionists, and the former Bolsheviks.
They LIE about their true identity, and likewise negatively influence every US politician. That's how they managed to bog down the US in the Middle East. Through ENDLESS LIES.
Theirs is a spirit of deception and destruction. A cancer that has metastasized and needs to be extricated. 


J S Bach  Oldguy05 Sat, 05/19/2018 - 23:23 Permalink
“What killed democracy was constant lying to the public, by politicians whose only way to win national public office is to represent the interests of the super-rich”
Put another way…
“What killed democracy was the complete strangling of all opposing points of view to politically correct narratives.” 


This is done through bribery, coercion, "fake news" media assaults, and threats against the livelihoods of any who would dare dissent. Politicians will naturally gravitate toward whomever they deem has the most power, thus ensuring their safety and careers.  Sadly, they are mere whores.  In this world of today, where morality – once the guiding force behind many a statesman in a bygone era – no longer exists... only self-serving materialism rules.  Courage, fortitude, an unyielding adherence to truth, and sheer will are the only recourse against the satanic powers that threaten ultimate doom for mankind.


ItsAllBollocks  J S Bach Sat, 05/19/2018 - 23:50 Permalink
I believe it's called lobby groups. Designed specifically to legally bribe politicians... 


Four chan  Four Star Sun, 05/20/2018 - 02:38 Permalink


MoreFreedom  Four chan Sun, 05/20/2018 - 10:23 Permalink
I'm still waiting for CNN to write the story as to how the questions weren't protected, and who else besides Donna Brazille was involved in Clinton getting the questions.  That they don't write it just shows they were in the tank for her in the worst possible way.  After all if they aren't telling us, we should assume the worse. 


a Smudge by an…  Four chan Sun, 05/20/2018 - 04:58 Permalink
This is getting so repetitive. How many times do we have to break the crystal glasses of the cognosenti and gently explain that WE NEVER GAVE A GOD'S DAMN LICK ABOUT YOUR STUPID FUCKING DEMOCRACY, ALL WE EVER CARED ABOUT WAS OUR REPUBLIC?




But hey, whatever, our republic got taken over by elitists and the MIC so mech, we all lost. Our consolation prize? Same as everybody else's. We were wrong but for our own reasons, not yours. Just like John Bolton. It's never a mistake to invade another country, the only difficulty arises when we don't win.


At this point the powers that be have noticed that there's just too damn many of us with opinions and they have plans for this.
At a certain point is it gonna be fun anymore?


Cloud9.5  a Smudge by an… Sun, 05/20/2018 - 08:02 Permalink
The pretext that the nation was run by anything other than oligarchs is a misrepresentation of history.  When you look at men like Washington, Hamilton and Jefferson, these men were not commoners.  What has changed over time is the result of the exponential growth of bureaucracies.  Even the Library of Congress has a SWAT team.  The larger the bureaucracy, the more intrusive it becomes. As we all know the exponential growth of government has been financed by the magic money of the Federal Reserve.  We  have had much more government than we can afford for more than a century.  This trend will reverse when the petro dollar implodes.


NidStyles  a Smudge by an… Sun, 05/20/2018 - 05:09 Permalink
There is far more involved than just lying and lack of belief structure. However if the public truly understood what was going on in most of the country there would be a revolution tomorrow, and I am not just talking about the banking system.


Honest Sam  NidStyles Sun, 05/20/2018 - 08:04 Permalink
I don't think so. Most of the country and particklerly those who vote amongst them, are in capable of revolt.  


The day-to-day efforts to survive and maybe prosper a bit, takes up all their time that isn't consumed by sleep, eating, screwing, and drinking.  That leaves about 3-4 hours per day that is then consumed escaping the drudgery, or hobbying.


What time is left to get ready for a national coup d'etat, and what would it be replaced with?


We aren't a tiny nation like Cuba, or Calimexifornia that will coalesce around a messiah who magically descends from on high to lead us to a return to a government of the people, for the peeps, and by the sheep. 


No solution, that.


Escrava Isaura  NidStyles Sun, 05/20/2018 - 05:50 Permalink
No, it was not. And there’s empiric evidence about why all humans lie. Here’s one:
A study published in “Developmental Psychology” asked a set of 65 kids not to peek at a hidden toy. When the examiner turned away, 50 percent of 3-year-olds and 80 percent of 8-year-olds snuck a look. When asked whether they peeked, most of the set had lied.
The first level of primary lies emerges around 2–3 years of age when children begin to be able to deliberately make factually untrue statements. However, they do not necessarily take into consideration the mental states of the listener. Secondary lies emerge around the age of 4 years and require children to understand that the listener, unlike themselves, does not know the true state of affairs and thus is susceptible to false beliefs. Finally, around 7–8 years of age, children begin to reach tertiary lies where they are able to conceal their lies by maintaining consistency between their initial lie and follow-up statements.


“Deception, machination and mendacity lie at the core of human intelligence, like worms coiled at the core of an apple” — Mark Rowlands 
Now why that intelligent people such as Jews and Christians lie through their teeth? Because intelligent people have ideologies and most ideologies such as religion, political, and cultural can’t survive scrutiny. Keep in mind that culture ‘general population’ is heavily influenced by religion and political dogmas and indoctrination. But why?


For personal gains.
Can you blame them without blaming yourself? 
If you can’t it’s because you’re on the primary phase of lying which is not the case with most Hedgers.


1 Alabama  Escrava Isaura Sun, 05/20/2018 - 06:11 Permalink
What part of todays gvt is the life blood of satan do people NOT understand?


BabaLooey  DownWithYogaPants Sun, 05/20/2018 - 06:55 Permalink
One of the main problems WITH getting this excellent video out to the masses is that most of the masses - are asses. 


The sheer volume of dis-mis-information and outright lies and felonious glomming by the shadow government is hard to compete with. Joe Goebbels would be proud. Akin to the allies bombing Germany 1942-1945 - U.S. by day - the UK by night. Constant - propaganda. 


See: Snowden, Manning, and so many others as to this. How are they painted and framed to the public....?


Hollywood - that cabal of cunts - is EASY prey for these fuckers. Pick the most narcissistic, self-centered, attention whores that the masses "look up to", "admire" - want to be like, and turn them into Twattering douchebags - . easy peasy. Look at how Meryl Streep portrayed Graham in Speilberg's re-write of Watergate (lame, compared to the SHIT done since 1947).  All you need to do is ask your own circle of friends about ANY of this - and you'll see how "effective" these cunts are.


Got The Wrong No  BabaLooey Sun, 05/20/2018 - 09:04 Permalink
Absolutely true. I've given up trying to talk to people about anything related to politics or the economy. It just leads to bad blood. The MSM is controlling the narrative for the people too busy, too lazy or too stupid to be informed. 


divingengineer  ItsAllBollocks Sun, 05/20/2018 - 12:07 Permalink
They bullshit us.
Is this news?
Who didn’t know that?


Quick  J S Bach Sun, 05/20/2018 - 08:19 Permalink
" Basically, what had happened is that the most-preferred of all the candidates got deep-sixed by Democratic Party billionaires, who ultimately control the DNC, just as Republican billionaires control the RNC. "
This one line shows me how lies are used to "bend" the truth as you wish it to be bent ---
Trump was NOT the choice of Republican Billionaires. Trump was not the choice of anything Republican.EVERYONE in the election process was against Trump but the people who voted for him.This article should be titled "How The Democrats Screwed Bernie"


telemann  J S Bach Sun, 05/20/2018 - 12:39 Permalink
Insightful assessment.  You grasp and express this non-obvious (to most) reality very well.  I hope you have other, more visible, outlets for your analyses, because people need to hear it.  Make your voice heard.  

