Chinese rank US as 'top threat': survey
Chinese people believe the United States isthe "top threat" facing their country, a poll showed Wednesday, withmost suspecting the world's number one economy of trying to "prevent Chinafrom becoming an equal power".
A survey by the Washington-based PewResearch Center revealed 45 percent of Chinese consider US power and influenceto be a "major threat" -- more than economic instability (35percent), climate change (34 percent) and the Islamic State (15 percent).
However, half of the 3,154 respondents inthe survey had a "favourable opinion" of the US -- including 60percent of those aged between 18 and 34.
Jami11 hours ago
Well of course they think the US sucks. Ifall you heard all day is propaganda, even if you can slip around Chineseinternet censorship, you're going to think the US is the bad guy. Of course ourunilateral invasion of Iraq and corporate government doesn’t do much to dispelthe idea that the US is a threat. But the American people don't want war. Wewant everything everyone else wants from this life and we think it would begreat if everyone everywhere was doing fine as well. Of course the Chinesedon't hear that. I wish I was wealthy, I would start sending people to Chinaand around the world to help our image and change our own understanding of theworld and their understanding of us. Because once you have traveled overseas,especially to Asia, you will never be ethnocentric again. After all, we're alljust folks, folks!
fatcat11 hours ago
Hubris is the biggest threat that China orthe US face. Both countries seem determined to shoot themselves in the foot atevery opportunity.
Dream-Maker9 hours ago
We are a threat ...yet WE STILL BUYEVERYTHING FROM THEM!! Buy and Manufacture AMERICAN ONLY!
int75810 hours ago
As a resident of Southern California, I amshocked that there are 3,154 Chinese people still living in China. I thoughtthey were all stuck in a parking lot in Orange County.
HanSolo14 hours ago
Yes, every Chinese should arm themselveswith a machine gun, a tank, a boat, a missile, a jet fighter and ultimately, anuclear war head....
'Cause, if not, they will be invaded.Muahaahaaawaaa...
Eneg14 hours ago
I don't think an average Chinese can readthis article, because they are being controlled by the CCP/communist party. Ifthey find this out they'll revolt against their communist government.
PEPE14 hours ago
Chinese citizens understand domesticproblems because they live with them every day. However, I doubt they receivemuch objective news commentary about forgein affairs (or domestic affairs)because the media is tightly controlled by the ccp. The ccp quickly censuresany news that threatens, questions its rule and legitimacy. Western newspapersprinted/ sold in China often have large sections blank due to censure.
Jack14 hours ago
Chinese people believe this because of therelentless CCP propaganda campaign against the US.
plnoyseIIvvomen13 hours ago
just remember 200 years ago china livingpeacefully minding its Own Busines, and what happen the western robber came androbbed and killed chinese.
now china looking inward disregard worldinjustice by usa is not an option, active defense will secure china fromrobbers or their dogs
o14 hours ago
Great China is superior than America interms of economic power and soon will be military power in 10 years.
Boilthebunny1514 hours ago
It's not only China that thinks that. Manyother countries do too
Jenny4 hours ago
China should not try to police the world.Its a waste of money, look at how much the U.S. spends and how many countrieshate them.
onomatopoeon6 hours ago
lol. What a coincidence. Anyone with abrain in their head ranks China as a top threat, simply because of theirstupidity.
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...