那些被深信不疑的谣言 [美国媒体]


What is something most think is real but is really fake?


larchalr • 15h
No one actually put poison or razor blades in Halloween children's candy. It was all the media. Turns out, the kid that died was actually poisoned by his father but initially they thought it was Halloween candy. Media covered the story, but never actually announced hey this didn't actually happen! So now parents worry about what their kids take from strangers. When in reality, it's your own family you gotta watch out for.
One source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poisoned_candy_myths


Pullsn0punches • 9h
And that stupid facebook meme that goes around every October with a picture of a bunch of little Candy like pills "watch out parents, people are gonna try to give these drugs to your kids in their Halloween candy!" Yeah, because drugs are free.


ryuumac • 15h
I had a bonsai tree I watered for a year before realising it was fake. I'm still confused by where all the water went.


DisintegratedSystems • 14h


willbabysit4ketamine • 12h
Also fake


albaMP4 • 11h
The concept of evaporation was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive.


ComeOnSans • 10h
The concept of concepts was created by the universe to give people false imaginations and fabricated ideas.


_maffyUK • 13h
That Albert Einstein was "bad at school".
Dude was a fucking genius, he nearly got into Federal Polytechnic School Zurich when he was only 16, and did "outstandingly well" in his tests, but performed badly in non-science subjects like French. The following year he wrote an incredible essay and got in, after again demolishing Maths and Physics.
The rumour started because of misinterpretation of 1 vs 6 in the grading system, where people thought he had got the lowest when in fact he had got the highest.
Einstein did very well at school. Stop using his fictional failure as an excuse for not trying and wasting time.


RainbowJesus • 10h
also the rumor that "Michael Jordan didn't make his high school basketball team" That's true he did get cut from the varsity team... when he was 14 and 5 foot 10.


Confusedbrotha • 10h
More accurately, he got demoted because the varsity coach stubbornly believed all freshman should play JV first. Allegedly, Jordan put on a absolute spectacle in the JV games (as expected).


Tenaciousgreen • 15h
I have a friend who went on the show to talk about nutrition from a professional perspective. (yeah, I don't know what she was thinking)
She was absolutely horrified to learn that they dumbed down everything and prevented her from saying certain things because the "average audience is uneducated and it would go over their heads."
You can practically see it on her face on the show how she doesn't know WTF to even say anymore when he asks her questions.


Zedding • 11h
"average audience is uneducated and it would go over their heads."
Least they know their target audience.


Carriep8472 • 17h
The "law" that an undercover police officer is required to tell you if they are a cop.
Spoiler: They don't.


wererat2000 • 16h
I don't even understand how that idea caught on, people have to realize that it defeats the purpose of being undercover... right?
...they would realize, wouldn't they?
Why are you all so quiet...


aeroblaster • 16h
They can legally lie... and that includes spreading the rumor that cops have to tell you if they're cops. It's a great tool, as seen when catching badger.


atomiclovecat • 18h
When someone's EKG (which measures electrical activity in the heart) "flat-lines" on a TV show or movie it is always easy to use the paddles to make the heart beat again. This isn't true, once there is no more electrical activity in the heart it can't be shocked back to working. Using a defibrillator (the paddles) is meant for shocking a heart back into a normal rhythm from an abnormal rhythm.


dbagexterminator • 17h 
yea, but if you hit their chest really hard and whisper and then scream that you love them, they have to come back to life
edit: forgot the tears and being torn apart from the body 


Cheima15 • 17h
Actually, hitting their chest can restart their heart. A precordial thump isn't really a procedure that is done in a medical setting and I'm not sure it's even legal for some paramedics if not all paramedics/medical professionals to do it. My EMT instructor said that he performed it twice and it actually worked once. I'm not really sure how it works but it apparently does.
Edit: as a few people have said, it won't work on asystole. A pulseless arrhythmia is what you should use it on.


Graham_Whellington • 19h
Cow tipping. The most damning evidence against cow tipping being a thing is the fact that there are no YouTube videos with people doing it.

推奶牛(译 老美传说中的一项娱乐活动,偷偷潜到站着睡觉的奶牛身边突然把它推倒,实际奶牛既不站着睡觉,也不可能被人力推倒)最强有理的证据就是YouTube上没有任何关于这个的视频。

rodomonte • 17h
I asked a friend from a rural area about it once. He laughed and said "If you think you can push over a thousand pound animal that really doesn't want to tip over, I'd like to see you try"


bannana_surgery • 19h
Best case: cow ignores you.
Worst case: cow flips its shit and tramples you.


biffsteelchin • 3d, 10h
Agreed. You can not tip a sleeping cow. Especially since 99.999999% of cows do not sleep standing up. Also, it is basically impossible for loud, idiot teenage boys to sneak up on a cow at night.
Source: Was a loud idiot teenage boy who tried to sneak up and tip a cow. Turns out it wasn't sleeping and also was not amused.


Ricksanchezforlife • 17h
Shit. This brought back memories. I went cow tipping as a teen and turns out I ended up in a buffalo pasture. Turns out, Those fuckera don't like that shit either.

