北京-韩金(音)的儿子在他仅仅5岁的时候就开始了自己的校外兴趣班生涯:课外英语、数学和绘画兴趣班,这样他就不会落后于幼儿园的其他小孩。美国网友:14亿人的人口, 而且还取消了“独生子女这一生育政策”??中国人 lol, 在这些人的脑子里他们只知道要生更多的孩子,以及壮大他们的人口数量。
BEIJING — Han Jing’s son started taking after-school classes when he was just 5 years old: extra English math and drawing so he wouldn’t fall behind the other children at kindergarten.
“I didn’t want him to feel ashamed or have low self-esteem on his first day of elementary school” she said worried that he’d face other children who spoke English knew thousands of Chinese characters or could play the piano.
Three years later the pressure has only mounted: She and her husband spend more than $10000 a year on after-school classes. It’s a huge drain on their time and an even bigger one on their resources given that her husband earns less than $35000 a year.
Their apartment is too small for a second child and the cost of moving to a bigger one in Beijing has risen out of their reach. But it is not just money that is preventing them from having a second one: Han says they have also devoted all of their time and energy into their son and they are simply exhausted.
Randy Ran7:31 AM GMT+0800
with 1.4 billion in populations and they're still dropping the "one-child policy" ??? chinese LOL these people has only one thing in their tiny little brain is to make more babies and increase their populations !
14亿人的人口, 而且还取消了“独生子女这一生育政策”??中国人 lol 在这些人的脑子里他们只知道要生更多的孩子 以及 壮大他们的人口数量。
LisaLu9107:01 AM GMT+0800
Its too bad Chinese kids can't just enjoy being a kid. Most Americans grew up with siblings and had plenty of time to enjoy the pleasures of childhood without trying to pass college entrance exams at age 5. It seems like their ambitions for their children have sucked all the joy outof life - what a shame.
真的是太糟糕了。中国的小孩无法享受一个所谓小孩因有的阶段。 大部分美国人都和兄弟姐妹一起长大,而且绝大部分时间都享受他们的童年时光,应为我们没有考一个很好大学的压力,没有从5岁起就为了考一个好大学而备受压力。这更像是家长把自己的期望强加在自己的孩子身上,代价就是牺牲他们的童年快乐时光, 真TMD讽刺
RightBelowMe6:45 AM GMT+0800
Serves 'em right . . . this is the story of the Death of the West Beijing-style.
Gobsmacked3:48 AM GMT+0800
China has committed demographic suicide. Yet another great recommendation for central planning.
wearefine3:30 AM GMT+0800
Extra English classes are x joke unless it's a one on one tutor.
murrayhill333:30 AM GMT+0800
Just two years after the ban on a second child I had a woman in an English class in Nanjing whose baby had been born with defects. She couldn't have another. During a break in class she cried as I held her hand. There was nothing I could say.
sonchi1113:53 AM GMT+0800
The policy has allowed couples to have babies with defects to have another as are allowed for the minority groups.
Mike Lin4:55 AM GMT+0800
You are a lying idiot - unless you preferred to be an ignorant one - there is no "ban" on second child if first has birth defects - ever. Folks like you feel your superiority by badmouthing someone else. But at the end of it you are just a hollow shell.
Suzanne433:03 AM GMT+0800
Everyone in the "pro-life" movement.
RightBelowMe6:46 AM GMT+0800
Roberta Mi10/16/2016 10:23 PM GMT+0800
#1. China was implementing 'State' birth control before the 1 child policy...In the 70's they had village 'crews' of child bearing age out planting trees in order to stop them from having kids.
#2. Something like 80% of births in China are c-section...either by doctor request or because of auspicious dates. There are normally long waiting lists for beds in good hospitals even without the 1 child policy removed. When I had my daughter in 08 in Tianjin- we needed an Emergency c-section and I had to spend much of that time lying on a cot in the hallway because no rooms were available.
3. Most parents do NOT raise their own kids. Something like 90% of parents give child care to grandparents. If they had more money or lacked grandparents who could take the kids they would otherwise hire a nanny. Parents work long hours usually not living with kids to save money- because parents would work in more expensive areas but buy bigger homes in areas that they could afford. In large cities only small apartments are usually available in the city centers where most work because builders want to make more money there where land/apartments are more expensive.
4. You pay for the ENTIRE burden of school yourself. Unlike here school is NOT FREE in China. You have to pay to take entrance tests pay bribes just to get an entrance test pay for books uniforms class fees enrollment fees desk rental and even teacher fees if they bring specialized teachers part time. And that is even at bad schools...you want a GOOD school and you'll be paying something like $10000 AMERICAN DOLLARS A YEAR. International schools usually run about 5times that rate.
四,教育成本高昂,所有的教育费用都由个人承担,跟这里不一样,中国没有免费教育。光参加入学考试,你就要交钱,想要的考试的机会还得塞红包(这个get是获得机会还是通过考试啊 不确定),你得交书本费,校服费,课程费,报名费,桌椅费,要是课后学校组织专业老师给学生补课还得交补课费,这还是比较渣的学校。你要是想去好学校,你还得另外每年交差不多一万美金的费用。国际学校大概五倍费用
6. In the article they mention the father makes $35000 a year...that should be 35000 RMB a year...which is about $5000 AMERICAN DOLLARS. And even 35000 RMB a year is REALLY REALLY high- MOST average Chinese (with and without a college degree) make about between 2000- 4000 rmb a month. No insurance/ no social security!
Roberta Mi10/16/2016 10:32 PM GMT+0800
Also- Chinese people are delaying/ forgoing marriage NOT by choice...with the one child policy and the pressure to 'keep' the family name going- many families chose to abort female children in order to have males. That made the birthrates skewed and left many men with no available partners...bring into that the stigma of marrying men 'below' your social/ wealth status and it works badly for lower income men. Men in China should provide both the HOUSE AND CAR before even being looked at as a marriage option. (This is not including all the money/ gifts that should be given to the woman's family when they wed). Then there is the fact that MEN usually get to keep kids during a divorce...women don't even share the same family name as their husbands/ Children.
80921287612:17 AM GMT+0800
Thank you for these insights into life in China.
villagehag3:25 AM GMT+0800
One thing that you did not really touch on was the gross gender imbalance that has been created by the one child policy and the cultural preference for sons. This has created a situation where something like 100 Million men will never find a wife. (my numbers may be off and a little out of date). However even half that number of men who will never marry and have a child - for the Chinese culturally that is like internal death. I can't even imagine how that will play out over the next 20 years. I am afraid though that China may just implode on itself because of this. There are already stories about women of child bearing age being kidnapped in one district and transported hundreds of miles away and "sold" as a wife. Very scary times in China.
sonchi1113:57 AM GMT+0800
'In the article they mention the father makes $35000 a year...that should be 35000 RMB a year'
"在新闻中提到的父亲年入$35000...那应该是年入35000 RMB."
Note that one author has a Western name and one Chinese name both of which knows clearly the distinction of $ and Yuan. I am pretty sure they mean $35000 which is not uncommon in cities like Beijing and Shanghai.
Jan Newton10/16/2016 9:51 PM GMT+0800
What China is actually worried about is the fact that its female to male ratio is so out of whack due to the preference for sons enforced for decades by the one child policy. It wasn't sons who were aborted it was daughters; if the baby girls were born they were often left out in the wilderness to die from exposure or abandoned in overcrowded filthy disease riddled "orphanages" where the majority of them died from abuse neglect disease and malnutrition before their third birthdays. This is China's legacy to the world and to its citizens. It is now reaping what it's perverted evil system sowed under Mao and the corrupt Politburos ever since. Chinese who CAN get the hell out of China are fleeing the country.
Roberta Mi10/16/2016 10:39 PM GMT+0800
They did that once but now there is no need...ultra sounds are cheaper than waiting out a pregnancy. Earlier they were actually illegal because when parents would find out it was a girl they would just get an abortion but for the right price you could still get them freely. NOT TO MENTION that due to the lack of women- female children are a hot ticket on the black market. They could more easily sell her then leave her to die.
And actually the Chinese LOVE their country- and yes they even love Chairman Mao...they flee their country for MONEY. The Chinese are a very practical bunch they don't dwell on past wrongs so much as how their future looks. Chinese people WANT to make more money- they WANT a better life and they really don't care about the past at all (except when it comes to Japan).
Your information is a little out of date.
以前是这样,不过现在已经没必要了,做B超可比生下来再看性别成本低多了。以前这是非法的,因为家长们发现肚子里是个女孩,就会打胎,不过价钱合适你也可以买。更不用说,由于女性偏少,女婴在黑市可是炙手可热。他们可以轻易卖掉女孩,总比抛弃让她们死去好(原文写的then,但我觉得应该是than 笔误)
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...