福布斯6月5日新闻:为何中国对太阳能项目紧急刹车? [美国媒体]


Chinese solar companies sold offsharply on Monday following an announcement by the Chinese government that itwould take measures that may curb the astronomical growth of its solarindustry.


The South China Morning Post reported:
"A joint statement put out onFriday by the National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Financeand National Energy Administration said the allocation of quotas for newprojects had been halted until further notice, and tariffs on electricity generatedfrom clean energy will be lowered by 0.05 yuan per kilowatt hour, a cut of 6.7to 9 per cent depending on the region, effective June 1."
The Chinese government indicated thatthe curtailment was aimed at “promoting the solar energy sector’s sustainabledevelopment, enhancing its development quality and speeding up reduction ofsubsidies.”


Of course, China isn't the firstcountry to slash subsidies for renewable energy, but they are in a differentposition than developed countries like Germany and Spain, where power demandwas relatively stable and renewables were helping to replace power derived fromfossil fuels and nuclear power. China's energy consumption, on the other hand,is growing rapidly. As a result, the country has had an aggressive "all ofthe above" energy strategy. China has added solar photovoltaic (PV)capacity faster than any other energy source and has done so at a rate fasterthan any other major country.


A primary motivation for its solar PVinvestments is China’s need to rein in pollution. But China also knows it facesa future in which oil supplies are depleting while electric vehicles areproliferating. Thus, China sees renewables – and solar PV in particular – as acritical area of focus. To put China's growth in perspective, in 2017 aloneChina added 53 gigawatts (GW) of new solar PV capacity. That addition wasgreater than the total solar PV capacity of any country at the beginning of2017:


Given China's growing need for cleanpower, China's decision to curb subsidies caught many -- including me -- bysurprise. Why would China make such a decision? The decision may be rooted inactions of the Trump Administration. Earlier this year, President Trumpannounced a 30% tariff on imported solar equipment that would last at least thenext four years. The decision was a response to a couple of U.S. solarcompanies charging that China's solar subsidies were allowing Chinese solarcompanies to undercut U.S. solar manufacturers.


Because China is the world's leadingconsumer of solar power, I didn't expect this decision to have a huge impact onChina's solar industry. But now that a larger trade war looms, China may havemade a decision to signal to the U.S. that it will stop allowing Chinese solarpanel makers to substantially undercut U.S. manufacturers. The"winners" here may be a few U.S. solar companies, but the overallgrowth rate of the solar industry may suffer. In the long run, solar PV isstill certain to outgrow every other energy category, but in the short termthis decision is going to create a lot of uncertainty around the industry.

