印第安人抗议后续:《时代》评论及升级暴力 [美国媒体]


What to Know About the Dakota Access Pipeline Protests



The controversy over the project shows no sign of going away


The Standing Rock Sioux tribe has opposed the Dakota Access Pipeline since first learning about plans for the pipeline in 2014. But it’s only been in recent months that the issue has gained national attention, as thousands of protesters—including many Native Americans—have gathered in North Dakota in attempt to block the 1,200-mile project. And, with both supporters and opponents vowing to fight through the harsh North Dakota winter, the battle shows no signs of ending anytime soon.


Here’s what you need to know:


What is the Dakota Access Pipeline?


The pipeline is to be built by Texas-based Energy Transfer Partners and is designed to transport as many as 570,000 barrels of crude oil daily from North Dakota to Illinois. The pipeline would be a key conduit connecting oil wells in the state’s Bakken Shale, where the development of fracking has opened billions of gallons of new oil to recovery, to other valuable consumer markets, including the Gulf Coast, Midwest and East Coast. The nearly $4 billion project was first proposed in 2014 with an anticipated completion of this year.

该管道建设方为Texas-based Energy Transfer Partners,此项目旨在每日从北达科他州运输多达570000桶原油至伊利诺伊州。该管道是连接该州巴肯页岩油井的关键,随着水力压裂法的发展已开辟了数十亿加仑新油以投入其它有价值的市场,包括墨西哥湾,中西部及东海岸。这个近40亿美元的项目于2014年首次提出并预计在今年完成。

Why are the Sioux and others protesting the project?


The pipeline has united a number of different interest groups with a variety of objections, but Native Americans have been at the center of the opposition. The pipeline would travel underneath the Missouri River, the primary drinking water source for the Standing Rock Sioux, a tribe of around 10,000 with a reservation in the central part of North and South Dakota. Builders of the pipeline insist that they have taken extraordinary measures to safeguard against disaster, but opponents point out that even the safest pipelines can leak. The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) has reported more than 3,300 incidents of leaks and ruptures at oil and gas pipelines since 2010. And even the smallest spill could damage the tribe’s water supply. The Standing Rock Sioux also argue that the pipeline traverses a sacred burial ground. And while the land being used for the pipeline is not technically on its reservation, tribal leaders argue that the federal government did not adequately engage the Standing Rock Sioux during the permitting process—a requirement under federal law.


More broadly, environmental activists say the pipeline would contribute man-made climate change by building up the country’s oil infrastructure. They insist that fossil fuels—including the vast reserves in the Bakken Shale—need to be kept in the ground to protect the world from the worst effects of climate change. Proponents of the pipeline argue that oil producers would likely ship the oil by rail line if construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline was halted, as much of the oil produced in North Dakota already is—and argument that was also used in favor of the now canceled Keystone XL pipeline.

更广泛来说,环保主义者表示该管道将因建设国有石油工业而造成人为的气候变化。他们坚称化石燃料-包括巴肯油页田的巨额外汇储备要用在土地上来保护世界免遭气候变化的负面影响。管道支持者则表示如果达科他管道施工停止,那么石油生产商会用船或铁路线运油,而北达科他州已生产了大量石油-且这些论据过去被用在取消Keystone XL管道上。

Read More: Shailene Woodley: The Truth About My Arrest


How have opponents and supporters responded?


Opponents of the project have responded with both protests and litigation in an attempt to slow—and eventually stop—the pipeline. The protests began months ago with a core group of attendees, and have heated up recently as the issue gained more attention. There are now thousands of people at the construction site or in a nearby encampment, according to the tribe. Protesters have set up teepee and tent camps on land owned by Energy Transfer Partners to slow the progress of construction and have threatened to block the highway. More recently, celebrities and public figures like actor Shailene Woodley, actor Mark Ruffalo and civil rights activist Jesse Jackson have traveled to North Dakota in solidarity with the Standing Rock Sioux. The most dedicated protesters say they will remain through winter, even though the average low temperature in North Dakota reaches nearly 0 F (-17.8 C) in those months.

该项目反对者已经用抗议与诉讼来回应,以试图减缓乃至最终终止管道(建设)。一个核心团体几个月前便开始抗议,随着问题得到更多的关注最近(抗议)开始升温。根据部落所说,目前有数千人待在工地或营地里。示威者已在Energy Transfer Partners的土地上建设帐篷及营地以减缓施工并威胁阻断公路。最近,名人和公众人物像是演员谢琳·伍德蕾与马克·鲁法洛,人权活动家杰西·杰克逊已前往达科他与立岩苏族团结在一起。这些最具献身精神的示威者表示会留下度过冬天,即使这几个月在北达科他州流域平均低温可接近0华氏度(零下17.8摄氏度)。

The tribe has also sued the Army Corps of Engineers, which permitted the project, alleging that the agency violated the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) and the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). NHPA requires the agency to consider the cultural significance of federally-permitted sites and NEPA to consider the implications for the waterways. The litigation is ongoing though a court rejected an argument that construction should be halted while the case winds through the courts.


Supporters of the pipeline—which include state and local government leaders —have showed little interest in accommodating the project’s critics, particularly the protesters on the ground. North Dakota Governor Jack Dalrymple has called in the National Guard as well as an army of other police officials. More than 140 people were arrested this week, even as construction on the pipeline has continued.

管道支持者 — 州及地方政府领导没什么兴趣接受该项目的评判者尤其是现场的示威者。北达科他州州长Jack Dalrymple已呼叫国民警卫队及其他警察部队。本周超过140人被逮捕而管道建设仍在继续。

Protesters and tribal leaders have accused officials of unnecessarily rough treatment. Police have used pepper spray, rubber bullets and concussion cannons, among other tactics, according to the tribe. Amy Goodman, a journalist with the Democracy Now! program, was arrested while covering the protest for allegedly trespassing. Footage she captured showed police officers allowing their dogs to charge protesters.

示威者与部落领导人已对官方非必要的粗暴对待发出指责。据部落表示警察已使用了胡椒喷雾,橡胶弹与震荡炮及其他手段。Amy Goodman,“Democracy Now”的一名记者。在报导抗议活动时被以非法入侵罪逮捕。她拍摄的镜头显示警方允许他们的狗攻击示威者。

How has the federal government responded?


The Obama administration—including the Army Corps of Engineers, the Department of Justice and the Department of Interior—temporarily blocked construction on the project in September in hopes of conducting a review, but a federal court intervened to allow the project to proceed. President Obama has taken no additional steps and has said nothing officially about the pipeline, but has come to the defense of protesters, saying “you’re making your voices heard” at a White House event for tribal leaders.


What do the presidential candidates say?


The federal government has authority over the project’s permits and the next Administration would have the power to cancel the project—or at least revoke its permits after further assessment. Hillary Clinton declined to take a firm stance calling for both sides to “find a path forward that serves the broadest public interest.” Donald Trump—who owns stock in Energy Transfer Partners—has called for the removal of regulations on the oil and gas industry but has not commented specifically on the pipeline.

联邦政府有权颁发项目许可而下一任政府有权取消该项目 — 或至少在进一步评估后撤销许可。希拉里克林顿拒绝采取坚定立场并呼吁双方:“找到一条服务公众利益的道路”。唐纳德川普 — 拥有Energy Transfer Partners的股份,已呼吁取消石油及天然气行业的法规但没有对这条管道发表特别评论。

Is the Dakota Access Pipeline the next Keystone XL?

达科他管道建设会是下一个Keystone XL吗?

The Dakota Access Pipeline has drawn parallels to the Keystone XL pipeline. Opposition to that project, which Obama eventually rejected, became a litmus test in the eyes of some activists for public officials to show their commitment to addressing environmental issues. But at the same time significant differences remain. Perhaps most importantly, Keystone crossed into Canada, making it an international issue that gave authority over its final approval to the State Department. The federal government has the authority over the Dakota Access Pipeline because it crosses interstate waterways. Stopping the project would be heavier lift for any administration.

达科他管道建设与Keystone XL有相似之处。项目都被反对,奥巴马最终拒绝,变成了部分活动家眼中官员显示其对保护环境承诺的试金石。但同时也存在着显着差异。也许最重要的是Keystone进入了加拿大,这让其变成了一个国际问题且最终审批权力在国务院。而联邦政府有权(管控)达科他管道建设是因为它穿过了州际水道。停止该项目对各机构来说超出了权限。

后续新闻(倒叙)来自《Democracy Now!》 持续专栏报道,即被抓记者所在媒体。

地址 http://www.democracynow.org/topics/dakota_access


ND Agency Requests $4 Million More to Police #NoDAPL Resistance


In more pipeline-related news, the North Dakota Department of Emergency Services is requesting an additional $4 million in order to continue the police crackdown against the resistance to the $3.8 billion Dakota Access pipeline. The Emergency Services Department has already received—and spent—$6 million to police the resistance movement led by the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and members of 200 other nations and tribes from across the Americas. This comes as a United Nations advisory group is investigating possible human rights abuses by law enforcement against Native American water protectors in North Dakota.



Amnesty International to Observe Policing of Dakota Access Pipeline Resistance


Amnesty International on Friday dispatched human rights observers to the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation in North Dakota, a day after police with military equipment arrested over 140 people and used pepper spray, Tasers, sound cannons, bean bag rounds and rubber bullets against opponents of the proposed Dakota Access pipeline. Native American water protectors who were arrested on Thursday say police wrote numbers on their arms and housed them in what appeared to be dog kennels, without bedding or furniture.



Armed Dakota Access Worker Reportedly Tried to Infiltrate Native Water Protectors


This comes as more details are emerging from Thursday, including video footage of a Dakota Access security contractor holding an assault rifle, with his face covered by a bandana, apparently attempting to infiltrate a group of water protectors. A Standing Rock Sioux tribal member says he saw the man driving down Highway 1806 toward the main resistance camp with an AR-15 rifle on the passenger side of his truck. Protectors chased down his truck and then pursued him on foot in efforts to disarm him. In the video, the contractor can be seen pointing the assault rifle at the protectors as he attempts to flee into the water. He was ultimately arrested by Bureau of Indian Affairs police. Meanwhile, overnight on Saturday, water protectors reported a brush fire began near their main camp. They say they called 911, but no emergency teams responded. Protectors believe the fire was intentionally lit by people working for Dakota Access. 




Indigenous Youth Occupy Hillary Clinton Campaign Headquarters to Demand She Take Stand on #DAPL


Just minutes before the the police raid on the camp in North Dakota, here in New York City Native American youth flooded the campaign headquarters of Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton to demand that she oppose the Dakota Access pipeline. Clinton’s opponent in the Democratic primary, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, has come out against the pipeline. But Clinton has so far refused to take a stance. "We wanted to bring our songs and prayer to tell [Clinton] that the Native youth of this nation do not want this pipeline," says our guest Daniel Grassrope of the Lower Brule Sioux Nation in South Dakota, who was part of the group who set up a tipi in the entrance to Clinton’s office.

就在警方突袭了北达科他州营地的几分钟前,在纽约美国原住民青年淹没了民主党总统候选人希拉里克林顿的竞选总部,要求她反对达科他管道建设。希拉里在民主党的初选对手-佛蒙特州州参议员Bernie Sanders,已站出来反对管道。但希拉里仍拒绝表示立场。“我们想用我们的歌与祈祷来告诉[希拉里]这个国家的原住民青年不想要这条管道”,我们的特邀嘉宾Daniel Grassrope 如是说,他来自南达科他的低布鲁勒苏族,并和其他人一起在希拉里办公室门口建了一个帐篷。


"A Shameful Moment for This Country": Report Back on Militarized Police Raid of DAPL Resistance Camp


We go to Standing Rock, North Dakota, for an update on how hundreds of police with military equipment raided a resistance camp Thursday that was established by Native American water protectors in the path of the proposed $3.8 billion Dakota Access pipeline. More than 100 officers in riot gear with automatic rifles lined up across a highway, flanked by multiple MRAPs, an LRAD sound cannon, Humvees driven by National Guardsmen, an armored police truck and a bulldozer. Water protectors say police deployed tear gas, mace, pepper spray and flash-bang grenades and bean bag rounds against the Native Americans and shot rubber bullets at their horses. "We learned a lot about the relationship of North Dakota to Native people," says Tara Houska, national campaigns director for Honor the Earth. "I was standing next to a group of teenagers that were all maced in the face. … Myself, I actually was almost shot in the face by bean bag round."

我们前往北达科他州的Standing Rock,是为了了解周四数百军警是如何袭击抗议者营地的,该营地由印第安原住民水源保护者建在38亿美元管道项目的既定路线上。100多名携带防暴装备的警察携带着自动步枪横穿公路,两侧有多辆MRAP重装甲车,一辆LRAD音波炮车,国民警卫队驾驶的多辆悍马,一辆警用武装卡车和推土机。水源保护者表示警方使用了催泪瓦斯,警棍,胡椒喷雾,闪光弹与豆袋霰弹攻击原住民并用橡皮子弹射击他们的马。“关于达科他州和原住民的关系我们了解了不少”Tara Houska这样说,它是“尊重地球”组织的全国责任人。“我站在一队青少年旁边,他们都被喷了一脸...”事实上我自己也差点被豆袋弹打到脸。










Simple Complexity - Simplistic difficulty1周前
Damn, I wish I could join the protest in person!


As a former police officer I can tell you that this is a cite and release crime at the most. You don't jail someone for a non-violent trespassing charge. This seems heavy handed and intentionally harsh.


Well you CAN jail someone for it. In fact it's perfectly legal to jail someone for a speeding infraction if they fail to promise to appear in court about it. That said, it was heavy handed and unnecessary.


Cops wanted to see her naked.


—candiduscorvus6 天前
Jailers who do the prisoner strip search are always same gender as the person they search.


—AlQuaholic5 天前
Just today, some of those protesters set fire to a bridge. Those are the people police should be arresting,not ppl like shaliene。


—Susan Landrum5 天前
she filmed the whole thing there wasnt any violents going on.  there was singing and saying prays.   HOWS THAT VIOLENCE?


—Si Slater5 天前
AlQuaholic nah, fight the power bring down the nazi state.


—gone hunting4 天前
You are only getting one side of the story. These protesters have been violent, destroyed millions of dollars in equipment that belonged to the pipeline company. They painted them, broke windows, flattened tires, cut wiring harnesses, put contaminates in diesel and hydraulic tanks. Not to mention local ranchers are missing numerous cattle, that more than likely ended up feeding protesters at their camp. Please dont tell me that is a lie and you need proof. Google it。


—WeaponizedPanda4 天前
+gone hunting Look at it this way, what would you do if someone put a pipeline through your living room, and it sprung a leak, contaminating your entire water supply and livelihood for your family and possible future generations? These people are fight for their lives, and our lives as well because these projects are unsustainable for the human race as a whole.

gone hunting,这样想一下,当一些人在你客厅安了一条管道,然后破裂泄露毁了你们的所有供水以及你家人可能还有后代的生计时,你会怎么做?这些人是在为他们和我们的生活而战,且将人类当做一个整体看这些项目是不可持续的。

Langdon5 天前
If I wasn't a youtube junky I would know nothing about Standing Rock.  Somehow this protest is being kept seriously quiet.
Keep up the good fight and well done Shailene.

如果我不是沉迷youtube我不会知道关于Standing Rock的任何事。不知为何这场抗议被严重和谐了。

Where is Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump to protect American people?


—MyName IsWhat1周前
najbrzi28 Hillary Clinton started this pipeline and Obama's helping her! That bitch could care less about the citizens of the US!


—B Murray1周前
MyName IsWhat That should be "That bitch could NOT care less" ... without the "NOT" you imply she may have a bit of concern.


—AffiliatePro3 天前(修改过)
+B Murray - Seriously?... English teacher Becky?


—MyName IsWhat3 天前
+AffiliatePro HAHAHA


—Atir X22 小时前
najbrzi28 - you are right. We are hearing nothing from them about thisk


Falco Peregrinus1 天前
Crazy how police serve corporations but not the public.  How long before people accept this police state we live in.


—Smarterkindaguy1 天前
Falco Peregrinus hell no don't sit down and take it get your fucking guns that's what our 2nd amendment is for to fight against a over powered government.

Falco Peregrinus ,别坐下带上你那该死的枪,这是我们的第二修正案用来对抗一个压迫政府的。

—Falco Peregrinus1 天前
+Smarterkindaguy Yeah, but first, people need to realize we live in a police state.  There are a lot of Americans who are in denial.


—Basket of Deplorable DNC Narratives (Viva Bernie)1 天前
the question is how long before people stop accepting it


—Kenny booker1 天前
fuck the police .!!!!!


Patrick DeCambra1 天前
agent provocateur trying to set things up this is bad


—Trish St.Clair1 天前
Patrick DeCambra yes it's bad, but thankfully they are uncovered.


—jim bob1 天前(修改过)
This is a typical tactic against every protest. Police departments send their people into protests to start violence often so they have an excuse to put and end to it. Not all police are bad, or all departments, but clearly this guy caught in this video needs to face justice and the person or persons who put him up to it so these tactics can't continue to be used. Find the person who sent that guy and you find the person who ordered the fire started too.
The natives have just as much right to that land as anyone, regardless of who last stole it. All our lives depend on clean water, they are doing us all a favor.


Legacy17761 天前(修改过)
We've been having several gas line problems in my state of Alabama lately. A gas line just exploded today actually. 9 People injured, several missing in Shelby County. This is maybe the third time something has gone wrong within the last 3 months. Just goes to show how dangerous these pipelines are, and they're trying to build an oil line in a river that millions depend on for clean water. If they ever were to build that pipeline, there will be problems. Major problems, no doubt. #NoDAPL


—Cleveland McCain1 天前
Legacy1776 thank you for sharing. The mass media never covers those stories.
