中国华为想在未来两年取代苹果成为世界第二 [美国媒体]

华为首席消费者业务主管Richard Yu告诉路透社说他的公司想要在未来两年击败苹果公司成为世界第二大智能手机生产商,紧随行业第一的三星公司。华为现在所处的第三名意味着她给自己设定的目标并不遥远,但赶超苹果仍需努力工作以及好运。


Huawei's consumer business executive in chief Richard Yu told Reuters that his company wants to become the world's second-largest smartphone maker in two years beating Apple for its spot in the top-two next to leader Samsung. It's currently at the third spot which means the target it's set for itself isn't that far off although catching up for Apple will take quite the mix of hard work and dumb luck.

华为首席消费者业务主管Richard Yu告诉路透社说他的公司想要在未来两年击败苹果公司成为世界第二大智能手机生产商,紧随行业第一的三星公司。华为现在所处的第三名意味着她给自己设定的目标并不遥远,但赶超苹果仍需努力工作以及好运。

According to Strategy Analytics Huawei had a 9% market share last quarter shipping 33.6 million devices. Apple held a 12% market share and shipped 45.5 million devices while Samsung held a leading 20.1% share and shipped 75.3 million devices.



The Huawei Mate 9 is the company's current top offering

华为Mate 9 是目前公司的顶级产品

Yu said that developing technologies such as artificial intelligence virtual reality and augmented reality will present opportunities to overtake Apple with innovation. The exec is also adamant about winning the trust and loyalty of customers as Apple hasn't pulled surprise moves and Samsung had to completely cancel its second half flagship smartphone the Galaxy Note 7 due to a flaw which compromised the device's integrity. However both are poised for strong comeback next year reportedly utilizing technologies such as edge-to-edge screens with emxded fingerprint scanners.

Yu表示例如人工智能,虚拟现实以及增强现实等正在发展的技术会在创新上提供机会来超越苹果。执行人员对赢得消费者的信任与忠诚也很坚定,因为苹果并没有做出超越常规的举措,并且三星由于一个缺陷而连累了设备完整性,已经完全的取消了它下半年的旗舰智能手机Galaxy Note 7。然而据报道这二者蓄势待发,通过利用例如带有嵌入式指纹扫描仪的全面版触控技术,准备在来年卷土重来。

On Nov 2 Huawei launched a new premium smartphone the Mate 9. Featuring a large display and powerful hardware the phone has a Porsche Design-masterminded version along with a new artificial intelligence that automatically lines up the most frequently used apps and puts them within easy reach.

在11月2日,华为发布了她的新高端智能手机Mate 9. 这款拥有大屏幕与强大硬件的手机有一个保时捷设计策划版本,并且拥有一个新的人工智能能够自动的将最常用的应用程序排列并将它们放置在最容易使用的位置。

-------------译者: 哔哩哔哩哩长-审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

ctdog4748 · yesterday 22:24 
Not very likely to happen. Then again anything is possible.


torr310 · 1 hour ago
Does that mean Samsung could be the 3rd?


meanestgenius · yesterday 22:41 
Excellent! I would love to see Huawei step up to the plate to challenge Apple and Samsung.


dimas · yesterday 23:28 
For me huawei already surpassed apple. iphone 7 was a big 'meh'


BoardDWorld · 35 min ago
Challenge Apple? Most companies are challenging Apple these days. Just because Huawei got Superman to show off the new Leica lenses it doesn't mean they are a good phone they are far from being worth a premium.


EMUI is just a copy of Xiaomi's MIUI which it is always a step or 2 behind. Their in-house SoC is just about hitting flagship standards only now with the Mate 9.


The only way they are getting anywhere is if enough ignorance lines their pockets so that they can continue pumping millions of dollars in advertising.


Unfortunately Apple are dropping because people are becoming less ignorant so I don't think Huawei can play that game.



joey_sfb · yesterday 23:07 
Huawei handset are getting more expensive while giving less value to consumer. 
Basically its another me too branding.


Loveneesh · 23 min ago
Use there honor brand series phones with more value for consumer.


kiko007 · yesterday 23:12
Are they high? Literally no one I've met knows what a Huawei is. One guy even though it was a historic assassin when I showed him last year's Nexus. They have a better chance of selling on Mars in the next two years than this nonsense (a story already written about on this very site months ago).


iPhoneBolt · yesterday 23:20 
You know the target is set till 2018's end right? So that is possible in such a time frx especially since huawei is JUST behind apple.



dimas · yesterday 23:26 
You're spilling your brains again. Please tell us that you've read the whole article. Stop making your fanboyism decide what to comment.


trojan_horse · 2 hours ago 
I second and even third that.
Kudos for the truth!


Heck I personally think Huawei can overtake Apple's 2nd place considering how Huawei been breaking it's growth records and increasing it's market share.


kiko007 · 2 hours ago 
"Heck I personally think Huawei can overtake Apple's 2nd place considering how Huawei been breaking it's growth records and increasing it's market share"
It's breaking it's own growth records on one continent......woooo. The PR department must be ecstatic!

它只在一块大陆上打破自己的增长记录...... Woooo。公关部门一定欣喜若狂!


deewinc · yesterday 23:32
The is thing is that people like your friend and others will know a Nexus device but not know they own a Nexus made by Huawei. It is just ignorance especially to most people in the US. Most of them know Apple makes their own hardware for the iPhone boasting about an iPhone screen (4 year old technology) and their iPhone camera and the moment you tell them about its made by Sony they will be like Apple makes everything. Tell them about Samsung they think its a Chinese company selling devices to steal their personal data.


maherk · yesterday 23:52
Just becauae the brand isn't popular in your country doesn't mean that it isn't popular almost everywhere else.



Ruturaj · 1 hour ago
They are talking about market share not particular users. If noone from people you know buys Huawei it can still get to second position. The world has population beside people you know.


kiko007 · 1 hour ago
You take home the "No s**t Sherlock" award this evening. Congrats....


dimas · yesterday 23:27
Go Huawei. Have real goals set to make every product affordable and high quality.


Tariq123 · yesterday 23:29
Xiaomi gonna be second place soon lol


maple_mak · 1 hour ago
Don't think so Xiaomi new smartphones like Mi Note 2 Mi 5S doesn't sell globally since it announced even Note 2 and Mi Mix won't available at Malaysia and Singapore what a shame.


 -------------译者: 哔哩哔哩哩长-审核者:izzmo------------

ibend · 17 min ago
nope they already get 4th place last year and then thrown away to 6th place this year
thanks to their limited production capacity


Hallyu · yesterday 23:43 
Regarding to its high price and the fact that it's a pure Chinese brand I think it's being too delusional. More likely LG will be the real 2nd place by 2018.


horse · 2 hours ago 
What are you talking about @Hallyu?


Your claim doesn't sound like a wise path of logic to follow.


LG is way behind Huawei in current market share and sheer number of smartphone sales per year.


has a better shot at grabbing the #2 spot in two years than LG.


k Xiaomi and Lenovo/Motorola do have better chances than LG for the #3 spot in two years.


: "More likely LG wil be the real 2nd place by 2018"


idding? Don't kid yourself.


Plasticsh1t · 2 min ago
I thought you were done with this website.



monoke · 1 hour ago
If apple continues to release the same phone for three years in a row they just might.


Leo_MC · 1 hour ago
Let them get first even what do I care?!
I got the devices that suit me - I had no need for Samsung so I haven't got one even though S is no 1; I liked Huawei I got one even though H is no 3; I wanted an Apple device I got one when A was at the bottom of the chart - and I will keep doing that in the future.


maple_mak · 1 hour ago
I don't care which brand will be ranking at first I just only care which device are the best suitable for some consumers because not every human are same.
By the way I loved Mate 9 than Pixel this time! :D

顺便说一下,比起pixel我现在更爱mate 9 :D

lpratas · 48 min ago
They must be sleeping and are in a dream which they still didn't wake up. Keep dreaming with that chance in 2 years aah they must be joking who they think they are? They think because of the Galaxy Note 7 fiasco that they will surpass the biggest smartphone maker? They are totally mistaken and wrong about that. Next year with the Galaxy S8 Samsung will heat them alive.

他们一定正沉睡在一个他们仍不愿醒来的梦乡里。继续做两年的梦吧,aah!他们肯定是在开玩笑,他们以为他们是谁?以为由于Note 7 的惨败,他们就会超越这个最大的智能手机制造商?在这个问题上他们完全错了。明年,随着Galaxy S8 发布,三星将会复苏。


lpratas · 33 min ago
But even so the Huawei Mate 9 seems to be a explendid smartphone.


mygovtcellblog · 29 min ago
Global smartphone giants like Apple and Samsung have failed in the market to a certain extent. Samsung failed because of the battery explosion of its Galaxy Note & Edge smartphones whereas Apple has not been able to attract many new users.

一定程度上,全球智能机巨头苹果和三星在手机市场里已经失败。三星失败是因为glaxy note和edge手机的电池爆炸,苹果是因为已经不能吸引新用户了。

Keeping this in mind Huawei the Chinese smartphone maker is all set to take full advantage of this situation with its flagship phone i.e Huawei Mate 9 Smartphone. The company has added plenty of unique features and specifications that set it apart from any other smartphone in the market.

有鉴于此 ,中国智能机制造商华为,全力让其旗舰机Mate9在当前情况中取得充分优势。华为已经在手机中加入了大量独特的功能和规格,来使自己手机有别于市场上的其他智能机。

lpratas · 25 min ago
That of the Galaxy S7 Edge explosions were isolated cases and were people which wanted a new smartphone and provoked the explosions.

Galaxy s7爆炸是孤立事件,是那些想要新手机的人故意弄爆炸的。
