China’s first female pilot of J-10 fighter jets dies in an air accident
China’s first female pilot of a J-10fighter jet died in a flying accident on Saturday, the day after China ’s airforce day, the Sichuan Communist Youth League reported on social media.
Yu Xu, 30, who was born in Chengdu, thecapital of Sichuan, was a member of the August 1st aerobatics team of thePeople’s Liberation Army’s air force. She was one of few female pilots whocould fly domestically made fighter jets.
According to mainland media reports, Yu’splane plunged to the ground after an unspecified accident, and she was unableto eject in time. The incident occurred in Hebei province.
The reports said Yu was flying with a malepilot, who was able to eject but was injured.
Yu applied to become a pilot in the airforce in 2005 and, four years later, became one of China’s first 16 femalepilots of fighter jets, according to Xinhua News Agency.
The aerobatics team participated in AirshowChina in Zhuhai, Guangdong province, earlier this month.
The aerobatics team was founded in 1962 andnamed after the founding date of the PLA. It’s based at Yangcun Air Force Basenear the city of Tianjin, home to the 24th fighter division.
Besides the August 1st team, China has twoother aerobatic demonstration teams, Sky Wing and Red Falcon, which were bothfounded in 2011.
This year is the 67th anniversary of theair force, which was set up on November 11, 1949.
AlecFerr4 hours 36 min ago
Before anti-China posters start spoutinglies, the J-10 is based upon the SU-27 from Russia. Both of these planes havenot crashed any more often than the F-16 and F-15 fighters in America.
Being part of aerobatic team is dangerous.They fly close to the ground and near each other. Even one misunderstanding canlead to collision and deaths. Earlier this year a Blue Angel pilot here inAmerica crashed and died. Last year two died.
My impression is that her plane collidedwith another plane while they were practicing maneuvers. She must have beentrying to save the plane to enable her copilot to eject. A sad day no matterwhat.
在反华喷子开始喷粪之前,J-10是基于俄罗斯的SU-27制造的(估计他没搞清楚J11和J10)。 这两架飞机没有比美国的F-16和F-15战斗机更频繁地坠毁。成为特技队的一员是非常危险的。它们靠近地面飞行,彼此靠近。即使一个小的误解也可能导致碰撞和死亡。今年早些时候在美国,一个蓝天使(飞行表演队)的飞行员驾驶的飞机坠毁并且飞行员死亡。去年死了2个人。
我的感觉应该是这样的,她的飞机与另一架飞机碰撞时,他们正在练习机动。 她一直在试图挽救飞机,并且让她的副驾驶弹出。不管怎么样,悲伤的一天。
S. Rogers1 hour 53 min ago
1) I'm an American and 2) have beeninvolved with aviation, including military aviation for 50 years. Anyone who'sspouting off about "inferior Chinese" aircraft or pilots inconnection with this story needs to shut the heck up. In the kind of flyingthis young lady did, ACCIDENTS HAPPEN. The best pilots in the world in the bestdesigned, built and maintained aircraft in the world, when their job is doingthis sort of flying RISK DEATH. Any moron keyboard jockey who jumps to anopinion about this accident would puke, **** their pants and pass out AS APASSENGER in one of these planes when these pilots do their thing.
Have some respect for real skill andcourage.
vlee29augin reply to: tw.darkmaster@******1 hour 58 min ago
Rest in peace. You have served your countryfaithfully.
As for the post by tw.darkmaster@******
What a mean spirited person you are.
LOPMON9 hours 34 min ago
rest in peace
AlecFerrin reply to: chuday528@******4 hours 39 min ago
The J-10 hasn't crashed any more often thanthe F-16's and F-15's here in America.
Being part of an aerobatic team isdangerous no matter how good your plane is made.
mt_89in reply to: tw.darkmaster@******2 hours 3 min ago
Let's hope you die next
chuday528@******9 hours 5 min ago
Sloppy designs, maintenance and no one isaccountable even if people die, cos human lives worth less than power and rmb
trimblesasia@******9 hours 23 min ago
Very sad
Edwina Lee1 hour 51 min ago
Acrobatic flying is dangerous. I hope heraccident would not deter other women from following her footsteps. Rest inpeace.
DILLIGAFF2 hours 4 min ago
Thoughts and prayers on a sad loss.
Richard Clay6 hours 17 min ago
.Get a life you racist pig.
.You need urgently psychological therapy.Your obsession of seeing China fall is driving you crazy.
.Your home country made a really wisedesicion of Denying the entry to a trash like you to return to the country. Nowonder you are wandering here in China trolling and destroying everything youtouch and see.
ZWZ8 hours 13 min ago
SALUTE, Rest in peace.
pdem4 hours 14 min ago
As the experts have written, this kind ofhigh tech plane is flying close to design limits, so there will be accidents.As for the comments regarding the airworthiness etc. of the technology, as hasbeen reported these high end Chinese planes have as good a record as forexample US planes. After all China can successfully launch astronauts intospace.
-Finally as regards comments made on thegender of the pilot, you should be ashamed of yourselves. Here I note that thebias is equally to be found among pro- and anti-China elements, without bordersas it were...
Kelvarn3 hours 5 min ago
Duncan you're a POS
Duncan Grove7 hours 49 min ago
And dictatorship is the real method yourcamp uses to oppress the Chinese people and cement the privilege of greedy CCPelite.
HiggsSinglet9 hours 52 min ago
Oh well!!! Poor judgement or inferiorequipment
8 hours 46 min ago
Woman drivers.
tw.darkmaster@******15 hours 30 min ago
captam5 hours 18 min ago
@Hanche11 : "Women drivers"............... ,
Quite probably looking for her handbagbefore hitting the eject button.
ignatzmouse11@******5 hours 6 min ago
Good to see that the Communist Propagandamachine is ready to go. If you look most postings were RIP. It is dangerous andpeople seem to understand that. But as usual the CCP needs to jump in with"its worse in America" which is disrespectful to the young lady whogave her life. You are a sad people and I pity you for your insecurity.
welovetheworld3 hours 25 min ago
Just like a cold blooded brutal dictator,Hillary would laugh when someone had dies
moonchekhov@******3 hours 2 min ago
What is the point of having this kind ofdangerous show?
lucifer2 hours 38 min ago
Sure...the first US Navy women carrieraircraft pilot flew off the deck into the sea near San Diego.....she died too.
micoyung41 min 55 sec ago
It is quite sad that almost all HongKongers in non SCMP media's forums are happy with her death. This speaks to thefailure of the HK government and CCP in misreading the political situation inHong Kong.
令人非常遗憾的是,在非南华早报媒体论坛上,几乎所有香港人都对她的死亡感到高兴。 这说明香港政府和中共判断香港政治局势上的失败。
tw.darkmaster@******4 hours 57 min ago
hahaha. So easy to trigger the CCP wumaos、、
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