Beijing (AFP) - Chinese state-run media lauded Donald Trump Tuesday after a phone call between him and President Xi Jinping saying that the president-elect's emergence could mark a "reshaping" of Sino-American relations.
The pair spoke Monday when Xi said that the two powers needed to co-operate and Trump's office said the leaders "established a clear sense of mutual respect for one another".
mopeymopey2 days ago
He hasn't even taken office yet and our enemies are already willing to make peace. Jeez Obama what the heck have you been doing these last 8 years?
Saint Preferred2 days ago
"Chinese state-run media lauded Donald Trump Tuesday after a phone call between him and President Xi Jinping..."
Funny the US state-run media hasn't been doing that.
Trump is a pragmatic businessman - something the Chinese and the Russians both respect. Perhaps we can truly hit the reset button this time.
frank2 days ago
Like Hispanics Asians admire succesful business men.
Trump is superb in his dealing with China and Russia. Both countries hated Obama with a passion and 4 years of Hillary and Obama's agenda would certainly have resulted in the greatest catastrophe this world has ever known.
ruu shavaryesterday
Trump has already done more for US international relations than Obama did in his two combined terms. I love it.
lg2 days ago
Mr. Trump's done business with China for years and they're kissing up because he's about to get tough.
I see the Trump-haters (aka Demotrolls) and the Trump cultists both jumping to conclusions about what this means. People it's TOO EARLY to tell.
Yes I'm glad Obozo is going and I'm really glad Crazy Hillary lost but regarding Trump I'm in wait-and-see mode.
Trump has been president elect for less than a week and everything is already falling into place. Both Canada and Mexico plan to renegotiate NAFTA. Mexico is considering talks about the walk and is preparing for mass deportation. Russia wants to help us destroy ISIS. China thinks our relationships will be better. The UK is very optimistic of relationships with the US. TPP was declared dead. All good things. Meanwhile our local press still hasn't accepted the fact that he will be our next president.
kurt2 days ago
All the duped Donald the Dumpster supporters who believed Trump when he said he would be tough on China LOL China just paid him a compliment.
He never demonized China. Only pointed out that they were getting away with murder financially with us which they were. But he never blamed them for that. He rightfully put the blame on our dumb government.
Wow! Well that's interesting!
the dudeyesterday
The world will respect an American much more than a manchild socialist. Mutually beneficial trade created allies and prosperity nobody owes the other anything. Just business.
You tRump believers are so gullible if he pasted out kool-aid you'd eagerly drink it. He already had a relationship with the Chinese so now he'll be able to profit from it much better as president. He's going to do what he's always done only in grand style now that is line his pockets. That's what he does best. He'll suck up to an potential cash cow no matter what their former diplomatic status has been with the US government. Just show up with the briefcase full of cash we'll talk about it.
你们这些川普粉最好骗。如果他去发kool-aid(Kool-aid 是黑人贫民区居民的常见的廉价饮料。如果你是白人卖kool-aid别人会认为你是种族歧视)你们绝对立马就喝。他已经和中国建立了关系,所以现在,作为一个总统,他可以更好地从中获利。他将以豪华的方式这么干,中饱私囊,就像他以前做的。那是他的的拿手好戏。他会给有潜力的摇钱树拍马屁,无论他们以前和美国政府的关系如何,处在怎样的外交地位。只要你带着一个装满现金的手提箱现身,我们就可以谈事情。
Trump is going to improve the lives of all Americans. Even the ones who hate him.
Watch what happens all of you left wing alarmists and thugs.
This may be a lesson in "The Art of the Deal" for you to see since your reading seems to be limited to left wing propaganda.
Obama's self absorption and ignorance of international psychology a lack of basic negotiation skills because of his arrogance will be on display most vividly when compared to what a competent man does daily.
Wu Mao for Breakfastyesterday
"The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting."
from "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu (6th century BC)
President Trump will be a combination of
Roosevelt "Speak softly but carry a big stick"
Reagan "Trust but verify" & "Peace thru strength"
Countries respect a strong leader who says what he means and means what he says ... That is why 0bama & Hillary has been Russian/North Korean/Chinese doormats
Zombie Woofyesterday
Trump just outsmarted the best the Republicans the Dems and the media could throw at him. He will be fine with China.
The nut nob leftist globalists that just got the boot were the ones causing carnage around the globe. Trump will be firm but he will also be fair. I truly thin k world peace is once again at hand.
This is what happens when you don't have a pansy who hates America in the White House. The world starts behaving.
When the People's Republic of China speaks in glowing terms about a US politician deep suspicion here in the USA is warranted. The Red Chinese are hard driven all-out master manipulators. Best to watch the new President-elect closely on this one.
Joel9 hours ago
let's recap: leaders all over the world calling him China likes him Russia likes him the dollar is surging and we just downgraded to DEFCON 5.
shouldn't we be giving him the Nobel Peace Prize?
简要概括:全世界领导人都打电话给他,中国和俄罗斯都喜欢他。美元在增值,我们已经降到了第五级(DEFCON5=和平时期美军战备状态;DEFCON4=进入初级战备状态 地面部队被授予作战权, 冷战时代的美国大多数时期处于该级别;DEFCON3=海空军部队被授予作战权,美军通信采用加密,9/11前后美军一度进入此级别;DEFCON2=作战前夕状态;DEFCON1=美国本土遭入侵或即将遭到核打击 全军进入最高作战状态)。我们是不是应该给他颁个诺贝尔和平奖?
Only re-emphasizes the fact that OUR COMMUNITY AGITATOR destroyer in chief is clueless and the world knows it...The bought and paid for American media can't brainwash them the way they do with mush heads here!!! Iran had been getting billions of $$$$ and Obama administration pleads the fifth as where the cash in different currency -14 billion dollars in fact Obama delivered to Iran came from !!
G money G Tard G man....yesterday
Screw China with their communist government and their slave labor workforce. We don't need them and never did. Granted China men/Chinese immigrants not the country of China helped build our transcontinental railroads. I respect the Chinese and well all people but not their or all governments!
Anytime i see China and Russia saying good things about the President of the US i get very nervous..
Blue Surfyesterday
AMERICA FIRST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Seems like the US and China's relationship with Trump is starting off well. Let's give him a chance to do a good job with them.
The Libertarianyesterday
Japan Taiwan and S Korea should nuke up. It's time for people to be prepared to defend themselves. The US should not be on the hook for protecting every nation on Earth from aggressors.
Obama's greatest achievement? Bumping Kennedy/Carter out of 'the worst president ever' debate. Congrats! That wasn't easy.
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...