What should the Muslims do regarding conquered countries?
In the seventh century, Islam came into being in the Arabian peninsula. They conquered large portions of the old world, and now Islam rules over huge portions of the earth.
Should they give back what was conquered and go back to Saudi Arabia?
Claire J. Vannette, mouthy broad
I'm confused. You think that perhaps, these people should "go back to Saudi Arabia"?
They are Indonesian. In all likelihood, they have never been to Saudi Arabia. Nor their ancestors.
There are 1.5 billion Muslims in the world. Billion, with a B. The overwhelming majority do not reside and have never resided in Saudi Arabia. Their parents weren't from Saudi Arabia. Their grandparents. Keep going up the tree as far as you want. People can't "go back" to a place they're not from.
Furthermore, people are not responsible for the sins of their ancestors. If they are, then we're all guilty as hell, because every group of people has done something shitty to another group of people. That's what humans do. What do you think we did to the Neanderthals and Denisovans? Politely asked them to die out and let us take over the joint?
Furthermore, many of the Muslims who engaged in successful conquest were not Arabs. The Seljuq Turks, for example, ran roughshod over Asia Minor and created the Ottoman Empire.
Furthermore, forcing people to leave their homes and live somewhere else because of their identity is called ethnic cleansing. It's a crime against humanity.
Furthermore, 1.5 billion people can't live in Saudi Arabia.You seem to have many, many misconceptions about Muslims.
Abdulrahman Khan, Muslim, Industrial Engineer, poet(穆斯林,工业工程师,诗人)
I found a nice cartoon that sums up some good answers here:
The population of Egypt is almost 90 millions. 9% are identified as Coptic Christians. Still, if you pick a random sample, you cannot tell whether he is a Muslim or a Christian, since most of Muslim ethnicity in Egypt is Coptic too. The reason is because the conquest of Arabs was not racial and any race can join their project as described by one of them when he said "We came to liberate people from worshiping slaves to worshiping the lord of the slaves". Many Coptic later joined forces to conquer North Africa and then one of the leaders that conquered Spain was a Berber, Tariq ibn Ziyad. The same thing applies to many other countries.
Tanveer Ahmed(艾哈迈德)
Either you must be brain-washed or delusional enough not to read an iota of history to ask a question like this. Conquered?? You are speaking like the Native american massacre (where whole generations of native americans were mercilessly killed and systematically destoyed). Native americans are virtually non-existent and whoever remained were integrated into the european way of life. An entire culture, way of life wiped out. Similarly what happened to aztecs, mayans.
I don't want to elaborate but take the example of Indian sub-continent. Islam arrived on 710 A.D in the present area of Sindh(Pakistan). Since then muslim dynasties have ruled the indian sub-continent for over a thousand years. And they ruled over a majority of non-muslim populations. Even now, India has 4 times as many hindus compared to muslims even though muslims have ruled for thousands of years. Akbar the great was very much an indian and had zero ancestral linkage to the arabs.
Thats the difference to what the european invaders did to what the muslim rulers did.
They have intermingled with the local populations to such an extent that arabs now are just a small subset of muslims. There are muslims in China, Russia, Indonesia, the persians (modern day Iranian muslims) are very different from the Arabs (Saudi Arabia).
Cyrus M
But Muslims are not settlers in the way your question makes them out to be.
My family is also Muslim, from Iran. I wouldn't be surprised if my ancestors centuries ago were coerced into becoming Muslim, but that doesn't change the fact they are still from Iran. The descendants of Iranians forced to become Muslim have no reason to "retreat" and "go back to Saudi Arabia".
Anyway, even if all Muslims in the world have ancestry from what's now Saudi Arabia doesn't mean they are from there now. You can't "go back" to a country your ancestors came from 1500 years ago. You are from wherever you were born and raised.
Nick du Plessis, I've been an avid reader of history since I learned how to read.
Nothing, unless you are prepared to also reverse the Roman Empire's embrace of Christianity, restore the pre-Christian gods, reverse European colonization of the Americas, and on and on.
Scott Young, Commissioning Specialist Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
My grandparents are from Germany and Scotland. When they came to settle in Western Canada they got land from the governments that went on a war campaign and conquered large portions of the new world. They massacred and trampled and destroyed, and now European descendants rule over huge portions of the earth.
Should I go "back" to either of these countries?
What is your historical background? I can pretty much guarantee that they kicked somebody, somewhere, some when out of someplace. Should you apologize to those people and go back to where your ancestors came from?
Ishita Samaddar, Curious and Accepting
Interesting question. I think it would have the same answer as the following question - So I invite your comments on this -
Should Christians retreat from all the countries they conquered?
The missionaries and pilgrims were usually the scouting parties for the military and economic forces coming behind them on their way to conquer new territory.
Should they give back what was conquered and go back to their respective countries? (I am not even making the ridiculous suggestion of asking them to go back to the Vatican City - Just go back to Spain/England/France or wherever your forefathers originally came from)
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