世界看中国(番外篇):你觉得中国菜怎么样? [美国媒体]


What do you think of Chinese food?


Barry Bond, 13 years teaching and learning in China
巴里 · 邦德,在中国任教和学习13年

Chinese food is awesome. And some of it's horrible.
Just like every other culture’s food. Tastes and preferences are personal, right?
I mean I absolutely love some Chinese dishes. Garlic Cai Xing, Ginseng Chicken Soup, Mala Tang, Chang Fen, Muslim meat skewers, Ginseng Fried Beef, almost any fried noodles. Of course some Chinese dishes I hate. But overall genuine Chinese food has got to be the best food on Earth. IF I had to choose one.
That's where I believe Canada has a huge advantage. We eat food from every culture. The choices available to us are many times more than available in China. I grew up on a wide variety of foods. Ironically the Chinese food I loved as a child is more of a junk food with tons of added sugar. Apparently someone thought Westerners can't handle real Chinese food. How wrong were they. When I move back to Canada it will be Chinese food that I miss the most.
As I've gotten older though I've adapted my own cooking to be healthier. And as I see it that's a flaw within Chinese cuisine. It seems to be quite unchangeable. People like what they like and don't seem to want to change. Switching brown rice for the far less healthy white rice is practically impossible. Using coconut oil instead of cheap vegetable oils never happens. Removing fat from the meat and adding more vegetables is contrary to the belief that “meat is prosperity.” Chinese food is truly good but could really stand to be upxed in these regards. Either way though I will always crave and enjoy it.

我想说我绝对喜欢中国菜,蒜蓉菜心,参鸡汤,麻辣烫,肠粉,穆斯林烤肉串,Ginseng Fried Beef(注:人参炒牛肉?这个没看懂),几乎任何形式的炒面,当然也有我讨厌的中国菜,但总的来说,如果我必须选择一个的话,那么正宗的中国菜必须是地球上最好的食物。


随着年龄的增长,我调整了自己的烹饪方法,以使自己变得更健康,在我看来,这是中国菜的一个缺陷,这似乎是不可改变的,人们喜欢他们喜欢的东西,而且似乎不想改变,将糙米换成不太健康的白米几乎是不可能的,用椰油代替廉价的植物油永远不会发生,去除肉中的脂肪并增加更多的蔬菜,这与“ 有肉才代表丰盛”的信念背道而驰,中国菜真的很好吃,但在这些方面确实应该得到更新。

Judith Meyer, Reading Chinese novels and visited China
朱迪思 · 迈耶,读中国小说,去过中国

In 2004 I spent 6 weeks in the university district in Beijing and I ate at a variety of cheap restaurants there. Since these were places not frequented by tourists, their menus were only in Chinese, usually without pictures even. So I couldn't understand and I'd just pick a dish at random and then make sure it's not too spicy.
Eating random authentic Chinese food for 6 weeks lunch and dinner, I never once had a dish I didn't like.
(The same cannot be said about Chinese food in Europe; once you've had the real thing, you'll never like the Europeanized crap again.)
I only had Western food once in all this time, and not by choice. A friend had requested pizza for her birthday, so we went to a comparatively expensive Italian restaurant. That was a mistake; the pizza tasted totally weird because of Asian spices they had used. I guess it's the equivalent of adjusting Chinese food for European tastes when in Europe. Still, if you're going to China, be sure to eat only Asian food. And stay clear from the expensive stuff or anything called a delicacy - those are exotic meats etc. that Westerns might not appreciate.


—— 连续6周的午餐和晚餐,随机吃中国菜 —— 没有一道菜是我不喜欢的——
(  跟欧洲的中国菜不一样,一旦你吃了真正的中国菜,你就再也不会喜欢那种欧洲化的垃圾食品了。)

那段时间我只吃过一次西餐,还不是自己选择的,一个朋友要求在她生日时吃披萨,所以我们去了一个相对昂贵的意大利餐馆,那是个错误,因为他们使用亚洲香料,披萨的味道很奇怪, 我猜这相当于在欧洲调整中国菜以适应欧洲人的口味,不过,如果你要去中国,一定要只吃亚洲菜,并且远离昂贵的东西或任何被称为美味的食物——那些兴许是异国的“肉类”等等,西方人可能欣赏不来。

Farzan Safavi, former CEO and Founder at FoodLove (2015-2017)
Farzan Safavi,FoodLove 前首席执行官兼创始人( 2015-2017 )

Delicious but not necessarily as healthy as it should be due to excessive oil, aggressive amount of spices and salt.
Eating out in China is a form of social gathering and entertainment. People negotiate business deals, debate, discuss and exchange ideas.
I love the hot pot from Chongqing, Chengdu and Guiyang region. Cantonese food is to die for especially for its sweet and sour taste. Peking duck is a must to eat while you are in China.
Food in China is surely delicious and sometimes you have more options to explore than in any other country. China has mastered cooking eggplants and vegetables in a super tasty manner.


Let's take a look


However, most people main concerns is food safety, sanitation and quality of the food. Certain food items are not as high quality as in the west, especially Europe. I find the varieties of vegetables and fruits a lot healthier in China than USA, for instance the government recently banned GMO products, previous to that GMO was only used for rice and oil only.
Meat and dairy quality is not as high as Europe. Even the beef you buy in the store does not taste as good. Dairy products are more artificial than natural. Food safety is also a big major issue. Many restaurants do not follow the sanitation rules and street food is known to be unsafe. However, living here I have only been food poisoned once and somehow your body will adapt to the new environment. I hardly get sick in China.


John Kuo, Known to have cooked 500 sausages in under 2 hours on several occasions
John Kuo,曾多次在不到2小时内煮过500条香肠

This is what the great James Beard had to say about Chinese food:
In all the world there are only two really great cuisines:  the Chinese and the French.  China's was created first, untold centuries ago, and is judged to be the greater when executed by superb chefs.  It is the most complicated cuisine; it uses ingredients no other employs; and it is distinctive in that, for the most part, it is cuisine a la minute.
-- James Beard, 1973

这是大神詹姆斯 · 比尔德(James Beard)对中国菜的评价:
在这个世界上,只有两种真正伟大的菜系:中国菜和法国菜 。

—— 詹姆斯 · 比尔德,1973年
( 注:詹姆斯 · 比尔德,着名美食家, 詹姆斯 · 比尔德大奖被称为美食界的“ 奥斯卡奖”)

Billy Hughes, lives in China (2012-present)
比利 · 休斯,生活在中国 ( 2012至今 )

Chinese food is wonderful.
There is so much food that is compatible with the western palate. I eat exclusively Chinese food these days living in China, I don’t even go to KFC or McDonalds anymore (and I haven’t for a long time…) there’s so much variety that you can’t go wrong really, some cuisine in China will get your tastebuds moving.
Xinjiang lamb noodles with peppers and onions are my favourite.

中国菜太棒了 。

Chinese pies, I am from a town in England famous for pies and a Chinese pie beats the hell out of anything made there. Really yummy.


This is wonderful, a Chinese pork (you can have green peppers in it also) sandwich.


Sheng Jian Bao - I love a few of these, which out for the juices squirting out.


I know you’re thinking, ‘eggs tomatoes and noodles, so what>’ but add some chili oil into that bad boy and that’s one of the best meals you’ll ever have, have it every Monday at my local Muslim noodle place. 10 RMB - a bargain!

我知道你在想什么,这不过是鸡蛋番茄条嘛,能怎样 ——只要往这上面上加点辣椒油,这会是你吃过的最好的一顿饭,每周一我都会在当地的穆斯林面店吃这个,10块软妹币——超便宜!

Chinese fried aubergine dish, absolutely wonderful


Ruben Wagner, has been working in the search optimization since 2012
I've always loved Chinese food but it was only recently after going to China that I've realized how very different the Western Chinese food is from what they eat.
I've had the real'sweet and sour chicken'prepared by my friend who lives in the province it's famous for - as well as 'honey spring chicken' and a wide array of other dishes.
On the other hand he has also cooked 'cola chicken' - but the one thing I love about China so far is the diversity of different foods.
Delicious fried breads with accompaniments, roasted meats, succulent stir frys and all the rest.
The best part is the price... It can cost me one UK pound (maybe $1.60) to go to a restaurant and get a plate of stir fried beef and vegetables and bottomless rice bowls (I've become somewhat of a chopstick ninja) or I can cook a meal for 4 people for just 2-3 dollars (a big meal too).
So what do you all think of Chinese food, do you think it's better than western food..?

我吃过真正的“ 糖醋鸡 ”,是我朋友为我准备的,他住的这个省份以这道菜闻名,这道菜名叫“ 蜂蜜童子鸡 ”(注:蜜汁春鸡?),当然还有很多各式各样的菜肴。

他还煮了“ 可乐鸡(翅) ”——但迄今为止,我最喜欢中国的一点是不同食物的多样性。
最棒就是价格。。。我花一英镑 ( 约1.60美元 ) 就可以去餐馆吃一盘蔬菜炒牛肉,一大碗米饭 ( 我已经有点像筷子忍者了 ),或者我可以为4个人做一顿饭,只要2-3美元(一顿大餐)。

Svetoslav Dimitrov, Worked in China for 3 months. Written several articles on my experience there
托斯拉夫 · 季米特洛夫,在中国工作了3个月,写了几篇关于我在那里的经历的文章

Chinese food, oh, Chinese food.
Before I start, I will have to say it is way, waaaay different in China than in the Western world. Yes, there are some similarities, but anyway who has been to China, including me, would tell you that it is different.
This being said, it is one of the best foods I have tried and at the same time there are things that are really so disgusting. Take smelly tofu, for example. I mean - just standing 10 metres away from it outside on the street was unbearable. I didn’t have the guts to try it.
On the other hand, Beijing duck’s succulent skin, dipped in sweet sauce, and the duck’s absolutely scrumptious fillet seasoned with some soy sauce make all your senses cheerfully celebrate.
There are also the dim sum, the hot pot (something like the French fondue where instead in cheese, you dip your food in two hot bouillons [spicy and milky] and eat the vegetables and meat after that), the delectable fish soups in the Cantonese (Guangdong) region, and so many more.
I believe it is a food which is quite healthy since it only takes like a couple of minutes to fry the food (yes, it is fried but it is stir-fried not deep-fried) which preserves many of the vitamins and nutrients. Plus, you can have a fresh meal every single day and for every meal. Steamed rice is also a must and is a staple food in China (and elsewhere in Eastern China, I guess).
As any other cuisine, it has its delicious and not-so-delicious meals, but, in general, it is really tasty and hearty.
Just watch out because the Chinese use “ganbei” for “cheers” which literally means “bottoms-up” so they will drink anything, including red wine, like that.
Manmanchi (enjoy your meal)!

在我开始之前,我必须说,中国的“ 中国菜 ”与西方世界的“中国菜”远远不同,是,有些相似之处,但无论是谁,包括我,只要去过中国,都会告诉你,两者天差地别。

另一方面,北京烤鸭的肉皮酥脆,蘸上甜酱汁,经过酱油调味的鸭肉多汁鲜嫩,绝对的美味,吃一口让你全身上下倍感欢愉。还有点心,火锅 ( 有点像法式火锅,但不用奶酪), 把食物浸在热腾腾的香辣辣的(或者乳白色不辣的)汤里,然后吃蔬菜和肉,还有广东地区美味的鱼汤,还有很多很多美味。

我相信中国菜是一种非常健康的食物,因为它只需要几分钟就能把食物烹熟 ( 是,它用油,但它是炒的而不是油炸的 ),它保存了许多维生素和营养,此外,每一天都可以吃上新鲜的饭菜,每顿都有米饭,米饭在中国是必不可少的,而且是中国的主食 ( 我猜在中国东部其它地方也一样 ) 。
另外,要注意一点,因为中国人用“ganbei”表示“ cheers”,字面意思是“ 干杯 ”,他们会一口喝下去,包括红酒。
(Manmanchi) 慢慢吃!(享用你的美餐吧)

James Traimory
It's pretty good.
I have had my share of both "real" and "fake" Chinese food. Yes, I am aware that the fortune cookie was invented in San Francisco, that Panda Express is full of MSG, etc.
Nonetheless, I frequent Panda Express more than I should, and I still enjoy the food, despite the various concoctions of syrups for each chicken item.
Fake Chinese Food Verdict: Good
Now comes the good stuff: Dim sum, yum cha, and the multifarious noodle dishes. I love this stuff too. For everything that's steamed, there's a crunchy, soft-on-the-inside, fried version. Dumplings? Potstickers! Steamed wontons? Fried wontons! Misua? Chow mein! Although walking through a typical chinese market can get a bit disorienting when I see copper-collard pigs rotating on the spit, I fully enjoy most Chinese dishes. I've heard that anything goes in China, but I typically stick to chicken and seafood regardless. And although that greasy, sweet Panda Express really hits the spot, I often prefer some decent Chinese food instead -- much more satisfying.
Real Chinese Food Verdict: Better.

我吃过 " 真的 "和" 假的 "中国菜。我知道“ 福饼 ”是在旧金山发明的,“ 熊猫快餐 ”(Panda Express,美国着名中餐馆)的中国菜里面满是味精等等。
尽管如此,我还是经常吃“ 熊猫快餐 ”,而且我仍然喜欢吃那里的食物,尽管每种鸡肉都有各种各样的糖浆混合物。
“ 假”中国菜评价:好。


Niki Lew, 18 Years in fashion biz, 10 years now in Finance, 4 years as a yoga teacher
Niki Lew,在时尚界工作了18年,在金融领域工作了10年,做了4年的瑜伽老师

I never thought Chinese food is kinky, that is a new twist. But Chinese food is broad when you have so many regions ranging from Cantonese, Shanghai, Beijing, Szechaun, zhejiang….each region uses different spice, intensity of heat, preparation…etc. The complexity of food in China is so complex, even Michelin Star critic are blown away because Chinese cuisine incorporates texture, taste, presentation more than any cuisine found around the world.

我从不认为中国菜是古怪的,这是一个新的转折,中国菜分类非常广泛,广东,上海,北京,四川,浙江。。如此众多的地区,每个地区都使用不同的香料、热度、原料等等。 在中国,食物的复杂性很惊人,甚至连米其林星级评论家也被震惊了,因为中国的美食比世界上任何一种美食都更有质感、更有味道,呈现方式更多。

Mari Seto, born in Japan, raised in 3 continents, now living in Germany
Mari Seto,出生于日本,在三大洲长大,现居德国

It’s a savior for me, especially when I’m outside of Asia and I can’t get hold of decent Japanese food i.e. think American country side). After a couple of days of non Japanese food, I start craving for a bowl of rice and soy sauce flavored dish badly. In these desperate times, Chinese food is a savior because the quality is consistently pretty good and the flavor is familiar.
Thank you Chinese people, for settling all over the world, and not settling to eating local food.


Karen Opas, I worked in more than a few restaurants.
凯伦 · 奥帕斯,我在几家餐馆工作过

Asking a question about "Chinese" food is a bit like asking a question about "European" food, in that it is a huge country with extremely different culinary traditions that have developed organically over the centuries. Northern pastoral cultures have BBQ that can make you weep with longing to taste it again, for example.
In Vancouver, I was lucky enough to have access to many different dishes that originated in different parts of China and I don't ever recall having had a bad meal. I might choose not to eat tripe or jellyfish, but that has more to do with a texture I don't enjoy, as the flavor profiles of the dishes I've had with those ingredients has been very tasty.



Manju Muthaiya, Foodie
I've only eaten the Indo-Chinese version that is popular in India.
I love it, but not too frequently, because I can't really tell the difference from one dish to another. It always seems to taste of soy sauce and chilly sauce flavors. (Note: Maybe this is because I'm vegetarian. I can't taste the unique flavours of each Chinese dish)

( 注:也许这是因为我是素食主义者,我尝不出每道中国菜的独特风味。)

Damien Defranco, Serial Entrepreneur, Venture Capitalist, Consultant & Mentor
I spent a lot of time in and out of China mainland and Hong Kong from 2010-current. So I’ve had the chance to taste food from many regions. Thousands and thousands of different dishes over the years.
I’ve also had the chance to eat Americanized Chinese food from living in Canada.
As long as it’s not moving, I’m good with it.
As long as it’s not cat, I’m good with it.
As long as it’s not dog, I’m good with it.
Chinese food comes in all types. I’ve been cooking it for years myself too.
It’s amazing food.


Savitha Kartha, studied at University of Mumbai
I love Chinese food. In fact, the indian version of Chinese food!. The spring rolls, vegetable fried rice, vegetable noodles, all these are just awesome.
Just had it yesterday and enjoyed every bit of it!.


Christopher Stanton, Part-time professional chef with catering and event management experience.
克里斯托弗 · 斯坦顿,具有餐饮和会展管理经验的兼职专业厨师

Chinese cuisine is one of the oldest and most refined there is. Few other styles of cooking can hold a candle to well-prepared Chinese food. Sadly, few Westerners have ever tasted the real thing. Too often it is "Westernized" half to death (e.g., chop suey) or made with inferior ingredients. Either way, the result is closer to a TV dinner than fine dining.

不幸的是,很少有西方人尝过真正的中国菜,它往往被“西化”到半死不活 ( 例如,“ 李鸿章杂碎  :chop suey),或者是用劣质食材做的,无论哪种方式,结果都更接近“ 快餐”,而不是美食。

Eva Maria Snyder, I like to cook
伊娃 · 玛丽亚 · 斯奈德,我喜欢烹饪

I love Chinese food.  Chinese food in America is not like Chinese food in China.  Chop Suey  is a famous "Chinese" dish in the US.  
Americans are most familiar with Cantonese style food.  Americans eat a lot of Egg Rolls, Fried Rice, Lo Mien, and Sweet and Sour Chicken.   My favorite was always General Tso's Chicken (a sweet, slightly spicy, deep-fried chicken dish).  Another dish that seems to have a Western origin.
My parents are not Asian at all, but we made Sweet and Sour Chicken and Moo Goo Gai Pan at home.
Recently Americans are learning about other Asian cuisines and learning to appreciate real Chinese food.   I noticed in a TV show recently that the police ordered Thai take out food instead of the traditional Chinese take out.
My favorite Spicy Asian restaurant sells the usual American Chinese dishes as well as authentic Szechuan food.

美国人最熟悉粤菜,美国人吃的大多是鸡蛋卷,炒饭,捞面,甜和糖醋鸡,我最喜欢的总是左宗棠鸡 ( 一种甜的,稍辣的,油炸的鸡 ),这是一种似乎起源于西方的菜。
我最喜欢的餐馆“Spicy Asian ”现在既卖普通的美式中国菜,也卖正宗的四川菜。

Thea Lewis
Chinese food has many different types, different cooking methods, and different cuisines. Color, smell and taste are the three important characteristics of real Chinese cuisine.
The Soul of Chinese food lies in its great taste depending on the many aspects, the ingredients, the cooking skill and method, the time, the heat and so on. Chinese taste can be of five different types namely bitter, sour, salty, hot and sweet. Different regions in China have different tastes in their food. And different combinations will create different dishes.


Jay Rogers, Call Center Representative (2016-present)
It's incredible! I always love Chinese food though it varies from restaurant to restaurant. The cooking is fresh, the steam is priceless, and each ingredient is perfected with love. Some of my favorites are:
Fried rice (chicken, beef, shrimp, pork)
Wonton soup
Egg drop soup
Lo mein (chicken, beef, shrimp, pork)
Spring rolls hot dipped in soy sauce
Meat with broccoli or mushroom and steamed rice

炒饭 ( 鸡肉,牛肉,虾,猪肉 )。
捞面 ( 鸡肉、牛肉、虾、猪肉)。

Joshua Widgery, 10+ years working in hospitality and 3 years running a catering business
Joshua Widgery,10年以上酒店工作经历,3年经营餐饮业
Omg I love Chinese food. My wife and I recently discovered an all you can eat Chinese restaurant near our house and I'm in heaven. It is awesome!
If you haven't had sweet and sour meatballs before, do yourself a favour and get some right now!
Dang now I'm all excited.


Isaiah Pablo
It’s healthy - I love how authentic Chinese food is healthy. It’s full of protein, vegetables, meat, list goes on. I tried Chow Mein the other day and it tasted different from what i’m used to.
It’s diverse - I love how there’s so many different dishes. My favorite American-Chinese dishes are Lo Mein, Eggrolls, Wontons, General Tso’s, crispy chicken wings, fried rice, sweet and sour chicken, list goes on. I’ve been to Chinese restaurants countless times since i was a kid and i still have yet to explore most of the dishes.
It’s artistic - I used to hate eating with chopsticks as a kid because i couldn’t do it. I learned how to later on. It took patience. I appreciated chopsticks even more. I made Wontons at home and i loved how simple it was.




Amisha Sengupta
Chinese cuisine includes styles originating from the diverse regions of China, as well as from Chinese people in other parts of the world.
Delicacies include:
Cold dishes: Cold dishes, especially appetizers, can range from jelly, beancurd, noodle dishes, pork or chicken, to jellyfish to cold soups.
Chinese sausage: Chinese sausage is commonly darker and thinner than western sausages. The most common sausage is made of pork and pork fat. Flavor is generally salty-sweet.
Soups and Chinese pickles
Snacks: It is common to eat noodles, especially soup-noodles between regular meals or in the evening, and many types of street foods, which vary from region to region.
Whether you are craving wonton soup or savory lo mein the best Chinese recipes are guaranteed to trump your take-out from Localegs . I had ordered from LocaLegs online and it was the yummiest dine I ever had with my family. Lucky people chennaites are blessed with good food restaurants over there.

* 冷盘:冷菜,特别是开胃菜,果冻,豆腐,面条,猪肉或鸡肉,水母,冷汤。
* 中式香肠:中国香肠通常比西方香肠更黑更薄,最常见的香肠是由猪肉和猪油制成的,味道一般是咸甜口。
* 汤和中国泡菜。
* 小吃:吃面条是很常见的,特别是在正餐之间或晚上吃面条,还有许多街头食品,因地区而异。


Dave Hodgkinson, I like cooking and eating. Been cooking since I was a kid.
戴夫 · 霍奇金森,我喜欢烹饪和饮食,我小的时候就开始做饭了

I like it. Full of umami. I’ve had “authentic” Chinese food in London, Cantonese in Hong Kong and real Chinese food in Taiwan. Oh, and cook at home.
It’s good.
I’m probably level 3 of 5. Pigs feet fine. Intestines, less so. Weird stuff less so.


Andrew Mateskon, works at Legacy Polycultures
We ate our way through Taiwan, the food is incredible. Very nicely balanced grown-up flavors (stinky tofu is a little too grown up for me though). The salty-sweet-spicy combination is very prent, as well as the umami-salty-savory combination. Much better than Western mush, which is made for children's taste. (As Bill Mollison says)

非常均衡的成人口味( 虽然臭豆腐对我来说有点难 )。 咸-甜-辛的组合以及鲜-咸-香的组合非常普遍,比西式的糊糊好多了,糊糊是为孩子们的口味而准备的。 ( 正如比尔 · 莫里森所说 )

Sijin Stephen
I love authentic chinese food.. (in fact i love all kinds of food)
Used to work in Vancouver canada. Many of my colleagues were chinese. They used to take me to chinese joints often.
Chinese have one of the healthiest diets among non vegetarians. Mostly boiled and such a huge variety.
The localized indian chinese food is ok, but its nothing compared to the real one.
Korean , Vietnamese Japanese and thai food are quite different but with some similarity with chinese.
Thai food and vietnamese have lot of coconut unlike other asian foods.

我喜欢正宗的中国菜。( 事实上我喜欢各种各样的美食 )

Dr Francesca Zampollo
I personally love it! I’ve eaten some glorious Chinese food =)
but I also think that in some countries (Italy for example) it is highly misrepresented, and it is, on average, quite terrible. I’m sure there are various reasons why this happens, but I just want to say that it’s a shame. the average Italian probably will never eat good Chinese food, and after giving is a few tries, he will probably give up.

但我也认为,在一些国家( 例如意大利 ),它被高度歪曲,通常来说,是相当糟糕,我相信发生这种情况的原因有很多,但我只想说这是一种耻辱,一般普通意大利人可能永远不会吃到好的中国菜,在尝试几次之后,他很可能会放弃。

Chouki Dhani Resort, Chouki Dhani - Rajasthani Village Resort with Urban Amenities
About Chinese food, Chinese cuisine has many characteristic like its color, aroma, taste, meaning and appearance. Chinese food is so delicious, so yummy and delectable that you can’t control yourself to eat when you see. Majority of the youngster preferred Chinese food in meal, their favorite food items are Chinese Bhel, Dry Manchurian, & Chinese noodles etc. Chinese dishes are spicy, tasty as well as colorful compare to other food items.

关于中国菜,中国菜有许多特点,如它的颜色、香气、味道、用料和外观,中国菜是如此美味,如此可口,以至于当你看到时,你无法控制自己的食欲,大多数的年轻人喜欢吃中国菜,他们最喜欢的中国菜是Chinese bhel(注:一种源自印度东北部的印度快餐,是杂碎的一种变体,在孟买广受欢迎 -维基),Dry Manchurian,中式面条等等。

Lorenzo Chetty, Owner | Producer at Groove Emporia (2012-present)
Chinese food has so many different cuisines that it is impossible to answer this question simply. One has to first taste and get acquainted with the various cuisines, before one can decide which cuisines you enjoy, and even which foods within the cuisine style you and enjoy and which you don’t.
But here’s a favourite of mine : Kung Pao Chicken


Craig Fechter, President (2005-present)
My wife and I spent two full weeks in China and what do we think of Chinese food?
IN America airport food is synonymous with low quality, fast food, high salt and low taste fare.
In China, we landed in Guangzhou we had about 90 minutes to spare at the airport. We went into a noodle shop and ordered, and watched the chefs hand make all the noodles! They made the dough, and we watched them cut the noodles they were about to make for us. They were probably the best noodles we have ever had!
We spent our first week in Fuzhou. WE were taken to a dumpling shop in the Seven Alleys in Fuzhou on the first day…..and we went back every day! 3 years later and we are still talking about that dumpling shop in Fuzhou!
In short, Chinese food was delicious! There were certain things we did not eat but what we did eat, we loved and still talk about to this day!



Tim Lamb, Not a China Expert
蒂姆 · 兰姆,不是中国通
That like the Chinese language, there isn't just one of them.
Living in China I eat Chinese cuisines fairly regularly and, at least in my opinion they are not all created equal. We'll put aside quality and safety issues for now, though this is a growing concern when eating in China.
Dongbei, Yunnan, and Hunan are wonderful cuisines. But the best cuisine in China is from Sichuan - Chuancai. Though known for being spicy Chuancai's hotter dishes are often a delicate balance between heat from the chili pepper and the numbness that comes from the Sichuan peppercorn - a seriously addictive spice similar to the addictive nature of New Mexico's Green Chili's.
Sichuan cuisine does not stop there but unfortunately it is often only known for spicy dishes. By some estimates Chuancai has over 10,000 dishes and counting because it is also one of the most innovative Chinese cuisine. Chuancai can be broken down between both traditional dishes and its hybrid relation, 'new-style', that seeks to introduce other Asian and Western elements to its dishes. The results, can be amazing.
Sadly, like getting quality 'Chinese' food abroad, it is difficult to get authentic Chuancai outside the borders of Sichuan. So aside from a handful of restaurants in Beijing you'll have to go to Sichuan to enjoy its flavors.


川菜并不止于此,但遗憾的是,它往往只以辛辣的菜肴而闻名,据估计,川菜有1万多道菜,因此它也是最具创新精神的中国菜之一,川菜可以分为传统菜肴和与其混合的“ 新派”川菜,新派川菜寻求引进亚洲其它地区和西方菜肴的元素,其结果很惊人。

Rendall Koh
Sever points need to be known about Chinese food:
1, probably China is the only country in this world where food is a large portion of its inherited culture;
2, there are many different kinds of food in different regions of China. This is number is huge. ;)
3, the Chinese food shaped Chinese people’s food tastes and emx it into their soul.


Kanwalpal Singh Flora, Test Software Engineer 2 at Panasonic Avionics Corporation (2014-present)
First time i got introduced to some kind of authentic asian food was during Asiana Airlines flight.
Me and my brother couldn't even get over the aroma of the oil being used plus the meats were Pork and Beef. I had eaten Pork before but only sausage format. So we didn't eat much.
Next i lived for 6 months with a Chinese family as i rented a room.
I had to go through their kitchen everyday, and that same aroma used to used to come.
They used to call me for dinner , but i usually refused , eventually i ate couple of times.
Mostly Egg Tomato soup and rice.
But as i started living more in US, eating chinese(american version)food and more meat became common.
Still i am more vegetarian but i eat all meats.
Last time me and my brother took China Eastern airlines and we finished everything in the airplane food, we didn't even know what meat it was.
Our taste buds had changed.
Just today i ate Kung Pao chicken with fried rice at KBP Asian Bistro. Plus ordered bunch of egg rolls and dumplings.
Dumplings, a very similar Nepali dish Momo i have been eating since childhood.
Sure, it's not authentic Chinese food but i think better than Panda Express.
So, i think i am almost there to try home made authentic chinese food. I prefer Chicken but i can eat any meat.



但随着我开始在美国生活得越来越多,我吃中国菜 ( 美式 ) ,吃肉的情况也越来越普遍。


当然,这不是正宗的中国菜,但我认为比“ 熊猫快餐”好。
