Which countries were powerful in the past but no longer are?
Chintan Rajani, Chief Accountant (2017-present)
Updated Feb 14
It has to be India.
India is the oldest civilization in the world. Spirituality seeps into every facet of Indian life; and down through the ages, India has sent forth the message of peace, love and truth. India’s national flag with its tricolor of deep saffron, white and green clearly conveys India’s commitment and adherence to spiritual values.
For the last 4000 years despite invasions, persecution, European Colonialism and political upheaval, the spiritual and social structures that define India’s identity have remained intact.
The word “Hindu” comes from the name of the river Indus, which flows 1800 miles from Tibet through Kashmir and Pakistan to the sea. Originally the word “Hindu” was the name that the ancient Persians used to apply to the river Sindhu. Whenever in Sanskrit there is an s in ancient Persian it changes into h, so that Sindhu became Hindu. This word Hindu referred to people living on the other side of the river Indus, regardless of their faith.
Historically, the Indus valley civilization (3000 BC to 1500BC) is considered the first civilization in India. This was followed by the Vedic period (1500BC to 500 BC). The Mauryan Empire is the first Indian empire. The Gupta, Pratihara, Pala, Chalukya, Chola, Pandya dynasties followed this. The Muslim period was established in the 9th century and was followed by the arrival of Europeans, mostly British in the 17th century. India attained independence on August 15, 1947.
India was known as Sone ki Chidiya (Golden Sparrow).
The Indian economy flourished on solid business practices and state of art economic principles of that time. It laid the foundation for India to become the world’s largest economy for long time to come.
The following is the position of India in world economy for various time periods after 1 A.D.:
Pre Mughal Rule (1AD – 1500AD): India was the world’s largest economy during the years 1 AD and 1000 AD. In 1500 AD India’s economy had a 24.5% share of world income, the second largest in the world after China, which had a 25% share.
Mughal Rule (1570-1793): India’s momentum continues. In 1600 AD, India’s income of ?17.5 million was greater than the entire treasury of Great Britain in 1800, which totalled ?16 million. Perceptible decline starts after 1700.
East India Company era (1793-1857): India GDP becomes 40% of China’s GDP. India missed industrial revolution and it slipped further.
The British Raj (1860-1947): India’s economy had a 3.8% share of world income in 1952.
Until as late as the 17th century AD (land wise just 1.92% of Earth), this small nation’s share in global wealth was more than 25%.
Because of the highest concentration of arable land which was developed by shear labour of 2000 generations of our ancestors this less than 2% earth mass and more than quarter of world's wealth; India got the nickname of Sone Ki Chidiya.
Now here we have to see the map to understand what the situation just 30 generations ago from today was; by it, we can easily contemplate that present day Africa, Australia and the Americas all together were contributing just 34% towards the global wealth.
The ancient India looked like this:
It included present India, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Tibet, Bhutan, the Maldives and Indonesia. You can still find ancient Hinduism in Indonesia. It would be the largest after Russia in terms of land mass.
Today’s India is poverty-stricken. But tomorrow’s India will be prosperous. She will be a mighty wave of hope and faith. Her very thought will be stirred with a new vision. Infinite will be the possibilities on her horizon. Her sacrifice will build a more durable foundation for mankind. She will continue within herself nationalism and internationalism, becoming the true symbol of spirituality in action.
India, with her spiritual power, will wield a tremendous influence on the future generations. This is no imagination, but vision in operation.
– Sri Chinmoy
Kyle Andrushak
Answered Apr 19
I’d have to say The Papal States.
Way back before the nation of Italy came around, the region was broken up into multiple smaller powers. Venice, Sardinia, Tuscany, Sicily, Genoa, and a nation ruled by the Pope himself, the Papal States. This nation controlled a large portion of Central Italy, including Rome itself.
So what happened to it? Well, it still exists today. We call it the Vatican City.
In the span of less than 100 years, the Papal State went from being a regional power in Europe and controlling one of the richest parts of Italy to being the smallest country on Earth in terms of both size and population. It’s the only country that is itself enclosed within a larger city - Rome. It continues to exist largely as a formality, and any influence it has on the world stage comes not from any sort of economic or military power, but because it simply happens to be where the Pope lives.
If it wasn’t for Frank over here, the Vatican would have nothing but a few really nice churches with some very well decorated ceilings.
So there’s my pick for the country with the furthest fall from grace. The Papal States/Vatican City.
Kwena Makgamatha, B.A. Communication Studies & Media Studies, University of Limpopo (2018)
Answered Feb 7
Ever heard of the Mali Empire?
It’s the country where the richest man in recorded history lived; the place where one of the oldest universities in the world was built. During those times, it was the center of education, religion, international trade and mining. It was basically, by far, the most powerful African country and it was also far more advanced and powerful than most nations outside of Africa.
Well this is Mali now:
It might look bigger than it was back then but it’s now far poorer and weaker than it was back then. It’s one of the poorest nations in Africa and has absolutely no military force capable of maintaining public safety and eliminating widespread Islamic terrorism. The civilian infrastructure is also one of the most basic in the world for a 21st century nation.
Nathan Land, Silver-Tongued Storyteller
Updated Apr 4
The Netherlands.
Now, the Netherlands weren’t powerful in the conventional sense of the term - as you can see, they are a rather small country, situated West of Germany and North-East of France. One would expect such a country to be eaten by their neighbours.
Militarily, the Dutch weren’t up to the standard of the rest of Europe.
However, economically, they were certainly capable of competing with many of the other countries on the continent. With the opening of many ports, they managed to get a firm grasp on naval trade. In fact, the Dutch adopted mercantilism, an economic philosophy focused on the accumulation of material wealth due to the belief that there was a limited amount of it in the world.
After mercantilism, they adopted capitalism, which was varied to mercantilism in the idea that wealth could be created - the former believed this, whilst mercantilism didn’t allow room for the creation of new wealth.
The Dutch were master traders.
Over time, as the world has changed, not to mention the World Wars, the Dutch have fallen into a back seat in Europe, but they once were one of the most powerful countries on the continent.
Some people in the comments have pointed out that Belgium is part of the dark blue. That map isn’t contemporary - Belgium was once part of the country that we call the Netherlands.
Sourin Paturi, History Bee Finalist
Answered Apr 5
The Swedish Empire
The Swedish Empire was a short reigned imperial version of Sweden that existed from around the 17th to 18th centuries. It was often a force to be reckoned with and held supremacy over the Baltic Sea with its naval capabilities. The empire expanded and began with Gustavus Adolphus in 1611 and was eventually lost its great power status in the Great Northern War. It was comparable to the other major European nations such as France, Britain and Russia at the time
At its height the Swedish Empire controlled much of Scandinavia, the Baltic States and various regions in Northern Germany. Surprisingly it had a vast influence past Europe itself and had some early colonies in North America that were short lived. It also had some influence in the African continent with numerous outposts in the Gold Coast.
It fell by 1709 with the Battle of Poltava and its territory being partitioned by Russia and several other countries.
Dylan Owens, I’ve written, I’m writing, and I’ll write.
Updated Mar 15
A lot of people don’t know it, but Spain used to be a global superpower.
They controlled most of what’s now the US, all of Mexico and Central America, and half of South America. They also controlled the Philippines, some of Italy, and a whole slew of little islands. They were also given a small part of Africa at the Berlin Conference.
In the 16th and 17th Century, Spain was the most powerful empire on Earth. Their navy took a hit when the Spanish Armada was defeated trying to take over England, but they were still very powerful. For 200 years the Spanish Empire was the global superpower. Their massive amount of land in the New World made them rich with gold and silver.
They fought the British Empire several times, and even destroyed the largest British fleet ever assembled other than the battle of Normandy.
They were a big deal. They were wealthy, powerful and influential.
Their power started waning when they got into a bunch of wars with Britain and France over control of land in the New World. They began losing large amounts of money in Spain, and losing huge amounts of land to the French.
When the French General Napoleon Bonaparte occupied Spain during the war, Spanish colonies began revolting all around the world.
Almost all of their colonies had gained independence by 1820. They sent in troops to regain control, but they were driven out. The colonies also gained economic independence, which was a huge blow. They held on to Puerto Rico, Cuba, and the Philippines.
In 1898, Spain got into a war the US. They lost the war, and lost the Philippines, Cuba, and Puerto Rico. The Spanish Empire was pretty much over.
These days, Spain isn’t anything special. They’re just kind of that one Spanish country. Even though they’re pretty lackluster today, they used to be one of the largest empires on Earth.
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