Which countries were powerful in the past but no longer are?
Muhammad Arkandiptyo, Historic enthusiast
Answered Apr 4
Brunei and Luxembourg.
Wait what???? They never even had a global empire like the others!
Haha. I only wanted to make a different answer than everybody else.
But really, Brunei and Luxembourg had their times as regional powers, during the middle ages. Let’s start.
Brunei Darussalam today is just a tiny nation in Southeast Asia, if you don’t know it. They are one of the last few absolute monarchy in the world. The Sultan, Hassanal Bolkiah, is the Prime Minister and appoints his ministers as well.
Just like other remaining absolute monarchies in 2017, they are a Muslim country and also made themselves rich with oil.
But 5 centuries ago, they held the naval hegemony over Kalimantan/Borneo (the island that they are in), all the way up to Northern Philippines!
Enter Empire of Brunei (1368–1888)
The region where Brunei is itself already had a Kingdom since the 8–9th century. Most of the time they paid tributes to the bigger Empires in the south, most notably Sriwijaya and Majapahit. However they started to expand when the King converted to Islam in 1368, and they saw their chance through the decline of the Majapahit - the biggest Empire in Southeast Asia, encompassing modern day Southern Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Brunei, and Southern Philippines, the Empire was based in Java.
15th century saw Majapahit’s rapid decline, Malacca gained power in the western archipelago and Brunei saw theirs.
The area Brunei sailors were operating (South China Sea) was also known for their pirates. Through work, the Brunei Sultans actually cooperated with the pirates to gain hegemony over the region.
Some of their techniques include playing on local superstitions.
It is believed that the name of Brunei itself came from Barunai, the local name of Varuna, the Hindu god of wind and seas. (Yes just like most of SE Asia, they were Hindu before converting to Muslims, and we SE Asians still assimilated some Hindu traditions to this day).
Personal story - one of my relatives had worked with the Bruneian royal family on some government projects before. And they hold the belief that they (current Bruneian royal family) descended from the Majapahit Princes. Probably not factual - most other royal families in the area like Mindanao and Sulu were descended from Malays, not Javanese. But back then, stories are facts that can move hearts.
And by the time the Europeans came (16th century), Brunei hegemony covers Borneo all up to Manila. Small kings in modern-day Philippines pay tribute to the Sultan of Brunei. This also coincided with Ming China’s retreat from outward trade expansionism, so Brunei was also effectively controlling traffic in South China Sea.
So powerful was Brunei that the western name for their island Kalimantan, Borneo, is also etymologically derived from Brunei itself!
But their days were numbered - by the 17th century, the Spanish were consolidating their gains in Northern Philippines. The loss here made former domains like Mindanao and Sulu in Southern Philippines break away as their own Kingdom. While in the Southern Borneo, the rising Mataram Kingdom from Java and Makassar Kingdom from Sulawesi/Celebes also chipped away Brunei’s hegemony. So the Bruneians were limited to the northern coast of Borneo.
The death blow however, was given by the British throughout 18–19th century. By 1888, Brunei finally was a British protectorate.
This tiny Western European nation, sandwiched in between bigger countries, is now just a shadow of its medi self.
Well at least, they are much well off, far richer, than their neighbors (thank you, iron, railway transit and tax haven policies).
But actually, it’s not that Luxembourg itself was big - it was their dynasty.
The Luxembourg Dynasty
Before the advent of the Habsburg in the 15–16th century as titular holders of Holy Roman Empire in Germany, the Luxembourgs held the title for almost 1,5 century.
It all started with Count Henry VII. In 1312 he was elected Holy Roman Emperor, as a compromise candidate - the other candidate was a French Count, and many, especially those in modern day western Germany and Belgium, saw this as threatening.
Henry arranged the marriage of his son John to the heiress of Bohemian crown (modern day Czech Rep). This of course disgruntled the dominant families of Germany/HRE at that time - the much more famous Habsburgs of Austria and Wittelsbach of Bavaria. But it didn’t matter. Henry’s sons consolidated their new domains of Bohemia, and added some lands like Brabant (South Netherlands-North Belgium) and Brandenburg (around Berlin).
By the time his grandson, Charles IV (Karel Veliky/Ctvrti) came to power in 1346, the Luxembourgs were a force to reckon with. The Luxembourgs were the biggest lords of HRE/Germany.
And with the power, Charles IV made his capital, Prague, his pet project.
The Prague that we know now, with its impressive Hradcany (hill palace) and Karluv Most (Charles Bridge), all started with him.
Yes this all started in the 14th century, with a FOREIGN king from Luxembourg ruling over the area.
If you have ever been in Czech Rep., or just living around it, you know they have thousands of old castles and beautiful small towns lying around for tourists to see. Like this one in Cesky Krumlov / Boehmisch Krummau.
It all started with the Luxembourg dynasty.
But eventually, the Habsburg got the better of them in the late 15th century.
When you are an upstart family from a small place to begin with, as long as the established rivals didn’t perish, they will strike back eventually.
And that’s what the Luxembourg failed to see beforehand.
Additionally, Bohemia was ravaged in religious wars of the Hussites, and again later Thirty Years War. The Luxembourgs had no way back to the European power stage.
Fun fact : Luxembourg could have been integrated into Germany if not for the Dutch. After Napoleon’s demise, the reinstalled Dutch King made Luxembourg and Limburg a Personal Union under the King of the Netherlands. Later on, Luxembourg broke away of course, but if not for this phase in the 19th century, they would have been easily absorbed into the growing Prussia (which later become the German Empire) like its neighbors did.
So yes, what a historic ride with two small countries, isn’t it?
Ivan Skorvanek
Apr 4 · 3 upvotes
The Luxembourgs also ruled the Kingdom of Hungary and Croatia for a time under Sigismund, who was also king of Germany and Italy, and Holy Roman emperor, among other titles. Their downfall ocurred differently than you present though. It's not that they forgot something or underestimated the Habsburgs. They simply died out, Sigismund being the last in their male line. Albert Habsburg, as the son in law of Sigismund got hold of most of his titles after his death (although the Habsburg's didn't keep all of them, losing the Hungarian crown and only recovering it decades later thanks to a marriage pact with the Jagiello kings of Hungary after that line died out).
在西吉斯蒙德时期,卢森堡王国也统治着匈牙利和克罗地亚,他同时也是日耳曼和意大利的国王,以及神圣罗马帝国的皇帝。他们的垮台和你说的情况并不一样。这并不是说他们忘记了什么或者低估了哈普斯堡家族。他们只是都死光了,西吉斯蒙德是他们家族的最后一个男人。阿尔伯特·哈普斯堡作为西吉斯蒙德的女婿,在他死后获得了他的大部分头衔 (尽管哈普斯堡家族没有保住所有这些头衔,他们失去了匈牙利王位,几十年后仅仅是由于与匈牙利诸王的一份婚姻协议,在他们家族绝嗣之后重新获得了这一头衔)。
Alvin Edhitjia
Apr 5
Just to add, before Brunei became a British protectorate, their remaining lands were also chipped away by Rajah James Brooke (google white rajahs), a British privateer who gained land concessions in what is today Kuching and he essentially ruled as king and expanded it to what is today the state of Sarawak.
It is this kingdom as well as what’s left of Brunei that became British protectorates.
Andre Rodenburg
Apr 5
Luxemburg didn?t really ?break away? from the Netherlands in the 19th Century in the sense of having a revolution or civil war (as in Belgium had in 1830).
In 1890, when king William III of the Netherlands, who was also Grand Duke of Luxemburg, died with only a female heir alive (queen Wilhelmina), the laws of Luxemburg at the time only recognized a male successor, so it became an independent Grand Duchy under a distant relative of William (Adolf of Nassau). In the 20th Century Luxemburg would recognize female succession, and it has since known some Grand Duchesses as head of state.
1890年,荷兰的威廉三世国王——他同时也是卢森堡大公——去世了,他只留下了一位在世的女继承人 (威廉明娜女王),而卢森堡的法律只承认男性继承人的权利,所以它成为一个在威廉的远方亲戚(拿骚的阿道夫)统治下的独立大公国。在20世纪,卢森堡承认了女性的继承权,在此之后已经有几位女大公担任了国家元首。
Aleks Grechanuk
Apr 5
Lithuania as well. At its peak, Lithuania was the largest state in Europe.
Sean Carlos, Used to play Guitar Hero
Updated Feb 12
The 4 most powerful nations in the past but no longer are anymore
1 - The British Empire
The British Empire was a massive multi-continental Empire that stretched from Canada to New Zealand, had the second largest population (China was still #1).
Over time it didn’t lose territories, they gradually increased their expansion of territories worldwide especially India and Africa, but after World War II most of them were given independence due to decolonization efforts by the UN.
Nowadays the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is still a force to not be reckon with as it has a permanent seat in the Security Council which is nice way to say it’s still a formidable power.
2 - The Spanish Empire
The Spanish Empire was one of the first Global Empires in history that reached from Spain to the Philippines, it lost territories during the 1600s to 1800s (losing Naples, Sicily and their Holy Roman Territories that were given to Austria and Savoy).
Now then in the 1800s they pretty much lost almost their entire American Colonies due to Latin Wars of Independence, a famous example is the Mexican War of Independence during the 1810s.
Now then they fully lost their Asian and American colonies in the Spanish-American War (they sold their East Indies Islands to Germany in 1899 Purchase).
3 - The Ottoman Empire (Turkish Empire)
The Ottoman Empire was a large Muslim Empire that stretched to the ends of Mesopotamia to the far west of Algeria. They were a powerful state during the 1400s to 1700s till they gradually started to decline like the Spanish.
They were very powerful back in the past due to their standing armies and elite Janissary units that made the Ottoman Army look fearsome, they defeated numerous Christian Nations like the Byzantine Empire, Kingdom of Hungary and Principality of Wallachia, majority of them were annexed by the Ottomans, some of the few were made as vassals like Wallachia.
Then in 1900s they were defeated by the Entente (Allied) powers which tried to partition Turkey after defeating them, but this man named Ataturk would not let that happen and has founded Modern Day, Republic of Turkey.
I’ll add another one since I believe some people are requesting Mongolia’s great history as it used to be a great empire!
4th - The Mongol Empire
The Mongol Empire was the largest continental empire that stretched from the ends of Korea (Asia) to the point of Poland (Europe), it’s first leader Genghis Khan led his people to conquer the known world around him, fighting the local Turks that dominated the area first before the Mongols then dominated them then they fought against the Chinese, Koreans and the Jurchens in East Asia.
When the Mongol Empire collapsed it fell into various states that were powerful even after the fall of the Mongol Empire, one known state is the Yuan Dynasty and the Golden Horde.
George Mitchell, Data & ETL Architect, Photographer & Travel at Terra Encounters (1994-present)
Answered Apr 24
I feel it strange that Mongolia has been ignored by all but a few responders. The largest empire in Terran history was the Mongol Empire (1206 to 1687) stretching from China to Hungary.
Mongolia had an impact on the Hungarian and Finnish languages as well as introducing many words into Russian. The Mongols cut Russia off from Europe and turned their outlook towards Asia.
The Mongols unified various Russian territories into one unit and made Moscow’s rulers their tax collectors. This led to the Russian people treating a very large geographic area as their domain with the capital in Moscow.
They influenced the culture, government and even the architecture — the domes and tiles around Red Square reflect Asian influences.
In China the Mongol Empire was known as the Yuan Dynasty. The Mongols built a new capital city in Beijing! They also built many roads which helped both trade and the military.
The Mongols were strong supporters of trade along the Silk RoadS — yes there were multiple trade routes. This created the largest free trade zone in Terran history and forever linked the West to the East. They disseminated the decimal system from India all over their empire. They also spread the use of their typical clothing, pants!! Maybe you’ve heard of them? They are more practical for a nomadic people riding horses.
They instituted the practice of diplomatic immunity and guaranteed the security and safety of travelers. This led Marco Polo to travel to China during the Yuan Dynasty. Marco brought back the concept of paper money to Europe among many other things. That is Marco Polo on the old 1000 Lira above. Note that Marco Polo was from Venice, which is not just a pretty place. It was THE major European power in the Medi Ages. Why? Because it dominated trade between the Silk Routes and Europe. Also see Was the Fall of Rome Important?
China also gave the compass, printing, and gunpowder to Europe thanks to the Silk Routes. Without these major inventions, Europe would not have gone on to colonize the rest of the world.
On the other hand, the Silk Routes spread the Bubonic Plague, aka Black Death to Europe. In the mid-1300s the epidemic wiped out about one-third of Europe's population. This led to the end of feudalism, the growth of capitalism, and the rise of city-states. The Black Death also led to the decline of the Mongol Empire and therefore to the Yuan Dynasty of China.
The fall of the Mongolian Empire led to the disruption of the Silk Trade Routes — they were not maintained or protected from brigands. This ultimately led to the European search for a sea route to Asia and the discovery of the Americas. All in all, the Mongol Empire was pretty significant to world history.
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