quora:中国是一个民族型国家,还是一个文明型国家? [美国媒体]


Is China a nation-state?


1.    John N. Mandalakas, student of languages - both human and computer
Updated Apr 6, 2015
I would say no. Nation-state implies thatthe state and the nation are the same, but China has hundreds/thousands ofethnicity, languages, and cultures (nations) living under the rule of onegovernment (state). Consider that Cantonese and Mandarin are both widely spokenin China; 'Chinese' is not even a language, but rather a family of languages.Don't forget about the Uighurs, Tibetans, etc. However, the government andmajority ethnicity are Han, and there is a prescribed language (Mandarin) andculture (again, Han) so an argument could be made that the state of China isdesigned as a nation-state.


2.    Ray Comeau, A decade in China, interest in geopolitics
Answered May 18, 2016
Yes China is a nation-state. 90% of thepeople are Han Chinese, despite there being 50+ recognized ethnic minorities(tribes) within the country. The largest minority is the Zhuang living in thesouth under 20 million people. Most folks follow either confucianism, buddhism,or Taoism. There is one common written language and a long common history.


3.    Joseph Boyle
Answered Oct 8, 2013
The European state system dates fromWestphalia, while popular mobilization to support European states dates fromthe French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars, followed by the 1848 revolutions andromantic nationalism spreading to every small ethnicity in Europe. ModernChinese nationalism dates from the first efforts at modernization and Westernstudies around 1900. At first this was a small elite, and the masses were notinvolved, as famously portrayed by Lu Xun. Today after a century ofmodernization spreading from the initial tiny elite, China is a textbookexample of a nation-state.


4.    Glenn Lee, history buff
Answered Nov 1, 2016
No, China in more than a nation-state. Dueto it’s long uninterrupted history and it’s population being mostly of the Hanethnic group China is a civilization-state. China is first a civilization, acivilization of the Han people. The Han people gain sovereignty and the Hancivilization become a civilization-state.


5.    Hu Jinqin
Answered Sep 22, 2017
Yes but it is also an empire. There aremany nationalities specifically mentioned by the Chinese government as existingin China’s borders. China is a nation-state because it as a population thatself-identifies as Chinese nationals, but it could also mean controllingterritory and populations that prefer to be known otherwise.Furthermore thename China means many things to many people. But this question was asked in thepolitics of China section.


6.    Paul Denlinger, US_2016 = Germany_1933
Answered Oct 8, 2013
Yes, but it's also a culture and language.And it was a culture and language long before it became defined as anation-state. This is why many Chinese identify more with the language andculture than with the nation-state. For practical purposes, there are threeChinese "states": the PRC, Hong Kong and Taiwan, although the vastmajority of the world's nations recognize only Beijing as representing all ofChina. This does not include many of the nations of SE Asia which have largeChinese populations. It's worth remembering that the nation-state is a westernconstruct which came into being after the Treaty of Westphalia and that manycultures and nations still have not come to accept it, especially countries inthe Middle East, Asia and Africa.

