美媒:越南多个城市发生集会抗议 [美国媒体]


Vietnamese protesters rallied in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Nha Trang and several other cities on Sunday, June 10, over plans for new special economic zones that many fear would be dominated by Chinese investors.


Vietnamese police detained more than a dozen people in the capital, Hanoi, and over 100 in Binh Thuan province, in south-central Vietnam, after protesters clashed with police and stormed a government office.


The Vietnamese government plans to open three special economic zones (SEZs) where foreign investors will be given great incentives and can lease land for up to 99 years in the zones. The bill does not identify potential investors but many Vietnamese are afraid that it will be dominated by investors from China.


Photos and videos shared on social media show protesters carried anti-Chinese banners or chanted slogans such as “No China” and “No leasing land to China even for one day”.


The protest video from Nha Trang, a coastal resort city in south-central Vietnam, showed people carried Vietnamese flags and signs.


Animosity toward China runs high in Vietnam, driven in recent years by territorial disputes in the South China Sea. The two communist countries fought a brief war in 1979.

近年来,由于南海领土争端,越南国内反华情绪高涨。这两个GC主 义国家在1979曾经进行了短暂的战争。

The draft law on the SEZs was scheduled to be passed this week, but on Monday, June 11, the National Assembly voted to delay the law passage until the next session in October, the Associated Press reported.


The demonstrators also protested a planned cyber security law that netizens, particularly Facebook users, say will stifle dissent. The National Assembly is set to vote on the bill on June 12. 


WONG  7 hours ago
these three zones are actually military outposts for red china's navy in disguise as new economic zones to help china achieve its ambition of conquering the entire south china sea and indian ocean. These locations will allow chinese navy to refuel and resupply their ships with weapons and military personnel directly without having to go back home thousand of miles. They have already signed similar 99 years lease of the ports in cambodia and sri lanka. If these outposts are allowed to happen, they can better challenge the US navy and armies in Asian countries. Vietnamese communist party is so corrupted that they would do anything to appease china in return for money and protection.


Thanh  3 hours ago
100% correct.


Anonymous3 hours ago
You must keep China out of your country at all cost.


WONG7 hours ago
Vietnamese communist regime is handing lands and sea of Vietnam over to their master, red china, in disguise as new economic zones for 99 years. They are turning Vietnam into another Tibet for the return of money and party protection. The people revolt because they know what will happen when red china is taking over the country.....the first thing as one can see happening right now is news and internet censor. Next, public gatherings will be disallowed and personal freedom will be limited to the point that travelling from one place to another is forbid. Curfew has already been implemented in the last few days. Life will be harder for the people in the future. They have been spreading false news that demonstrators are burning cars, properties and injuring their officers when in reality, they did all these evil acts themselves and blaming it on the masses to give them excuses to send in tanks and combat military soldiers to crush peaceful demonstrators like what red china did at tiananmen square 29 years ago that killed thousands of innocent students in china. Laos, cambodia, the phillipine, and pakistan are already dominated by communist china. If Vietnam fall next will be Thailand, singapore, malaysia, indonesia and australia. The world must wake up and stop the spread of evil communism now before it is too late. DOWN WITH COMMUNIST!!!


The Age of Rise of Heroes51 minutes ago

G8 hours ago
Good 4 you,, nice 2 c some1 finally try to make a stand rather than bending over for them. Do not let up, once they get a foothold in your country you will never get rid of them, just like roaches..

