“上帝附身到我身上”:某男子被控残忍殴打其母,在后院焚毁其母尸体 [美国媒体]



HAMDEN Connecticut (WTIC) -- Police arrested a man in connection with his mother's death in Hamden.


34-year-old Kyle Tucker went before a judge Monday where he is charged with murdering his mother Donna Tucker at their Hamden home on Broadway Street on Friday.

周一,34岁的凯尔·塔克(Kyle Tucker)在法官面前被指控于上周五在他们位于哈姆登百老汇大街的家中谋杀了自己的母亲唐娜·塔克(Donna Tucker)。

Court documents obtained by FOX61 reveal the grizzly circumstances. After originally fabricating a story Tucker admitted to the killing.


“Something happened” said Tucker during police interrogation. “God got into my body and walked me downstairs with my baseball bat and it was very quick and almost even hard to remember.”


In tweets posted a day after the killing Tucker writes “I don’t mind admitting it. Donnas favorite son was Ryan and her second favorite Mason...so at least they’re worthy competitors for Mommas love.”


Tucker explained how he took his baseball bat downstairs into the kitchen and hit his mother in the head. She collapsed to the ground and he hit her again in the face. He then dragged her body out the side door and to the backyard fire pit. Tucker used gasoline to accelerate the flame and kept the fire burning for eight hours.


He used chemicals including bleach to clean the blood in the kitchen and eventually re-painted the walls.



Police soon came knocking.


Originally Tucker told them he last saw his mom early Friday morning and said she was drunk and got picked up by an unknown druggie. But Kyle became the prime suspect after investigators discovered he used his mother’s Amazon account to order an urn.


Kyle told police he killed his mother in self defense. He said Donna tried to kill him “over 20 times.”


Kyle said Donna tried to poison his food and put parasites in his bed.


Neighbors told FOX61 they remember Donna as a kind woman.


“It’s sad because I knew the lady she was nice. Her dog played with our dogs. She was a cool lady” said neighbor Rob Cavallaro.

邻居罗伯·卡瓦拉罗(Rob Cavallaro)说,“这令人难过,因为我认识这位女士,她人很好。她的狗狗与我们的狗狗们一起玩耍过。她是一位非常棒的女士。”

Cavallaro also recalled his past run ins with Kyle.


“He thought that he had a stick that was possessed by the devil and he tried to light the house on fire and my friend had to tackle him down and stop him” he said.


Tucker will be in court next on June 19th in New Haven. His bond was upheld at $5 million.



· 19 Likes 3 Dislikes
Another poor person who could never get her kid to move out and be an adult......thousands of them around.


Billk8h 6 Likes 2 Dislikes
Mental in deed .


phreeBillk8h 5 Likes 1 Dislike
Evil indeed.


Yepphree7h 5 Likes 12 Dislikes
Just like Trump!


PAULLeaderYep5h 1 Like
Try to focus on the topic


SHARON PAUL 11H 1 Like 1 Dislike
It is on topic. We're talking about evil men and there is no one more evil than trump. He is trying to destroy America and all it's alliances so he can make new alliances with Russia China North Korea and Iran - countries that all hate America and wish to turn out nation into a communist country all to benefit himself and his family.


Abraham 7h 3 Likes 1 Dislike
God gives some people bad advice.


Robbox 2 Likes 1 Dislike
Gota watch God every minute.



CharlesAlmon 5h 1 Like
ANd he was still on the streets because........?


Marcie CharlesAlmon 10h 2 Likes
Charles...he was still on the streets because mentally ill adults are ignored by our society and legal system until they break the law. Then they land in jail. There is no help for a parent managing an adult child who is mentally ill. The insurance industry decided that long term care for these people is too expensive. I don't know what the answer is.


And Why? Marcie 8h 1 Like
Go back to the 60'and the 70's and look at the SC ruling for mental illness.
Basically it says hand off them.  Let the mentally be on the streets if need be.  And no more mental hospitals.  Close them down just take a look on the Net at all that were closed down.


At least he didn't blame it on the devil.


mike6ci 30m
I bet this guy had a little problems getting dates..hahaha.


YEP 7h 2 Likes 2 Dislikes
Now this guy needs a baseball bat across the side of his head.   Strike 1!!


Poor lady.  Its dangerous to keep these crazy sons living at home.



Gregory 3h 1 Dislike
DamnGod does work in mysterious ways.


manx 8h 1 Like 3 Dislikes
See what happens when you have kids without vetting the father first?
Why was that old kid in the house at all? He is a crazy loser and the mother let him stay like that.


PoorMomma 23h 2 Likes 5 Dislikes
It was not God.  Just another wicked person. Millennials spend to much time on video game on social media and some do drugs...   they need to get a life... if you are at home with your parents at least help with the expenses.


Dez PoorMomma 6h 2 Likes 5 Dislikes
Blame the parents and the values they were taught from their generation.  Millenials have to work multiple jobs to fix the problems the previous generations caused in the first place.


Cathy 13h 1 Dislike
The people under the stairs. 30 or 40 living in their parent's basement.  in no hurry to go anywhere.


Rev Billyclub 12h 2 Likes 1 Dislike
secular law has it's place doesn't it?


Dez Rev Billyclub 6h  1 Like
Yup.  Get the guy psychological help in jail instead of reading from the bible and expecting it to help.

