可导致俄军队在战争中失败的两个因素 [美国媒体]


Here are 2 problems that could sink theRussian military in a war


With a frozen frontline insideUkrainian territory, the successful annexation of Crimea, and an ongoingintervention in Syria, Russia's military prowess appears firmly established.


But despite the Kremlin'srecent successes, the Russian military faces two deep structuralproblems that could prove disastrous if it ever faced off against another largeconventional force.


According to Dave Majumdar of The National Interest,Russia's military is facing deep manpower and hardware shortfalls.


Conscription is a big part of Russia'smilitary shortfall. A vast majority of military personnel, outside of theStrategic Missile Forces, airborne forces, and naval infantry, still rely onunmotivated conscripts who receive little training.


The second major problem facing the Russianmilitary is the state of its hardware and its faltering procurement process.Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia lost a good portion of itsindustrial and technological base, something that weakened the country'sdefense industry.


Mr.Springfield 1 day ago 9 49
The last time the Russians had motivationto to fight was WWII because the Germans were on their homeland.Even in WWI theRussians had a hard time fighting the Germans in their territories occupied bythem like Poland and adjoining Baltic regions.Not to disrespect a RussianSoldier's ability to fight.They have been brutal and unrelenting to theirenemies they have fought,I have respect to that.True only that their eliteunits are very good!I have most profound respect to their Airborne Forces,theParatroopers because i was a Paratrooper in the US Army once upon a time.Theseare Russia's best men along with their Spetznaz Operators who come from theirParatroopers also.Their Infantry sucks because my former Russian Paratrooperfreinds here in the US told me so...


Erik 1 day ago 28 23
we just saw last week how they firedconventional balistic missiles reaching 1500km from the small ships what meansmany levels up compared to 1990 - reach 300km and someone here writes they havehardware shortfalls. i think whatever artist has written this article i am surehe has shortfall of whatever


Mark 1 day ago 9 28
The experience of WWII has showed Russianare capable of winning a war by sending untrained men into combat but at a costof brutal casualties that killed a majority of healthiest, best men availableat the time. The Germans killed 10 Russians for every German soldier killed incombat.
All kinds of expedient solutions werefound. Russians couldn't train their soldiers in rifle marksmanship due toinsufficient time, so everybody was issued sub-machine guns firing at 1100rounds per minute. The soldier just had to point the weapon in the generaldirection of the enemy and squeeze the trigger until all ammo was gone. Theferocious fusillade suppressed the Germans even though it couldn't hitanything.


ai 1 day ago 9 12
Jeremy, once upon a time Russia was alandlocked country the size of Texas. Look at the map of Russia now. How did ithappen? A bunch of termites got together and built it? Or they had to fightwith everyone around it to make it what it is? A country doesn't become anempire without a superior army and brilliant generals. And they have over 800years of warfare to show for. On the other hand, who did US fight? Mexico,Korea, Vietnam? Couldn't even beat Japan, that was fighting Soviets in anotherfront by the way, by the means of conventional weapons. I think you need toquestion the motivation of American soldiers, if they're wiling to fight a longbrutal war to the death for the paper in their pockets. Russians have beentested. Americans, not so much.


Van Fleet 1 day ago 5 7
had hitler given his generals a free handin Russia, then the Wehrmacht would've bled the red army white and a negotiatedpeace would've been the outcome.


Octavius 18 hours ago 7 11
The same exact articles were written aboutthe Russian military in 1941, leading Hitler to attack it , and leading #$%$Germany to think it could close out a war with Russia in 3-5 months.
We know the reality.
The weaponry, technology, and training arenot a major focus for Russia.
They're more than willing and able to tradeblood for space.
In the meanwhile, the weaponry we're seeingis a wide spectrum view, with old being used to withhold using the new andprevent an enemy from getting a clear view of Russia's true strength.
The Russian is a cunning fighter anddoesn't cater to conventional methods of war as was witnessed in 1941 through1945.
To see Russian true miltary power, one isforced to attack it.


billy 1 day ago 4 37
Why all this baloney about WAR? Nobody winsthe next one.


Steven 1 day ago 12 9
The Russians would fare far better in a warthan would America, but mostly for financial reasons. The U.S. is 18 trillionin debt and its global influence is waning. Any attempt for the U.S. to wage awar would immediately collapse the dollar, as most are aware that the foolhardypursuit of toppling sandbox regimes not only made those countries far morehostile to the U.S. it also drove the debt to 18 trillion, which is on currentprojections to be 21 trillion in 2019. this debt is insurmountable, and anyattempt to wage another war would collapse the dollar. Russia is not 18 trillionin debt and would be able to better able to fund a war than the U.S.

