“只有一个球”背后的故事 [美国媒体]


The truth behind "There's only one ball"


Exploringthe Warriors’ offensive numbers and debunking a common argument from thedoubters.


WhileWarriors fans spent the off-season rejoicing at the newly formed "superteam," the skeptics gathered in the shadows and harmoniously chanted theirmantra over and over: "There's only one ball, it will never work. There'sonly one ball, it will never work."


Sincethe moment this team was formed, the argument has been that the Warriors havetoo many all-star caliber players who need the ball in their hands and not enoughtouches to go around. However, it appears as if the cynics may have been wrong.


Iplan on keeping track of this and writing more about it as the season goes on,but for now let's look at exactly how much the Warriors’ players aresacrificing to fit Kevin Durant into the team.


Field GoalAttempts


Firstof all we need to take a look at their field goal attempts per game.


Interestingly,Durant has sacrificed more shots on a per game basis than both Draymond Greenand Klay Thompson. Most pundits and fans were predicting that it would beeither Green or Thompson who would have to sacrifice the most. While both Greenand Thompson are taking less shots, they're not sacrificing as many shots pergame as Durant and Stephen Curry. To me, this says a lot about the mentality ofboth Curry and Durant. They are willing to sacrifice more to win big in thelong run.


Points Per Game


Nowwe know that in regards to shot attempts, all of the core four are sacrificingto some extent. But how does this translate into the amount of points they'rescoring?


Thisis more along the lines of what people expected. There is a pretty significantdrop-off for Green, who has gone from averaging a respectable 14 points pergame last season to a little over 10 points per game.


Thedrop-off is not as severe for Curry and Thompson. Curry is averaging 27 pointsper game as opposed to 30 and Thompson is averaging 21 points per game asopposed to 22.


Curiously,both Curry and Durant are averaging around 27 points per game each. If bothmanage to finish the season with 27 points per game — or more — the Warriorswould become just the second active franchise to have two players average 27points per game or more in the same season.


Incase you're wondering, the other franchise is the Los Angeles Lakers (JerryWest and Wilt Chamberlain; Shaquille O'Neal and Kobe Bryant; Elgin Baylor andJerry West).




Nowlet’s take a look at offensive efficiency by seeing how Curry’s, Green’s andThompson’s true shooting percentages have fared so far this season compared to last.


(Forthose who don't know, TS% is known as "true shooting percentage." Itis simply a more accurate measure of scoring efficiency as it takes intoaccount 2-point field goals, 3-point field goals and free throws.)


Lastyear Curry shattered records on his way to becoming the most efficient leagueleader in scoring the NBA had ever seen. While it was always unlikely that hewould maintain that insane level of efficiency, it seems that Curry andThompson have managed to keep up their high level of efficient scoring.


Therehas been a significant drop off in Green’s efficiency. First of all, he isshooting a lot worse from deep this year; last season he averaged 38.8% onthree-point shots and this season he's averaging 28.3%.


Partof that might be due to him expending more energy on defense this season. WithBogut missing and center production proving to be average at best on defense,Green has had to do a lot on the defensive side. If he is tiring himself out onthat end of the floor, it could explain his poor shooting since tired legsaffect long-range shots.


Sohow about Durant? Unsurprisingly, playing beside the reigning MVP and two otherall-stars has resulted in a spike in his efficiency. At 68% his TS% has neverbeen higher. By comparison, his TS% last season was 63.4% and his MVP seasonwas 63.5%.


Final Thoughts


Asthe Warriors’ pace has increased, so has the number of assists per game. Thisis a trend going back to the beginning of the Steve Kerr era.


Thisisn't surprising, as an increase in pace simply means more possessions and morepossessions means more opportunities for assists and more touches to go around.On top of that Coach Kerr’s emphasis on player and ball movement means easiershots are being created. All this may be part of the reason the Warriors havemanaged to retain similar field goal attempts and points per game for theirfour stars.


Thequestion now is whether this will continue. Can the Warriors keep up this pace?Will Green see an improvement on his shooting efficiency? Will Curry and Durantcontinue to have similar field goal attempts and points per game? Only timewill tell. But one thing is for sure, one ball is more than enough for thesefour all-stars.

