Are we just incompetent? San Francisco needs at least 20 for more housing.
upxed Apr 11 2015
I see a lot of things going on in this video.
Is the building complete or is only the core and shell simply completed? Either way it is an impressive feat but they are not the same thing.
There is clearly major offsite prefabrication going on which presumably started long before the 19 day counter started ticking. In the US there is also work done in advance of construction but not to this scale. There is nothing wrong with prefabrication but it is little disingenuous to look only at the time spent on site if there were perhaps weeks or months spent working in large scale factories off site.
From the video it appears that the building is being built in a low density area which makes sense for China which has massive growth and need for new development. In the US most skyscrapers are built in areas of existing high density making the shipping staging and placement of these massive pre fabricated constructions potentially impractical or impossible.
The building uses 7 simultaneous tower cranes. That is a massive investment of resources and unheard of in the US(buildings typically have 1 crane). I don't believe the US has ever found it necessary to provide construction this fast. Like many things if you throw enough resources at them you can do them faster but you may lose efficiency. This is a matter of priorities.
Ken Carson Civil/Geotechnical Engineer
upxed Mar 28 2015
Ken Carson 土木/岩土工程师
The United States does not build sky scrapers. Developers choose to build what they believe will be profitable with considerations of revenue liability and a host of other factors.
Engineering and construction are not Olympic events. They are business ventures. To frx this as some sort of US vs China contest is totally pointless.
Where exactly would 20 such buildings be built in San Francisco? The city is nearly built out. If the profit margins were there developers would be building them today. Also if there is more housing the prices will drop and your landlord wouldn't be able to suck all your money out of your bank account any more. ;^)
在旧金山哪里可以建造20座这样的建筑物?这座城市几乎已经建成了。如果利润尚存,那么开发商今天就会开发它们。此外,如果建更多的房屋,房价就会下降,你的房东将不再能从你的银行帐户吸走你所有的钱了。 ; ^)
As far as the question about incompetence that doesn't even deserve to be addressed.
Matthew Lohden 30+ years working in the design and construction of buildings.
Written Nov 27
A US company once built a house in 8 hours.
US teams could build a skyscraper in the same fashion as the Chinese one given good enough reason. The reality though is that the building wasn't built in that time. It was only erected. There is also all the time spent preparing and assembling all the components so that the erection could be so quick. There are certainly advantages to modular construction but there are also trade offs which make it unsuitable in many cases and of limited use in others.
The Chinese are still developing their infrastructure and it makes sense to explore ways to do it faster and with economies of scale. In the US our problems are more about repairing updating and reorganizing an otherwise pretty fully developed built environment. The applications for such full on modularization are much more limited here.
Jerry To lives in Hong Kong
Written Mar 19 2015
The US CAN do that if they invest into the prefab technologies and manufacturing facilities as much as the company behind this skyscraper did.
The US just didn't do it because there's no need to erect skyscrapers in 19 days.
In fact China didn't need to erect skyscrapers in 19 days either. The vast majority of China's buildings were not completed this way.
Even for this particular project they still didn't HAVE to complete it in 19 days. I'm sure they can save a bit more construction cost by having a more relaxed schedule.
Then why did they do it? Because if they took their time and spent a couple months building this you most likely would not have heard about it from WSJ (although the speed would still be impressive).
The company Broad Sustainable Building (BSB) did this as a public stunt to promote what they called "sustainable building technologies". They were also behind several other "rush construction" projects such as a 30-floor hotel in 15 days and a 15-floor hotel in less than a week. Their goal was to eventually build a 200+ stories super-skyscraper using similar technologies. That thing if built will be slightly taller than the Burj Khalifa.
It's also worth noting that although construction speed was the single most eye-grabbing element in news like these it was not BSB's main selling point. Like I've mentioned earlier people rarely NEED to have skyscrapers built in a few weeks not even in China. BSB's main selling point was actually energy conservation emission reduction superior interior air quality and reducing building cost.
To learn more about what's the point of these buildings here are some readings.
BSB's claims on their technology and their vision of a vertical city (similar to the 57-floor building in question):
Some critique:
What was it like to stay in one (or two) of BSB's prefab buildings:
Nick White Trade Quantity Surveying and Construction Management professional.
Written Mar 16 2015
Nick White 贸易数量测量与施工管理专业。
China has laid down the gauntlet and shown off what's possible with prefabricated construction methods.
Some questions remain unanswered from the video such as build quality (is everything plumb level and watertight?) fire compartmentalism (will a fire on level 2 be contained to level 2?) and worksite safety (how many workers were injured in that great rush?).
视频中还有一些问题没有得到回答,例如建筑质量(一切都能保证垂直水平和水密吗?)防火分隔(第2级的防火级别是否控制在第2级?)和工地安全(在这样的极速活动中有多少工人受伤? )。
A US construction company is likely to adopt the construction method for the purpose of improving worksite safety and program length and hence money. I also wouldn't put it past a U.S. Company to have a crack at the record but it would be for competitive reasons rather than economic reasons.
Darryl Snow Lived in China for 10 years
Written Mar 29 2015
Isaac Gaetz's answer covers all the bases. To add to his 4th point about resources labour and transport costs are much lower in China. Labourers get paid insanely little (often only 1 annual pay cheque) and construction companies aren't always required to cover healthcare and insurance costs. Bringing in several cranes and an army of people to put together a prefab building is a lot cheaper in China than in the US.
Isaac Gaetz的回答覆盖了所有的点。我想对他的第四点进行补充,中国的资源,劳动力以及运输成本低多了。工人工资非常低(通常一年支付一次),建筑公司也没必要给工人提供医保和保险。所以中国的成本比美国低多了。
Alex Wong just like to learn about the USA
Written Nov 26
It’s difficult to compare something like this for a variety of reasons. Construction speed isn’t just about competence and capability it’s also about willpower.
China is building loads of new buildings to massively increase the standard of living for its people. If everyone is going to have modern washer/dryer plumping toilets fully equipped kitchen and glass bay windows… well there’s 1.3 billion to do that for. So they’re going full speed ahead with pre-fab construction techniques highly compliant local governments and a federal initiative to provide contemporary technology housing for everybody in China.
United States has no such initiative they already have a lot of housing and local governments are notorious for blocking everything under the sun. You used San Francisco as an example. Every year in the Bay Area plus wine country they have somewhere in the range of 80000 new families arrive in the area but they only issue around 30 000 to 40 000 building permits. Compare this to Toronto that issues 80 000 permits a year for less population. That necessarily means that the local government is saying “You may not building anything and I want you to leave or become homeless.”
So what is China even competing against? While China is building as much as possible to ensure every man woman and child has a home United States doesn’t even want to have more buildings. It’s competing with someone that doesn’t even know there’s a race going on.
The discussion in other answers about wages safety and other factors aren’t very strong. Construction deaths in San Francisco are notoriously high corruption is high build quality is terrible and many of the new constructions are already facing significant damage after a year of being built (incorrect foundations incorrect plumbing one set of buildings was even radioactive!). If American wanted to compete with China on construction I’m sure they could but the reality is that nobody in the United States is trying.
Most construction in the USA occurs in low population area where you’re building single detached homes. China’s more famous constructions are in tight urban spaces which require super high rises. When USA is as heavily populated as China then the comparison will be on equal grounds but for now USA can build loads of single detached homes and ignore skyscrapers which require a lot of the pre-fab techniques.
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