瑞典移民局保护强奸3岁女孩的难民不被逮捕 [美国媒体]


Swedish Migration Board Protects Refugee, Conceals Identity After Rape of 3 Year-Old


Jim Hoft Oct 26th, 2015 10:20 am 48 Comments
Muslim refugees rally in Sweden.


The Swedish migration board reportedly covered up the rape of a 3 year-old at a refugee center. The officials moved the accused rapist and refuse to disclose his identity despite the horrendous crime.龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com


Speisa reported, via Vlad Tepes (translated):

        A male refugee in an asylum center in Tingsryd municipality in Sweden, on Tuesday raped a three-year-old child.
        Responsible of the asylum center learned about the rape during the day, and in collaboration with the Swedish Migration Board had decided to move the man from the accommodation to protect him.


        They had also chosen not to contact the police in order to conceal this incident.


        However it was revealed when friends of the girl’s mother contacted the police. Eight hours later.


        But at the asylum center, the police could not get hold of the man, as he had been moved to another place, and employees at the asylum center were reluctant to tell the police of the man’s new location, who he was, or any information at all.


        According to a radio clip from Swedish Radio, the police had to contact a responsible in the Migration Board and force the truth from those in charge of the accommodation.


Datz Nutz • 12 hours ago
I've never seen governments so heII-bent on destroying their nations and themselves. Absolutely mind boggling. The world is inevitably going to pay dearly for this stupidity.


Berzrkr50 • 12 hours ago
Jesus, what the F are the Swede's thinking? Is that F-ing government all taking acid or something? As I read of all the BS going on in Scandinavia and Germany all I can do is shake my head in disgust. I happen to be descended from both cultures and was always proud of that. But as of today I will forever turn my back of that aspect of my life and never mention it again... EVER! Today, I'm ALL American with no mention otherwise.


tommy mc donnell [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)]Berzrkr50 • [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)]11 hours ago
they are leftists, it is their job to destroy the existing order. the Marxists are the force behind the colonization every western democracy. the leftist politicians in the swedish government are doing exactly what they want, destroying the country so they can replace it with their Marxist utopia.


[color=rgb(175, 93, 0) !important]Daiseymae [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)]Berzrkr50 • [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)]4 hours ago
Me too. I am German and Scandinavian. About 50/50. Today I am only an American too with nothing else.


Scott [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)]Tiger184 • [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)]12 hours ago
Yes. Raping young boys and girls is an important part of being Muslim.
You are being bigoted and hateful for not respecting the needs and traditions of these peaceful immigrants.


[color=rgb(175, 93, 0) !important]Goober_Pyle • [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)]11 hours ago
No women in that picture. Shouldn't the feminists be angry?


[color=rgb(175, 93, 0) !important]Lenn • [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)]5 hours ago
The moslem bastard should be executed on the spot! I am fed up with hearing about all the evil that these moslems are spreading in our once so peaceful and idyllic Scandinavia! FED up!
See how Sweden treats a Somali that raped a 12-yr old Swedish girl: [color=rgb(175, 93, 0) !important]http://www.prisonplanet.com/sw...


[color=rgb(175, 93, 0) !important]guessed • [color=rgba(0, 39, 59, 0.34902)]11 hours ago
I can describe the rapist. He's fighting age, Middle-Eastern in appearance, dark hair, dark eyes, dark beard, wears a dirty bedsheet, doesn't wash, wipes with his bare left hand, doesn't clean up after himself, doesn't work, hates women, won't obey secular laws, and harasses and plots constantly against non-Muslims. This 'man' is a child rapist. Please treat anyone you see that answers to this description as you would any child rapist, in whatever country you may find him.

