朝鲜核威胁意味着韩国不能推迟反导系统部署 [美国媒体]



SEOUL (Reuters) - Acting South Korean President Hwang Kyo-ahn said on Monday the deployment of a U.S. anti-missile defense system can not be delayed in the face of a growing North Korean nuclear missile threat and despite Chinese hostility to the move.


South Korea and the United States say the deployment of the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system is designed to protect against North Korea's nuclear and ballistic capabilities.


But China says THAAD's powerful radar could penetrate its own territory leading to calls from some South Korean opposition leaders to delay or cancel its deployment.



chimipanda 4 hours ago
usa couldn't win the korean war lost to the north in two years ahahahahahahaha what makes them idiots think they can win now?...the north has the same nukes...


Larry 3 hours ago
Listen either China takes immediate and definitive and verifiable steps to stop North Korea's nuclear ambitions cold or the THAAD gets deployed as a high priority project AND the US deploys equivalent firepower on ships stationed permanently in the South China Sea until THAAD is fully operational. This is no freaking game folks we have a nuclear war in the making unless we take immediate and meaningful action. OR .... we drop a few small nukes on the North right now and end all discussions about the problem forever more. Tired of seeing the US playing by the rules and considering everyone else's feelings while no one else respects our interests.



SwineFlew2 4 hours ago
猪飞飞2 4小时前
NK got King Jong-un; US got King Trump. What kind of crazy world is this?

朝鲜有一个金正恩,美国选了个金特朗普。 这是一个多么疯狂的世界?

Justsomeguy 3 hours ago
只是某某人 3小时前
As an American I'm an advocate of staying out of other country's business (unlike our government) but N Korea is a situation that seriously needs to be dealt with. We can't just keep hoping that they'll never get the technology to built a long-range missile that works because it's going to happen---and they're all too willing to use it. The biggest obstacle is China---as an ally of N Korea we'd have to go against their wishes which could definitely have repercussions.

作为一个美国人,我不主张美国插手其他国家的事情(我们的政府则恰恰相反)。 但朝鲜是一个急需处理的难题。我们不能只是希望他们永远都得不到研制远程导弹的技术,他们有可能获得这种技术---而且朝鲜也愿意使用这种技术。朝鲜问题最大的障碍是作为朝鲜的盟友中国---我们不能让他们的计划得逞,这也一定招来很大的反响。

Yahoo Reader 2 hours ago
雅虎读者 2小时前
Fat Kim Junk looks like an obese girl with premenstrual syndrome.



Lipang 3 hours ago
We Chinese will not accept any body who attack north Korea. Any body dare to attack will become dust.


T 2 hours ago
Trump will start some sword rattling to deflect attention away from lying about the inauguration and the fiasco about to occur over ACA. Reagan started the Granada joke to deflect from the marines killed in Beirut. Its called Wag the Dog. Change the subject change the narrative. Trumps problem is he's so obvious.


Gorgilo 3 hours ago
commie china has no right to interfere or whatsoever to the security of South Korea...


SurvivalEbooks 2 hours ago
Hope fat boy tries something with Trump on duty!!!



Harry Sung 3 hours ago
In history any despotic dictator only backs down because of the credibility of retaliation. The negotiation during the last eight years is a waste of time and taxpayer's money. Look what Reagan did with Iranian hostage situation. Shame on democrats and the recalcitrant ignoramus.


Gary 2 hours ago
Times have changed. It's not the 1950's anymore and South Korea is not an impoverished nation anymore. Quite the opposite; they are a thriving example of capitalism. In fact they have faster and better internet than we have in the USA. Why? Because we have been paying their defense costs with our taxpayer dollars while they spend their money on their infrastructure. South Korea can take care of itself. It's time for us to leave and let them truly stand on their own two feet. Let them defend themselves. They can do it.



Dale 1 hour ago
China really enjoys telling others what to do... don't allow official visits by the Dahli Lama don't talk to the leader of Taiwan blah blah blah. This from a country that can't abide by international law enforce intellectual property or stop stealing and hacking into others intellectual property.


Clifford 2 hours ago
In this picture they are carefully modeling the rocket warhead tip to match the curvature of the dear leaders crotch. They are hoping to one day give the dear leader a front row seat at a launching.


zababafool 2 hours ago
I don't think South Korean People would ALLOW the US to KILL their own cousins and relatives in the North . The South Koreans would Revolt and go against the US military in the country ! and who knows Okinawians might Also go against the US in their Country. Last yr South Koreans SLASHED the US Ambassador's face that NOT a GOOD sign



DRD4 3 hours ago
Not very familiar with South Korean politics but it looks like the opposition has the upper hand in the near term political control of the country. Just don't see Ban Ki Moon possessing the charisma to overturn the changing political swing. That doesn't bode well for the deployment of THAAD. Washington should be prepared for other options unless it chooses to send Ban Ki Moon to acting class or a personality makeover.


Skull 1 24 minutes ago
North Korea has the same ability to launch a nuclear strike against America as I do. It's like walking through a parking lot and getting barked at by a chihuahua locked in a car.


Skull 1 25 minutes ago
North Korea said it will test a rocket that they hope will hit the United States. In other words watch your back middle of the Pacific Ocean.



Skull 1 25 minutes ago
North Korea is now threatening the United States with all-out war. You can see they're stepping it up. In fact they released 10 more photos of Kim Jong Un looking through binoculars.


Sean 1 hour ago
Under Trump this will continue to escalate. The Chinese will be further insulted resulting in less interest in interfering. North Korea must be contained by all.


Galaxy 1 hour ago
Obviously China is a non issue. The Chinese have never been relevant.


John 1 hour ago
Seoul is only 35 miles from the DMZ. It is unrealistic to think that any anti-missile system can intercept a missile at such close range.



Beer 1 hour ago
Announce plans for about 15 more THAAD installations. When China squawks settle on 5. That's more than planned to start with.


Vinny 2 hours ago
I understand why the Chinese do not want the Anti-Missile system installed... It would stop their Carrier Killer missiles from working. :-) DF-21

我明白为什么中国人不想安装反导弹系统...因为它会阻止他们的航母杀手导弹起作用。 :-) 也就是东风-21导弹

Francis Urqehart 2 hours ago
Russia and China just announced a joint program to develop countermeasures to thwart the US Anti Missile System.


Peter Wolf 2 hours ago
HOW ON EARTH has the world allowed this certifiable lunatic develop nuclear weapons?? When the history books are written they'll contain a special chapter on this abject display of incompetence.



Jaik 2 hours ago
Trump will cut them off he doesn't care if Seoul gets nuked. South Korea like the rest of the world will have to turn to other powers for allies causing the US's influence and economy to slide into decline.


The Retaliator 3 hours ago
The North are so desperate that they're resorting to cannibalism. It's tough to defeat an enemy that wishes that they were already dead


Ryan 3 hours ago
That is the most comical tool for measuring the curvature of that warhead. Meanwhile the US is developing bullets that can change course to hit a target.


President Tweety Bird 4 hours ago
This time around Kim Jong un is dealing with half cocked idiot that reacts before he thinks with Trump. I'm predicting world ground wars everywhere within 1 year.

