自动化使制造商离开中国转到美国生产 [美国媒体]


Automation allows manufacturer to leave China for U.S. production



MANNING, S.C. -- Success rode into Manning, South Carolina on a bicycle built by two: man, and machine. Every 13 seconds, another one rolls off the assembly line.


“Typically bicycle spokes are dropped into the hub one at a time by hand. This machine does it automatically and only in about thirty seconds,” said Arnold Kamler, owner of Bicycle Corporation of America, or BCA.

『通常,自行车轮辐条人手安装是一次一个地落入轮毂中的,这台机器却能在三十秒内自动完成。 』BCA(美国自行车公司)的老板阿诺德‧卡姆勒说。

“Using the same amount of people, we can do about three times as many hubs in a day,” Kamler said.

『使用相同数量的人手,我们一天可以做出三倍数量的车毂。 』卡姆勒说。

A BCA employee and robot working together


BCA has been in his family since 1905.


The company has a factory in China, but Kamler recently moved ten percent of BCA’s business back to the U.S. Why? Wages for Chinese workers had soared out of sight.

该公司在中国有一家工厂,但卡姆勒最近将BCA 一成的业务转回美国。为什么?中国工人的工资飙升了。

Kamler bought an abandoned factory and created 140 jobs -- a lifeline in this distressed industrial town. But the only way to make it work was investing in robots.

卡姆勒买下了一个废弃的工厂,创造了140个工作岗位 – 这成为这个窘迫的工业城镇的救生索。然而使这救生索行之有效的唯一方法是投资在机器人上 。

“We’re creating jobs with the automation and being able to be price-competitive with China now and it will get even better in the future,” he said.

『我们正在以自动化创造就业机会,并且能够与中国进行价格竞争,工厂的前景将会变得更好。 』他说。

$6 million of automation does the work of more than 100 workers.


Kamler was asked whether his employees see the robots as a future threat to their jobs.

“We’re not replacing other jobs with these robots,” he said.

『我们不是用这些机器人去取替其他的工作。 』他说。

“What we’re doing is we’re adding more equipment that makes us more efficient.”

『我们正在做的是增加更多的设备使我们的效率更高。 』

Production manager Albertus Jones sees the machines as co-workers.


“A lot of people have that misconception that automation decreases jobs. It’s just a different type of job, a more skilled job,” Jones said.

『很多人都有自动化缩减工作岗位这样的误解。其实这只是一种不同类型的工作,一个更有技能的工作岗位。 』钟斯说。

And without the robots, the human jobs wouldn’t exist, either.


A new model that could allow American manufacturing to ride high again.


Robots cannot shop. Oh but wait a minute, I think Silicon Valley is coming up with AI for robots so they can shop and learn how to be savvy Shoppers.
For every job automated or outsourced is one less customer for Retail America to buy the products that companies like BCA produce; just saying. Like it or not businesses not only produce goods and provide services they also create their own customers; it is not rocket science and Ivy League economics degree not required, only common sense.
Millions of workers replaced by robots end up in the Welfare and Food Stamps role; and re-training, the mantra of America business, is a myth. Jobs are disappearing, and for American jobs that cannot be outsourced or automated Corporate America use the H1 -B work visa program to hire foreigners to replace American workers and that is prent in the STEM profession.
SOYLENT GREEN, the future sustenance for the millions of unemployed.

每一个自动化或外包的类似BCA公司生产的产品,都是一个较少美国零售客户购买的产品,就是说, 喜不喜欢也好,企业不只生产商品和提供服务,他们也开创自己的客户; 它不是火箭科学,也不需要常春藤联盟经济学学位,一般常识就可以。
以机器人替代数百万工人的岗位,其最终结果是社会轮落为福利救济及食品救济券的模式; 还有那个「再培训」,这个美国商业界的口头禅,就是一个空中楼阁。工作正在消失,对于不能外包或自动化的美国工作,美国公司使用H1-B工作签证计划雇用外国人来代替美国工人,这在STEM(科学、科技、工程和数学)行业中很普遍。

SUETUE 6 days ago
Chinese wages haven't 'gone out of sight'. They're stagnant at what they were for a long, long time. China has two things going for it. Low wages and NO STOCK MARKET. Profits get reinvested. The stock market gets seen as a sign of a healthy market. It's not. It represents money sucked out of the economy.
The thing that is hurting China right now is that Hanjin shipping went under. It was shipping below cost. So was the other one that went bankrupt a while back. If we have to pay true shipping costs, it's less feasible to ship stuff from halfway across the world.

中国的薪酬问题还是可见的,他们停滞不前在这样的状态已经很久很久了。为此他们有两件事情要做,低工资及无股票市场,使利润得到再投资。股票市场向来被视作一个健康市场的标志,其实不然, 股票市场意味着从经济体系中吸走金钱。
目前正伤害着中国的事情是韩进海运的倒闭。韩进以低于成本价作业, 因此这是前阵子另一家破产的航运。如果我们必须支付真正的船运费,那么从世界各地中途运送货物的可行性就会降低。

POS12345 6 days ago
Robotics have been in manufacturing for decades and the use of them are increasing reduced costs, higher quality production are the two main factors in using them. We cannot afford to live in the past the day of manufacturing to support our economic base is past. Trump does not get it he is living in 1980


OAKKAY123 6 days ago
Like everything Trump it is SHOW and not Substance!
Remember all those thousands of Carrier jobs he claimed to have saved well it turns out it was only 732 jobs SAVED at the cost of at least 7 million dollars in tax breaks the state gave them!
More than half of them jobs still went to Mexico!


LAWBOY87 6 days ago
For every ONE job that has been lost in the US to foreign competition, there's been 23 jobs lost to automation.
For all the crowing about those 700 jobs saved at the Carrier Plant in Indiana (and despite the fact that 2,000 jobs still went to Mexico) the reality is that Carrier has already announced that the $14 Million that they are getting in taxpayer subsidies to keep those jobs will be used to "modernize" and "upgrade" their plant. That is nothing more than code for automating the facility. So the bulk of those jobs will end up gone as well.

对于他们吹嘘在印第安纳州开利工厂所保留的700个岗位( 尽管事实上2,000个工作岗位还是去了墨西哥),事实是开利已经宣布,为保留那些岗位而被给予的1400万美元纳税人补贴,将用于「现代化」和「升级」他们的工厂。不言而喻,这一切就是自动化设施的代码。因此这些工作大部份结果也将会失去。

AEASUS 7 days ago
$6 million of automation does the work of more than 100 workers.
“A lot of people have that misconception that automation decreases jobs. It’s just a different type of job, a more skilled job,” Jones said.
So are they saying 6 million in automation also creates the same number of jobs ... aside from wasting 6 million, there's no difference.
Caution: you have just entered the Twilight Zone
or alt+fcts

『很多人都有自动化缩减工作岗位这样的误解。其实这只是一种不同类型的工作,一个更有技能的工作岗位。 』琼斯说。
那他们是说600万的自动化也创造了相同数量的工作岗位...? 除浪费了600万以外,情况并没有什么区别。
警告: 你们刚刚进入了暮光区
否则这就是个「替代事实」(注: 媒体揭特朗普就职典礼观礼人数少于奥巴马时, 特朗普战略顾问康威为特朗普新闻秘书史派瑟辩护时, 称史派瑟只是说出「另一个事实」。 近期的媒体上短语Alternative facts另一个事实即文中之alt+fcts成为谎言的代词)

ROBM12345 6 days ago
@aeasus Except that those 100 workers would not have those jobs anyway because it would be cost prohibitive to pay them to do the work - the product would simply not be built since you can't pay people more to produce the product than you can sell it for. But without that automation, those 140 who DID get jobs wouldn't have them either. Those 100 jobs are not lost since they would not have existed in the first place any way. We gain those 140 jobs that were created and made possible by that automation that also would not have been created without that automation. It's up 140, not down 100 since the jobs would have been ZERO without automation.

@aeasus除此之外, 无论如何那100名工人不会得到那些工作,因为请他们工作就要支付高昂的成本- 产品因此不会被制造,因为付出高于产品售价的成本去生产产品是不可能的。就算没有这种自动化,那获得工作的140人亦不会得到这些工作。那100个工作没有丢失,因为他们根本一开始就不曾存在过。我们获得自动化创造的那140个工作岗位,也不会在没有自动化的情况下创造出来。它之所以是140而不是100, 原因是没有自动化这些工作就是零。

DANNYSTEELE 7 days ago
Hopefully the people in the US who voted for Trump because they thought he'd bring manufacturing jobs back here see this and realize he misled them.


BILLOFRIGHTS-1787 7 days ago
@dannysteele one thing is true we do not build like we did, everything is shipped in, and that is what is not a good thing, what dont make scenes we ship it in and then we ship our money out, that is why we have to bring it back, we can not keep sending it out at the pace and why the debt is 10 trillion more in 8 years,

@dannysteele 有一件事是真的,我们的发展不如我们所做的,什么都是运进来的,不妙之处与不合理的是,我们运货进来然后把我们的钱运出去。这就是为什么我们要拿回来的原因,我们不能继续这种送钱出去的步幅,就是这样我们才会8年来债务多于10万亿。

POS12345 6 days ago
@BillofRights-1787 @dannysteele We are no longer a manufacturing nation face it and no matter what the current administration tries it will not bring back

@ BillofRights-1787 @dannysteele我们不再是一个制造业国家,面对事实吧,无论当前行政部门尝试做什么,那些日子将无法挽回。

BILLOFRIGHTS-1787 7 days ago
@dannysteele and if nothing is done about it trump will have a debt 20 trillion more then obama, so something has to be done, that why he said it has to stop now,

@dannysteele 如果对此一筹莫展,特朗普将会有一个20万亿美元的债务,比奥巴马的更多。所以有一些事情必须去做,这就是为什么他说现在不得不停止的原因。

GOLDENROD33 7 days ago
Yes. Manufacturing will come back to the US as companies run out of poor countries to exploit. The Chinese factory workers began to organize and demand better wages and working conditions, then the companies moved to other poor countries, the same thing keeps happening. Now the companies are starting to come back here with robots doing most of the mundane work and there's a need for people with skills to service the robots. If we invest in education, the US will be in a good position to snag even more advanced manufacturing jobs .


PEONY 7 days ago
@goldenrod33 The question is: are we educating our children to create, to repair and to monitor robots? I only hear people complain about spending money to educate our children.

@goldenrod33 问题是:我们正在教育我们的孩子们创造、修复及监察机器人吗?我只听到人们抱怨要花钱教育我们的孩子。

ROBM12345 6 days ago
@Peony @goldenrod33 If only kids were actually being educated for that money being spent on education. All we are getting is kids with no skills clinging to their participation trophies. So, no we aren't educating kids to monitor and repair robots because they aren't being educated to do _anything_ productive. What our education system is producing is kids with no useful or productive skills who think they're owed stuff in spite of their inability to actually produce anything of actual value. They think that flipping burgers should provide them with iPhones, and HDTVs, and cars, etc. But if they don't have any of the skills to enable them to contribute to the production of all that stuff they would have given them, how does that stuff get produced to be given them? If they aren't producing that stuff, then who is, and why should those people give it to them for nothing of value in exchange for themselves since those kids can't produce anything of value in exchange?

@Peony @ goldenrod33 要是那些花在教育上的钱让孩子实际上受到教育就好了。我们教育出来的孩子对他们的参与奖缺乏不懈努力的毅力。因此,并非我们没有教育孩子们监察和维修机器人,而是他们没有受过教育如何富于成效地做事。我们的教育制度正在出产的孩子,他们没有有用的或者生产技能,尽管他们其实无力生产任何具有实际价值的东西,他们均认为他们被欠了东西、认为煎汉堡扒应该为他们带来爱疯手机,高清电视及汽车等。然而,如果他们没有任何技能使他们能够对那些他们想要得到的所有东西作出贡献,那些东西又如何能生产出来?如果他们不生产那些东西,那么由谁去做 ? 人们为何应该在没有价值交换下就给他们那些东西?就是因为那些孩子不能生产任何有价值的东西作为交换吗?

BILLOFRIGHTS-1787 7 days ago
@Peony @goldenrod33 your right , both of you, i was thinking as we have robots take over our jobs more and more and need less workers to do the jobs because of it, and the population keeps growing, there will never be enough jobs to go around and the pay will be just laborer type jobs which does not pay well, some jobs can only be done by man and women, and the pay will not cover the cost of living, so government hand out will have to be done and should be paid for by these company's that are taking the peoples jobs away,

@Peony @ goldenrod33 你们俩人都说得对。我一直在想当机器人越来越多地接管我们的工作, 需要的工人就会更少,人口不断增长,永远不会有足够的工作职位,薪酬只有劳工类型的低薪工作收入,一些工作只能由男人和女人去做,其收入却入不敷支不足以维生,因此政府的出手是必须的,而且应该由那些正在使用机器人取缔工人职位的公司支付。

DHARWIN_ED 7 days ago
@BillofRights-1787 @Peony @goldenrod33 Finland is doing it already. Minimal salary will always be paid whether employed or unemployed.

@BillofRights-1787 @Peony @goldenrod33 芬兰已经有了最低薪酬,无论是就业或失业,都可得到薪酬。

DEGGERT 6 days ago
This is soooooooo true. Carrier here in Indiana will solve its problems by further mechanization. That is how they will use the Pence tax bribe he and his boss gave them.


NOTIMPORTANT4444 6 days ago
This is nothing new. GM has been using robots for a long time. Currently, GM is producing the same number of vehicles now as it did in the 70's with 1/3 less the number of people. GM could actually produce cars that costs less if they went to a full automation production but the Unions will not let them do this.
As for other areas where automation is taking jobs away is the Walmart stores were they have the self check out lines. The one where I lives has 20 cashier lines when it first opened about 10 to 20 years ago and now they have about 10 lanes for the self-check outs and 1 or 2 cashier and if you shop after 10:00 pm - there are no cashiers and you have to use the self-check out lines.

至于其他已正在采用自动化取缔工作的领域就有沃尔玛商店,他们有自助收银柜台。在我住处附近那间,大约在10至20年前他们初开业时有20个人手收银线,现在他们大约有10个车道的自助收银柜台及1或2名收银员,如果你在晚上10: 00后购物就没有收银员,你必须使用自助收银柜台结算。

@NotImportant4444 Sell cars for less, with full automation. There's no workers making money so who's going to buy them?

@NotImportant4444 由于全自动化车辆少卖了。没有工人赚钱,谁会买呢?

DMAN6015 6 days ago
@LogicalMagic @NotImportant4444
Ahh...there's the rub in our ever-increasing Service Economy. One day there will be no one left to serve.
@LogicalMagic @NotImportant4444


ok...so...this is a win?
1 machine does the job of 100 humans? so...they will hire ONE person to monitor the machine which does the job of 100 people? I'm sorry, how is this a win?
