美舰航行后 澳洲按计划与中国进行海上演习 [美国媒体]


Australia plans Chinese naval exercises despite US warship sail-by


Australia said Thursday it would continue scheduled live-fire naval exerciseswith China, even after closeally the United States senta warship into disputed South China Sea watersthis week.



Disgruntled Vet 1 day ago
amazing how many people want and think the US should beinvolved in this and support their 'kicking the sleeping dog'
don't we have enough wars going now? do weneed this moronic act of intentionally trying to #$%$ off China who weowe trillions of dollars to?
This is a matter that will be decided byThe World Court and we need to stay the flyin F*(^*%^ outta it
We have troops in over 250 countries nowand NONE at home protecting our borders from drug gangs, terrorists and dirtpoor uneducated ILLEGAL immigrants from coming in .
We have lost BIG every war and stand off wehave been in since WW2 yet 'I've never been in a fight in my life' Obanma ishell bent on pushing China, North Korea and Russia for a fight. Easy for theclown to do since he nor any of his family will fight or die for NOTHING excepthis ego again


John J 1 day ago 4 10
hahaha...i mean u got to be really stupidif you're suggesting to boycott China'sgoods... It was extremely dificult 15 years ago, in this day and age, it'simpossible... Chinamakes proactically anything and everything from raw materials, car parts,underwears, to the iphone and computers you're wearing and using...
let me know how it works out for you...lol
i have to say, somehow these idoits dontlearn...well then again, u're not an idiot for nothing.


Harry Kneecaps 1 day ago 17 15
Rush Limbaugh loves to speak of USexceptionalism. There was a time when the US was exceptional but that waslong ago. The UShas become tyrannical. Its frequent use of force to impose its will on nationsaround the world is unacceptable and contrary to the principles of ourfounders. Its good to see that Australiaisnt allowing itself to take part in this US tyranny.


Clayton 1 day ago
Stupid media and u.s. government, sanctions andseizing of Chinese assets is all you have to do. If we do not allow any importsfor just one month then Chinawill starve. Of course then we can not justify spending so much money on themilitary and of course the 1% will loose money. Imagine if we even had a planto reopen manufacturing here that would be amazing but with all the nonAmericans and anti Americans running the show they will give excuses and say itis to hard. Good thing fighting Hitler and suicidal Japanese was not too hardor we would be speaking German or Japanese.


Ted 1 day ago
I don't blame the Aussies. The U.S. under Obama looks extremely weak, while China, amongothers, are flexing their muscles. The Australians just want a goodrelationship with a strong regional power, and are unsure of American fortitudeif the #$%$ the fan in the South China Sea.
"Evil prevails when good men donothing...."
Edmund Burke


V K 1 day ago
What else Australia is supposed to do becauseUS ship sails somewhere? Should it immediately destroy it relations with China to pleaseUS? I do not think so.


GoBlueGrad 1 day ago
What would prevent the U.S. from building up a barrier reef in theSouth China Sea, and then claiming all of the waters for America? SillyChinese, you're doing nothing but alienating all of your neighbors!!!


peter 1 day ago
Why is this news? Countries in the PacificRim are slowly moving away from ties with the US.
Many companies are leaving or have left Australia suchas Ford. New Zealand hasstarted trading with Chinaand not using the dollar as the reserve currency saving
$ Millions in trading costs.


Ming Mow 20 hours ago
just shows that the US is no longerrelevant let alone a superpower. the US is only a regional power!


goldfinger 20 hours ago
How about recalling some of the thousandsof troops we have stationed all over Asia toprotect our own boarders and streets?
Cities like Detroit are turning into a 3rd worldwasteland, we need to rebuild our infrastructure before starting sh#t insomeone else's backyard.


Jorge 1 day ago
The USAcant even protect their borders which explains +50 million illegals and theiranchor babies living in the USAplus the thousands that go trough the border everyday. Silly Gringos, how doesthe USAexpect to be the policeman of the world if they cant even stop the Mexicaninvasion?


Rod 1 day ago
Its a shame that Australia ended its restrictions onChinese and other non-European immigration 30 years ago. It was a great countryuntil Muslims and Asians were allowed to immigrate which has caused too manysocial issues as these people do not assimilate into Australian culture. Thereare plenty of Europeans who would love to immigrate to Australia - andwould be a better ft into society - if only allowed. And if the restrictionsfor Americans and Canadians were eased, there would be a million who wouldapply to live "down - under." Unfortunately, Australia prefers toadmit people who are out to destroy Western civilization - and don't give methe nonsense that the Chinese are good people as they are still communist -instead of Yankees who would appreciate living in Australia.

