I was talking to my friend’s parents at their home in Orange county. My friend taking Chinese as minor his father was upset about this start to calling China as enemy American job theft. China that I know was prosperity hardworking peaceful. Why would someone think China in completed opposite way?
Frederic Ulric lives in China (1970-present)
Written Mon
Because americans have been brainwashed for decades thanks to a compliant media machine. They’ve been told for decades who to fear what to think and what to love. It’s very ingrained now. You can thank the american Edward Bernays for his BS. He was the one who coined the term Public Relations - as code for Propaganda.
US media is extremely biased against China. Same for Russia. Coupled with a belief in that the US is better which it’s not americans get a sense of good vs evil. It’s all extremely naive. Read John Pilger William Blum Noam Chomsky and others if you want to know the truth.
John Pilger Articles (http://johnpilger.com/articles)
Jamie Cawley Author of "Beliefs and the world they have created. Lives in China
Written Mon
Many Americans are extraordinarily ignorant about the world outside America (to be fair many Chinese are not that well informed either). Some of the questions and attitudes you find even on Quora of Americans towards Chinese and the Chinese are profoundly ignorant.
All one can do is to try to show them pictures of China as it is and help them understand
Joe Munson I have absolutely no experience you should stop reading me immediatelyJ
Written Mon
You’ve made the classic error of generalizing based on one interaction with one conservative. Not all conservatives are as angry at China as your friends dad.
To answer your question though your friends father (at least when it comes to international trade and geopolitics) is deeply ignorant. He seems to think trade is zero sum he seems unable to distinguish between the Chinese government and the Chinese people and he probably values American lives over Chinese lives. As to why he and people in general are ignorant that is anybody’s guess. Maybe because it is a good way to divert blame?
Additionally conservative media outlets like Fox News and even our current president like to feed these lies as telling people what they want to hear is generally quite a profitable. Of course There is a bit of a history of war and/or bad relations between the U.S and China so there is also that.
Moreover China is not so peaceful as you make it out to be. Become a political dissident and see how peaceful China is ;)
Kingsley Tsang native Cantonese speaker
Written Mon
You believe what you want to believe and it isn’t hard to only watch and read one-sided coverage of China- eating cats and dogs state enforced abortion one child policy the stealing job thing suppression of religions/ Christianity moves to claim/ reclaim land in the South China Sea. I’m sure I don’t need to go to.
Paul Denlinger Have lived in China Taiwan and Hong Kong; fluent in Mandarin (written spoken)
Written 6h ago
Ask your friend’s father which news he likes to watch most?
My bet is that the answer will be Fox News.
In China the official media has only one position and you will hear that same position no matter where you go.
The US though is a democracy so people have a choice as to how they want their news presented to them.
In short they can choose their brainwashing.
保罗.登林格 曾居住在中国台湾和香港,汉语普通话流利(书面/口语)
Barry Feng
Written Mon
Sometimes one needs a target to blame for. A country needs an enemy to unite its people. It might be China or German or Mexico .
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...