THENS – If Donald Trump understands anything it is the value of bankruptcy and financial recycling. He knows all about success via strategic defaults followed by massive debt write-offs and the creation of assets from liabilities. But does he grasp the profound difference between a developer’s debt and the debt of a large economy? And does he understand that China’s private debt bubble is a powder keg under the global economy? Much hinges on whether he does.
Trump was elected on a wave of discontent with the establishment’s colossal mishandling of both the pre-2008 boom and the post-2008 recession. His promise of a domestic stimulus and protectionist trade policies to bring back manufacturing jobs carried him to the White House. Whether he can deliver depends on whether he understands the role America used to play in the “good old days” the role it can play now and crucially the significance of China.
Before 1971 US global hegemony was predicated upon America’s current-account surplus with the rest of the capitalist world which the US helped to stabilize by recycling part of its surplus to Europe and Japan. This underpinned economic stability and sharply declining inequality everywhere. But as America slipped into a deficit position that global system could no longer function giving rise to what I have called the Global Minotaur phase.
According to ancient myth King Minos of Crete owed his hegemony to the Minotaur a tragic beast imprisoned under Minos’s palace. The Minotaur’s intense loneliness was comparable only to the fear it inspired far and wide because its voracious appetite could be satisfied – thereby guaranteeing Minos’s reign – only by human flesh. So a ship loaded with youngsters regularly sailed to Crete from faraway Athens to deliver its human tribute to the beast. The gruesome ritual was essential for preserving Pax Cretana and the King’s hegemony.
After 1971 US hegemony grew by an analogous process. The Minotaur was none other than the US trade deficit which devoured increasing quantities of the world’s net exports. America’s burgeoning deficit was financed by billions of dollars of daily net inflows into Wall Street from the foreign (and often US) owners of these distant factories – a form of modern tribute to the Global Minotaur.
The more the deficit grew the greater its appetite for Europe’s and Asia’s capital. What made the Minotaur truly global was its function: it helped recycle financial capital (profits savings and surplus money). It kept gleaming German factories busy. It gobbled up everything produced in Japan and later in China. But at the same time Wall Street learned how to turbocharge these capital inflows through exotic financial instruments. The floodgates of financialization burst open and the world was flooded with debt.
In the autumn of 2008 the Minotaur was mortally wounded after running into the wall of private debt that was a by-product of its appetite. While the Fed and the Treasury refloated US markets (at the expense of weaker Americans left behind since the 1970s) nothing would be the same: Wall Street’s capacity to continue “closing” the global recycling loop vanished. The US banking sector could no longer harness America’s twin trade and budget deficits for the purposes of financing enough domestic demand to sustain the rest of the world’s net exports. From that moment on the world economy would find it impossible to regain its poise.
Following the Minotaur’s mortal wounding America has not only the Fed and the Treasury to thank for helping to avoid a new Great Depression. The US was also saved by the Dragon: the Chinese government cranked up domestic investment to unprecedented levels to pick up the slack created by the contraction in spending in the US and Europe. For many years China allowed credit creation by its formal and shadow banks to run amok even permitting them to benefit from the Fed’s easy-money largesse by taking out dollar-denominated loans. Put succinctly the Dragon stepped in to rebalance the West when the Minotaur no longer could.
China’s leaders knew what they were doing. They were creating a bubble of unsustainable investment to give Europe and the US a chance to get their act together. Alas both failed to do so: America because of the standoff between President Barack Obama and the Republican-controlled Congress and Europe for reasons too painful to recount. And when the perfect storm hit in 2015 with US interest rates climbing while commodity prices fell China had to crank up credit creation once more.
Yanis Varoufakis a former finance minister of Greece is Professor of Economics at the University of Athens.
Yanis Varoufakis:希腊的前财政部长,现为雅典大学经济学教授。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:翻译加工厂 转载请注明出处]
ommented Jamel Saadaoui NOV 30 2016
Why China should rue an overvalued currency? It does not seem to be an equilibrium phenomenon then...
为什么中国要运行一个定价过高的货币? 它可不是一个好的平衡现象。然后...
Commented Jamel Saadaoui NOV 30 2016
Dear SIr
I do not understand on what basis you argue that the Chinese renminbi is grossly overvalued. The current account surplus is still above 2% of GDP.
Comment Sarah Glass NOV 29 2016
Wow if only the leaders in this world understood half of this????
Comment Armin Schmidt NOV 29 2016
I wish I understood all the correlations and processes mentioned. What I can add is that economics could soon well be a shrinking part of politics in which many 'scientific' economic correlations could pause or end.
There is more in my account's biography.
Comment S.A R NOV 29 2016
You are spot on as usual but I must say I don't much care for your metaphors. Any (other than symbolic) protectionist trade policies by America will completely blow up in their face much sooner than expected by the likes of Donald Trump.
I'm almost certain that he doesn't understand the complexities of the situation. His economic advisors will however stop him from doing much in this regard. He'll probably try to strike some deal with China but it's unlikely it will come to much. READ LESS
Comment Steve Hurst NOV 30 2016
@Jose - please refer to the definition of double think
Comment Jose araujo NOV 30 2016
@Steve yes I agree with you but still one of our goals should be to promote free efficient markets.
But my comentary was more in the sense that I can't understand libertarians who defend fixed exchange rates and non-market mechanisms like Euro and others. IMHO its the negation of theire beliefs.
Comment Steve Hurst NOV 30 2016
You show me a free and efficient market and I will supply a pumpkin that turns into a carriage
Comment Steve Hurst NOV 30 2016
@ Other
Anyone can share my currency via the FX. If you are talking abut a common currency then you have to perpetually transfer wealth from rich regions to poorer regions or alternatively let regional depopulation occur or local debt accrue ref GR quo est demonstratum. Depopulation is a bad outcome because the
infrastructure maintenance bill is static so remorselessly increases per capita eventually leading to infrastructure collapse or debt swamps the local economy. Unless there is a feeling of kinship the rich regions tend to oppose perpetual wealth transfer eg Germany v GR. Nothing will stop these mechanisms so the EZ is a living death a zombi state. Warnings should be posted on the border roads entering this state advising of the truly terrible resident evil present.
任何人都可以通过FX来分享我的货币。如果讨论一种能在国家之间共通的货币(比如欧元),(要解决**问题)就不得不永久性地将财富从更富饶的地区转移到较贫困的地区,或者是选择让该区域人口减少或者是增加这个贫困地方的债务。人口减少之所以不是一个好的选择是因为基础设施的维护费用是固定的,人口的下降最终会增加人均所要负担的成本,而这最终会导致基础设施崩溃或地方经济陷入债务泥潭。除非这两个地区之间有亲近感,例如德国的东德和西德,否则富裕地区是不会赞成对于贫困地区的永久性财富转移的。因为没有什么会让这些不良机制停止作用,所以EZ(European zones, 欧洲地区)是处于一个类似活死人的僵尸状态。在进入这个区域的边境道路的两旁应该被张贴上警告标示,告诉人们这里真实存在的居民的糟糕状况和邪恶。
BTW how can you have different interest rates for a common currency. This basically says a euro has a different value depending which side of the road you are on a complete and utter nonsense. This is why Schaube's brain nearly exploded when it was proposed to him it couldn't cope with the idiocy of the conundrum
你怎么能设定同一种货币会产生不同的利率?这基本上是在说,只要欧元在不同的地方就会有不一样的价值,这根本是彻头彻尾的无稽之谈。 这就是为什么这个问题被提给Schaub后他的大脑会几近爆炸,因为他的脑子并不能应付这个愚蠢的难题。
Comment M M NOV 29 2016
Jose you never ceases to amaze me! You managed to identify "The Other"!
Comment Jose araujo NOV 29 2016
@ The Other first thankx for the challenge
I presume you like me are a believer in free efficient markets so why do you refuse a free currency market and prefer a fixed exchange system? There have always been currency markets so the liquidity from sharing a currency is a non issue to me.
Fixed exchange rates gold standards constitutional debt limits are all instruments that protect established wealth and penalize income. The rentier problem that has always been a problem for free market advocates.
We should promote the generation of income and the accumulation of wealth. They are related but not the same thing.
It’s truly hard for me to believe that the countries in Europe would be that far off if it wasn’t for the Euro. The historic growth rates from 2000 are really sub-par when compared with other times so if there are such big benefits from a shared currency where are they?
我们应该鼓励产生更多的收入和积累更多的财富。这两件事是相关的,但并不是一样的。我真的很难去相信,原来只要没有欧元,欧洲国家之间的联系是那么疏远。 与之前的其他时期相比,从2000年算起的经济历史增长率的表现非常糟糕,所以如果欧洲国家用共同的货币能获得所谓巨大的好处,那这些好处在哪里?
Comment efi axarli NOV 29 2016
Economy must be not only scientific Knowledge but first of all philosophy accessible to every citizen. That is the simple truth revealed by Mr Yanis Varoufakis in every word he says. And I still feel proud to be Greek !
这是在Yanis Varoufakis先生所说的每一个字中都可以体会到的简单真理。
Comment Jose araujo NOV 29 2016
Yanis Trumps election doesn't change the fact that we are living in liquidity trap conditions and a generalized preference for liquidity. So treasury yelds won't move before this change.
Actually your analogy is not right first because trade deficits are a consequence of transactions. It’s not debt that creates the trade but trade that creates debt second because in your analogy the financial crisis didn’t wounded the..
Comment Steve Hurst NOV 30 2016
@M M
I was told by an american that the use for turkeys was not thanksgiving but election to public office. Perhaps vegetables deserve an opportunity. BTW Mike the headless chicken was put forward as a candidate at one time
Comment M M NOV 29 2016
Steve one better sticks to vegetables you see what happened to the £5 note?
Comment Steve Hurst NOV 29 2016
No roast beef then
Comment M M NOV 29 2016
Jose in a nutshell you are correct there are also numerous other reasons and causes to the current stagnation which are too numerous to list in here.the Minotaur may appear healthy but is being eaten up by various illnesses.
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...