中国基地引发“非常重大的安全关切” [美国媒体]



WASHINGTON: For the first time an important United States military base one where a great deal of highly classified communications intelligence and operations occur sits within a few miles of a military competitor China.


Where? Djibouti the tiny African state that sits on the Horn of Africa across from Yemen and sits astride the Bab el-Mandeb Strait. It is one of the world’s most strategic locations. The US base there supports highly classified operations by Joint Special Operations Command especially in and around Somalia as well as a host of intelligence and support functions for US and allied forces throughout the region.

吉布提(djibouti)这个细小的非洲国家位处非洲之角上,与也门相望并横跨曼德海峡(bab el-mandeb)。这是世界上其中一个最具战略性的地点。 这里的美军基地为联合特别行动组(Special Operations Command)提供帮助,特别是那些在索马里或附近的行动,同时也为在该区域的美国军队和其盟友提供后勤。


The Chinese haven’t called their still unfinished site a military base instead calling it a “logistical support” facility to help supply the PLA Navy’s anti-piracy efforts. The head of Africa Command (AFRICOM) Marine Gen. Thomas Waldhauser put paid to China’s soft-pedaling of the base’s nature this morning when he told me that the facility is simply a “military base.” He also said the base should be completed this summer.

中国方面并不把尚未竣工的场地叫做军事基地而是称之为为中国海军反海盗提供“运输支援”的设施。非洲指挥部部长兼海军上将 托马斯 沃豪沙(thomas waldhauser)在今天早上直接了当的的告诉我这个设施只是个“军事基地”,这直接终结了中国试图淡化这件事情的努力。他表示这个基地将于今年夏天完成。

I asked Waldhauser if the US is concerned about the proximity of the Chinese base — the first foreign military base the country known as China has had in its long history.

我问沃豪沙美方对于这个临近的中国基地是否有忧虑 - 这是中国这个国家历史以来第一个在海外的军事基地。


“We’ve never had a base of let’s just say a peer competitor as close as this one happens to be. so there’s a lot of learning going on a lot of growing going on. Yes there are some very significant operational security concerns and I think that our base there is significant to us because it’s not only AFRICOM that utilizes” Djibouti he said noting it’s also used by CENTCOM Special Operations Command and EUCOM. Some U.S. allies also use the base when they operate with the US military.


Waldhauser said the U.S. “has spoken to the Djiboutian government about it and they know what our concerns are.”

沃豪沙指美方 “已经跟吉布地政府讨论过并知晓我们的疑虑有什么”


That’s the problem when you rent – the landlord has final say on who your neighbors are.

这就是你租借地方的问题 - 房主有权利决定你的邻居会是谁。

Don Bacon
But when that landlord hears a knock on the door. . .


I can’t believe you started a fake facebook account just so you can troll the comments section on with your lies


When you build one of these massive bases shouldn’t there be a signed agreement that another base wont be built next door?


I mean are you guys kidding right now? If its a problem then we should just leave because this is just making us look stupid.


Money talks.



The problem in this region is Ethiopia who is a major Chinese ally. In order to control Djibouti you will have to control Ethiopia first.

这个地区的问题是埃塞俄比亚是中国的一个主要盟友。 如果要控制吉布地的话是需要先控制埃塞俄比亚的。

Ethiopia is in the tank and is a lost country. Speaking to a number of Ethiopians in Wn DC and Seattle over the years there are millionaires and then everyone else. No chance to get ahead and the country has turned for the worse in the past 10 years. A fine country that has gone to hell.

埃塞俄比亚是个衰落且迷失的国家。 几年间由一些在华盛顿和西雅图的埃塞俄比亚人口中得知那里极其贫富悬殊。这个国家没有进步的机会而在十年间走向了最差的下场。好好的一个国家跌入到谷底。

“Ethiopia is in the tank and is a lost country.” Which is why China likes it as a takeover country. A few millions of dollars in bribes and badda bing badda boom your own satellite nation!

“埃塞俄比亚是个衰落且迷失的国家。” 这就是为什么中国选它来占领的原因。投个几百万的贿款,乖乖隆地咚,成了自己的卫星国家。


It was $3400 million and 460 miles.


Google ‘ethiopia china railroad’.

谷歌一下“埃塞俄比亚 中国 铁路”

Wow. Ethiopia must be one of the richest countries in the world. It strains credulity to think that they paid $7.4M per mile. However for $3.4B China owns Ethiopia it would seem.


Please note that the US is not the most innocent country in the world as DJT pointed out. Here however you don’t get disappeared for criticizing the government.



True. One doesn’t disappear for criticizing the US gov. However one can also get the chance to build up or tear down a democratic entity. And the US politician has long figured out: to get elected it is much easier to fool the bottom 51% than to convince the top 51 (come to think of it I’ve been 0-7 electing POTUS guess where that put me huh)


Anyway I’m not one for ideology or fraying slogan. Like that old Carl’s Jr. question: where is the beef? Any political system gotta walk the walk (i.e. effective governance as end not the mean): that is put the beef on the table. And China has been doing that for the last 30 years while crossing path with the US heading towards different direction.

不论怎样我不在乎意识形态或者竞争口号。就像老者卡尔(carl jr.)的问题:肉在哪里?任何政治系统都需要坐言起行(例如:有效治理是目标而非手段):就是要把肉端到餐桌上。中国在过去30年一直在这样做着的时候美国却往另一个方向走远。

Gotta show me that mouth watering sizzling steak; I don’t care who is the cook to be honest with you.



“True. One doesn’t disappear for criticizing the US gov.”


Yet. The chi coms are pretty good about murdering their own. Probably beat ol’ Joe Stalin at his own game.


I don’t disagree with you. But the thing is – you’re trying to carve out an ‘apples and orange’ ideological/morality/ethical stance out of natural phenomenon of nation-to-nation competition one based on a nation’s total wherewithal one which clearly is not going right for the US at this time.

我并不反对你的看法。但是 - 你在试图把一个基于国力的国家对国家竞争现象扯到一个“苹果与橙”意识形态/品行/道德的站队。只是因为这次较量美国明显并不占上风。

We live now and must prepare to compete into the future. Good ol’ days like bad ol’ Mao are to be ruminated in the history. We don’t and can’t live the past. Furthermore there is no associativity (sic) between supremacy and democracy nor exclusivity between being right and losing.



Colin Clark
China has slathered Djibouti and its rulers with cash and infrastructure and buildings. We’ve done a bit but China built a railway from Djibouti to Addis which bought them much friendship. As someone who lived in East Africa for almost seven years (and reported for four of them) I’m absolutely certain the size of the bribes is most impressive in every African country that welcomes Chinese investment.

中国用大把大把的钞票和建筑塞饱了吉布地和它的领袖。 我们也投入过一些但中国透过建立起贯通吉布地和阿迪斯的铁路买得了他们很深的友谊。作为一个在东非生活过差不多7年(其中四年作为记者)我绝对相信这是众多欢迎中国投资的非洲国家中最为厚重的一笔贿赂。

John King
Colin Since you’re clearing up things…the map of the base looks like the old French airbase that the U.S. now occupies. On your satellite photo why didn’t you use arrows to point to the U.S. base (which is the airport) and the new Chinese base?



And it’s Addis Ababa. Hard to believe you lived in E Africa 7 years. Also without bribes how did you think US got its base? By being knight in shining armor?


Interesting. Competition there is? Of course there’s more to this than what is printed.


So as to the S China Sea why doesn’t the US build some bases with allies (Japan Australia Vietnam etc) and have those countries operate them in the SCS?
These countries (China and Russia) will grab all they can get without a strong unequivocal response which they never got from Obama. Fight power with power and get out in front and lead. It works!

