为什么是美国而非其他国家攻击叙利亚? [美国媒体]



In April 2017 the US launched an attack on a Syrian air base in retaliation for the chemical attack earlier in the week.


Why does the world seem to expect the US to retaliate when countries like France and UK are a lot closer and has the same capabilities as the US Navy.



Abraham Sabbagh lives in The United States of America
Written Fri
Abraham Sabbagh生活在美利坚合众国
Because France is too busy with their upcoming presidential election. The UK have too much on their hands dealing with Brexit. Germany is starting to shape its political parties for its next election in September.


See our NATO allies are busy…


Not to mention most of Western Europe relies on Russia’s energy so not very smart to go against Russia in Syria.


And us sadly we have too much internal conflicts in our current administration someone probably advised the President to take action to divert attention somewhere else.



Daniil Kozhemyachenko (Даниил Кожемяченко) studied history and read sources for fun
Written Fri
First. Because not all countries believe that it was Assad who used chemical weapons…


And now you all go like WHAAAT???!!!


But let me remind you a couple of things.


OPCW oversaw[1] destruction of ~97% of Syrian chemical weapons.
It surely didn’t and couldn’t oversee whether chemical weapons located on territories now controlled by Jebhat-an-Nusra ISIS was destroyed.
IS offensive in Homs started some hours after missile strike.
Second. Because US always do this (I mean missile and air strikes as well as ground invasions with at best dubious legal ground).


[1] Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons - Wikipedia

[1]禁止化学武器组织(Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons) - 维基百科


Matt Kamson works at United States Navy (2013-present)
Written Fri
Attacking Syria directly with another military's forces Trump would have to of gone through a long and bureaucratic process and he might of gotten rejected in the end. For a fast quick and clear response the US Navy was a obvious choice. The US Navy is also one of the few countries with Guided Missile Ships stationed near Syria. A tomahawk missile takes the risk out of sending in human pilots. We weren't bombing some militia this was a fully operational military base.

Matt Kamson (2013至今在美国海军部门工作)


Andrew Givens studied at Weymouth College
Written Fri
Because if you think you saw your eldest child smack your toddler round the head with a stick you don’t just have them summarily shot.
This analogy was brought to you by the letters O M & G the number 666 and by the phrase “I don’t think I want to live in this world anymore”.
But being calm and sober about it for a second it’s very clear that the correct way to deal with a reported atrocity is not to go and bomb a sovereign nation and recent ally. Wait until the facts are in and get the leader responsible to an international forum to answer the questions. Then take it from there. A responsible nation does not use military action as its first line of diplomacy. Thank goodness no other nation participated. It shows that sanity still prevails somewhere in this world.

Andrew Givens (韦茅斯学院)


Shyam Koundinya studied at Portland State University
Written Fri
Perhaps because not everyone jumps to a conclusion without evidence when a situation unfolds like the US does? Not everyone loves to bomb people and test their weapons? Perhaps because Trump was getting desperate to prove that he is no Russian stooge? The MSM has convinced people that the winning army of Assad suddenly decided to bomb a hospital full of children with ONE chemical bomb and the people just ate that story. Why would he do that? What possible benefit could Assad have gotten out of this attack? When just a few weeks ago 200 civilians were killed by a US led airstrike on Mosul then a chemical attack in Mosul no one really bothered. But 80 civilians killed in Syria? Oh no it is time for international condemnation and retribution against Assad even though there is no proof he did it. lol !

Shyam Koundinya 就读于波特兰州立大学


Matt Wasserman We don't know what the internet is for but it's caught on faster than any technology since fire.
Written Fri
Because it’s been this way for exactly 100 years. Europe would have destroyed itself in the one of the stupidest bloodiest wars in history if it wasn’t for US intervention. And ever since then we’ve been the enforcers for the world.


I see people saying we should have waited for proof that Assad attacked his own citizens with one of the nastiest chemical weapons extant. Even though he’s used chemical weapons in the past (a war crime) even though it’s overwhelmingly likely that he did it this time. That’s what keeps other countries from doing the necessary. There’s never enough proof. There’s never a good enough reason. As long as it’s someone else who’s suffering there’s always room to rationalize. It’s just the Poles. It’s just the Jews.


And I see people saying a military response was inappropriate. We attacked an air base. We did not attack Assad’s house or government buildings or critical infrastructure. What we did was entirely appropriate. It’s a not very subtle way of telling a dictator to knock it off because it’s only going to get worse from here on.


Trump did the right thing. I honestly thought I’d never say those words but there it is.



Leo Moran Papers in Modern Military History Small Unit Tactics Strategy Military Law
Written Fri
The rest of the world has seen chemical attacks in Syria before get blamed squarely on the Syrian government only to discover later that those attacks were false flag attacks carried out by the “rebels” or Turkish Intelligence or Saudi agents.


The rest of the world doesn’t expect the US to do their retaliation for them. Rather the rest of the world for the most part prefers to wait to see who the true perpetrators are. The United States on the other hand acts on its assumptions which are always made on political ideology rather than evidence.

