《时代》杂志将菲律宾的杜特尔特命名为最具影响力人物 [美国媒体]



April 17 (UPI) -- Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte won the 2017 Time 100 poll the magazine's list of the world's most influential people as voted on by readers. Time said Duterte consistently led the survey which ended Sunday. Duterte concluded with a total of 5 percent of votes.


Scott 13 hours ago
Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte is THE BEST PRESIDENT IN WORLD. I like him he is so cool I am American and living in The US.

菲律宾总统 罗德里戈 杜特尔特 是世界上最好的总统。我喜欢他,他太酷了。我是住在美国的美国人。

Wal Den 13 hours ago
That's like saying that you took a walk and the best thing you saw was a pile of dog crap on the sidewalk. Maybe it was really really big. Or really really decoratively arranged. But it's still just dog crap.


andreana calhoun 13 hours ago
He should run Mexico no more drug cartels.


freethink 14 hours ago
Influential to his followers exploited by their own stupidity that history will tell...



Mighty 13 hours ago
This shreds all Time Magazines' credibility. There a at least a dozen world leaders who are more influential than this vigilante clown.


JOE 13 hours ago
Time needs a new editor...this guy is by no means the most influential. Xi Putin Trump Abe May Merkel all have greater influence beyond their boarders


Marie 10 hours ago
TIME did a polling contest and working Filipinos all over the world voted our beloved President in. Eventually the truth will come out about the demolition propaganda authored by the corrupt elites and the illegal drug industry. President Duterte has the Filipino peoples mandate and support. Whenever he goes out of the country (Philippines) he is received with much love and enthusiasm by his constituents.



Jessie 10 hours ago
Influential has no correlation with good.


The Champloo Drifter 14 hours ago
78% approval rating?? damn.


Rock 14 hours ago
Duterte is the law.


Nerdie 11 hours ago
He is the best president ever! 100% ..


paul 10 hours ago
There are obviously a lot of idiots reading Time. Maybe a Nobel Prize for this psychopath next.


Sandara-One 9 hours ago
BIAS MEDIA did it again... emphasizing the black propaganda of the the allege extra judicial killings with out a single proof. President Duterty winning the Most Influential Man in the World gives a clear message. He is love by because of His genuine Love to his countrymen dedication to stop crimes poverty and corruption. LONG LIVE the PRESIDENT!!!!



Barney 8 hours ago
the black propaganda of New York Times and EU parliament didn't succeed on their plans to paint black and oust Pres. Duterte...


James 10 hours ago
Duterte has a better drug control solution than Americas plan.


Sharlin 8 hours ago
I Travel more than 49 countries and meet lot of Business man some time we share each other’s our countries history cultural history some other history. At present our overseas friend and business man told us Philippines people are lucky they get honest person it is MR. President Rodrigo Duterte. From many countries I received phone call and discuss during meeting. That if people is good they will respect our president MR. DUTERTE. I believed if he stay up to 10 years as president in Philippines the Philippines will change to ROYAL like Singapore and others countries. I love him and I will pray for him our President DUTERTE safety from ALLAH! // Mr. M. Ahmed April 18 2017

我去过49个国家甚至更多 认识许多商人。有时我们彼此分享各自国家的文化,历史和其他方面。目前我们的海外朋友和商业伙伴告诉我们,菲律宾人民十分幸运地拥有一个忠实的领袖,他就是罗德里戈·杜特尔特总统先生。从我收到的来自许多国家的电话和会议讨论里面,只要是好人都会尊敬我们的特尔特总统先生。我相信如果他连任十年,菲律宾会像新加坡或者其他国家那样变成一流的国家。我爱他,祈祷真主安拉保佑他!来自M. Ahmed 先生  2017.4.18


Pinoyaggie 6 hours ago
Pure laziness by Times. Really basing it through online poll? If this guy is really influential the Chinese are not in Scarborough Shoal or Benham Rise. He's so influential that even the Pacific side of the Philippine seaboard is now being breached by the Chinese.

时代杂志纯粹的怠工。结果真实基于在线民意调查吗? 如果这个家伙真的具有影响力中国人就不会在黄岩岛和班哈姆高地上溜达。他是如此的具有影响力,以致于菲律宾太平洋一侧的海岸线正被中国人侵犯

KM 9 hours ago
Yeah he influenced a lot of bad guys to run around late at night murdering people with no proof of any crimes.


WTF123 11 hours ago
Just goes to show you how anti-America TIME magazine is. It has turned into a communist propaganda magazine.

只是突显了时代杂志是多么的反美 它已经变成共产党的杂志。


Elder1 13 hours ago
Who are their readers?lol

他们的读者是谁? 笑死人了

Hotairbuster 8 hours ago


The Divine Immortal 59 minutes ago
Time magazine does not serve the people of the Philippines or the citizens of the world well when it lists a mass murderer a man who is behind motorcycle assassins killing people in the streets without a trial on a list that is really meant to honor and respect.



David 3 hours ago
Yeah sure when you're people are being killed by the thousands I'd say that makes you pretty influential. What does Time mean? He hasn't had any REAL influence on people outside of his country other than to label him a nutcase.


Regina 3 hours ago
The term "most influential" seems too difficult for Duterte haters to admit. The man has challenge existing global establishment & institutions with in the bounds of legal laws. Those who believed otherwise have positioned themselves as Duterte opposition because they have valued moral laws higher than the legal system.

