种族歧视最严重的5个国家 [美国媒体]



(1) India

A land of so much diversity is also the most racist country in the world. Indians are the most racist people in the world and even today a child born in the Indian family is taught to worship anyone with white skin and look down upon anyone with dark skin. And thus was born the Indian racism against Africans and other dark skinned people. A fair skinned foreigner gets treated like a god and a dark skinned one is treated very badly.Among Indians themselves too there are conflicts between castes and people from different regions like the problem between Marathi Manoos and Biharis. And yet Indians won’t accept this fact and boast about the culture and diversity and acceptance. It is high time we open our eyes to what the situation truly is and take the saying “Athithi Devo Bhava” (Guest is God) in a positive manner.

一个多样性如此之高同时也最具种族主义的国家,印度人是世界上最种族偏见的人,即便现在,印度出生的孩子还被教育要崇拜白色人种、歧视深色人种。因此形成了歧视非洲人和其他深色人种的印度特色种族歧视(忍不住吐槽,印度人不照镜子吗?)。拥有漂亮肤色的外国人被敬若上宾而肤色深的被恶劣对待。印度自身也有不同种姓、地区之间的冲突矛盾,例如 Marathi Manoos邦和 Biharis邦。印度人甚至不承认这种现状,反倒吹嘘自己的文化多样性和包容性。



(2) Pakistan

Pakistan is an Islamic majority country and even then there are many conflicts that take place there between the two sects of Shia and Sunni. There have been crimes between the two sects for ages and nothing is being done about it. Apart from that the long war with the neighbor India is something that is known to all the world. There have been incidences of racism between Indians and Pakistanis. Apart from that other races like Africans and Latin Americans are also discriminated against.




(3)  Russia

In Russia a lot of Xenophobia and ‘nationalist’ feelings still prevail. Even today Russians are racist towards the people whom they feel are not ethnically and truly Russians. Apart from that they are racist towards Africans Far Asians Caucasians Chinese etc. It culminates with hate and later develops into gross crimes against humanity. The Russian government along with UN have tried to do their best to stop such incidences of racism but they still continue to take place in not only the remote places but also big cities.



(4) Israel

Israel has been in the midst of controversy since its’ inception in 1948.  And it has been so because of the crimes committed against the people of Palestine and the Israeli Arabs.  After the World War 2 a new state was carved out for Jewish European immigrants  The original inhabitants of the land were forced to become refugees in their own land. Thus began the ongoing conflict between the imported peoples of Israel and the local indigenous Palestinian peoples.  Today we clearly see the clash of what many believe is their Euro-superior tribe over the so-called ignorant uncultured local peoples.   Israel continues to struggle with treating its’ non-Jewish citizens and occupied peoples as pariahs.




(5)  United States of America

The land of the free and the land of the brave also happens to be the land of some of the most racist people in the world. Although the picture some see of USA is through a rose-tinted glass and it all seems flowers and butterflies the actual case is quite different.

In the Deep South and Mid-West regions like Arizona Missouri Mississippi etc racism is an everyday thing. Be it against Asians Africans South Americans or even the actual people of USA – the Native Americans. Cases of hate and hate due to color of skin are ever-increasing.

And with the rise of race baiting self-described superior genes smarter than everyone else Josef Mengele-esque superior race national politician Donald Trump and his millions of followers who openly belong to racist organizations ie… Klu Klux Klan the covers have been lifted of he USA where racism is proudly displayed out in the open and broadcast across the international airwaves for all to see.


=447;BEREKINA=747; April 21 2017 at 12:16 am
I agree with you on some of the list countries you have mentioned as racist countries. India and Pakistanis are just culturally immature and inferior countries they just don’t understand the meaning of racism and its implication. the concept of racism just does not apply to them. they do not even like themselves as a human being . they throw their own daughters to the garbage for they do not want to pay for her wedding which is supposed to be the happiest day of the parents.
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=447;Amelius=747; March 29 2017 at 1:23 pm
Russia more racist than Israel. Pure nonsense. Israel the Jewish state is home to the only group of people who generally refer to themselves as a whole to be “gods chosen people”. All non Jews need not apply for citizenship in this state because you are not welcome. At the UN Zionism was once rightfully declared as a form of racism. Israel might be the only remaining “state” where much of its self proclaimed territory is officially considered to be under illegal occupation. Israel perfectly fits the descxtion of an apartheid state. A state where an Israeli gets sentenced 18 months for ruthlessly murdering an unarmed and already wounded Palestinian civilian. A state where T shirts are sold which depict a pregnant Arab with crosshairs on her belly with a caption saying “One shot two kills.” Millions of native Palestinians have been violently forced from their properties without any mandatory reparations and with nowhere to go and the so called “right to return” is based on how Jewish you are and if you can prove it.
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=447;Amelius=747; March 29 2017 at 1:24 pm
While millions of Palestinians are violently forced from their homes and housed in the worlds largest open air prison camp large groups of freshly converted Jews are moved in to illegally occupy these stolen lands. Nearly every Israeli officials over the years including politicians and famous rabbis have clearly stated the extent of their racism. If that’s not enough just read their Talmud. I could seriously go on for days. In my books Israel is by far the most racist country in the world.



=447;joetv=747; March 29 2017 at 1:10 pm
It is as natural for a nation to protect their own as it is for people to migrate. Today’s migration is forced in an unnatural way. It is designed depopulation for several evil reasons. Africa and the Middle East are resource rich and much easier to conquer if less populated. Germany has been targeted for destruction for 100 years so send the unfortunate there. Ukraine is also a target. Go figure.
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=447;cynthiamaccioli=747; January 4 2017 at 1:09 pm
And the country least racist has got to be China. They absolutely positively know they are above and better than any other race of people in the world. When you know you just know.
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=447;joetv=747; March 29 2017 at 1:10 pm
=447;cynthiamaccioli=747; January 4 2017 at 1:09 pm

=447;enochered=747; December 31 2016 at 5:12 am
When you say that any one of the top four could be number one you seem to be forgetting one little thing not one of the others openly call themselves Gods chosen people and .having already wiped out in Russia China and elsewhere a couple of hundred million souls are now attempting to add to that score.
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=447;321=747; December 29 2016 at 3:52 pm
Johnny Punish should be punished for peddling lies. Pakistan is one of the LEAST racist countries in the world. Sunnis and shias are sects. Tensions between them do not count as racism. Nor do India-Pakistan tensions count as racism. Pakistan is a country made up of many ethnicities and languages and still manages to remain united. The following lix proves my point

Johnny Punish应该因为兜售谎言而被惩罚,巴基斯坦是世界上最不种族主义的国家,逊尼派和什叶派是教派,教派间的紧张冲突不算种族主义,印巴冲突也不算。巴基斯坦有许多民族和语言,但仍然团结在了一起,下面的链接将证明我的观点。
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=447;seafrog=747; December 11 2016 at 10:51 pm
 I don’t see Zimbawe or South Africa on this list – is it just a list for “most racist” in the terms of mostly predominately White Countries? In Zimbabwe Robert Mugabe stole land from White owners who fed the Country and EVERY bordering Country and gave to Blacks (who by the way do not produce anything on it). In South Africa Whites are being genocided out of existence and have been forcibly removed from Government jobs. Over 8000 White Farmers there have been murdered by Blacks. Just curious…
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我在名单里没看到津巴布韦和南非,这个名单仅限于白人占据优势地位的国家吗?在津巴布韦 Robert Mugabe(1980年独立以来津巴布韦统治者)从白人手中窃取土地,正是白人用这些土地养育了津巴布韦和周边的每个国家(而黑人什么都不生产),在南非白人被施以种族灭绝计划并被赶出政府机构,超过8000名白人农民被黑人谋杀,我很好奇这个名单……


=447;Bartered=747; December 7 2016 at 4:53 pm
As a former racist against all things that didn’t support my personal opinion racism is an emotional feeling brought out by ignorance and intolerance. Since most of humanity have ample supplies of both its easy to postulate that no government rules laws or propaganda can change the way people feel unless empathy is introduced. I empathize with anyone who suffers from ignorance or who has suffered because of someone else s. Growing a resilience to words helps just ask a troll. They say anything to create animosity. Trolls are nothing but seriously ignorant people starving for attention and when they say something intentionally painful to hear they don’t deserve the favor of a reply. People who just need something to hate are good racists. They need to chill.
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=447;davor=747; October 25 2016 at 8:17 pm
United Kingdom beats any of these on any given day. And all together combined. United Kingdom created Israel and United States and India as we know them today.
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=447;Khalid Talaat=747; October 25 2016 at 1:52 pm
Johnny… I gave you my criteria. Can you beat the one where they set up the loungers and the barbecues to watch others die. Get serious if you wanna be taken seriously. Americans don’t pull loungers and set up barbecues to watch people die nor do any other contemporary nation. We watch the opposing team get slaughtered but that is a metaphore for the Super Bowl. There is only one psychopathic nation and that is Israhell. Can you argue that? Let me read it.
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