为何工薪阶层的孩子不太可能得到精英工作? [美国媒体]


Whyare working class kids less likely to get elite jobs? They study too hard atcollege.


Courtesy, Princeton UniversityPress


Lauren Rivera is an associate professor of management and organizations at Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of management. Her recent book, “Pedigree: How Elite Students Get Elite Jobs,” examines how inequality is produced by subtle social patterns of education and informal skills as well as big political and economic forces. I asked her four questions about the book.

劳伦•里韦拉,西北大学凯洛格商学院管理与组织学副教授,在她最新出版的《门第:精英学生如何得到精英工作》(Pedigree: How Elite Students Get Elite Jobs)一书中,对一些潜在社会因素(如教育、非正式技能以及强大的政治与经济实力)怎样造成了不平等的现象进行了探究。就本书内容我向她提出了四个问题。

When social scientists think about economic inequality and the ways in which elites are able to hand down advantages to their kids, they usually argue that it’s driven by obvious material differences, such as access to good schools. Your book argues that elite privilege can involve subtle benefits that help some students – and not others – get jobs at top ranked law firms, banks and management consultancies. What are these benefits?


LR – Whether intentionally or not, elite parents expose their children to different experiences and styles of interacting that are useful for getting ahead in society. Many of these are taken for granted in upper and upper-middle class circles, such as how to prepare a college application (and having cultivated the right types of accomplishments to impress admissions officers), how to network in a business setting in a way that seems natural, and how to develop rapport with teachers, interviewers, and other gatekeepers to get things you want from those in power. Basically, if we think of economic inequality as a sporting competition, elite parents give their kids a leg up, not only by being able to afford the equipment necessary to play but also by teaching them the rules of the game and giving them insider tips on how to win.


One of your most counter-intuitive arguments is that students from working class and lower-middle class backgrounds are less likely to get elite jobs, because they concentrate on studying rather than their social life at college. That’s the opposite of what the conventional wisdom would suggest. How does these students’ devotion to academic seriousness hurt their job prospects?


LR – Working and lower-middle-class children are less likely to participate in structured extracurricular activities than their more privileged peers while growing up (and when they do, they tend to participate in fewer of them). This hurts their job prospects in two ways. First, it affects the types of schools students attend. Elite universities weigh extracurricular activities heavily in admissions decisions. Given that these employers—which offer some of the highest-paying entry-level jobs in the country—recruit almost exclusively at top schools, many students who focus purely on their studies will be out of the game long before they ever apply to firms. Second, employers also use extracurricular activities, especially those that are driven by “passion” rather than academic or professional interest and require large investments of time and money over many years, to screen résumés. But participation in these activities while in college or graduate school is not a luxury that all can afford, especially if someone needs to work long hours to pay the bills or take care of family members. Essentially, extracurriculars end up being a double filter on social class that disadvantages job applicants from more modest means both in entering the recruiting pipeline and succeeding within it.


Your book finds an enormous difference in how many recruiters at elite firms treat graduates from a tiny number of prestigious colleges, and how they treat everyone else. Candidates who “chose” to go to a lower ranked school are seen by some recruiters as having demonstrated moral failure. What drives this culture of selectivity and perpetuates it?


LR – Quite simply, we like people who are similar to ourselves. Ask anyone what constitutes a good driver, leader, or parent, and chances are they will describe someone like themselves. The same is true for how people think of merit in the working world. Most employees in these firms are graduates of highly elite undergraduate or graduate programs and believe that’s where talent really resides. In addition, given how segregated our society has become socioeconomically, people who grow up in upper-middle or upper-class communities where college attendance is the norm may not realize structural factors that influence educational pathways and erroneously view university prestige as a reflection of ability alone. Finally, national rankings matter. Rankings provide an easily quantifiable, presumably “scientific” way of making sense of the myriad of educational institutions out there. They both reinforce beliefs that school prestige equals student quality (even though things having nothing to do with students’ abilities factor into a university’s rank) and serve as a convenient justification for limiting recruitment to a small number of elite schools with strong alumni ties to firms.


One of the ways in which your book has been received is as a way for people to figure out how to improve their chances of getting a job at an elite firm. One prominent review treated your book as more or less a “how to” guide for joining the 1 percent. This, presumably, wasn’t your motivation for writing the book. What’s your reaction to readers who are reading the book in ways that may potentially reinforce the problematic system that it is describing?


LR – The purpose of the book was to reveal how taken-for-granted ideas about what merit is and how best to measure it contribute to class inequalities at the top of the U.S. economic ladder. I certainly did not intend for the book to be interpreted as a how-to manual. However, given rising levels of anxiety about class position among the relatively advantaged and the high stakes of getting jobs in these firms, I’m not entirely surprised that some people are using it as a tool to try to game the system. I have mixed feelings about this. On one hand, it can help groups currently disadvantaged in the hiring process, such as working class students and racial minorities, break into these jobs. On the other hand, it can benefit the already advantaged and reinforce the types of inequalities documented in the book. My hope, however, is that the research will open employees’ eyes about inequities and inefficiencies in the way hiring is currently done in these firms and motivate change in a positive direction.


10:35 AM GMT+0800
you wanna high probability of joining the top 5 salary % by working, get a STEM degree.  
Otherwise become a management puke.


3:51 PM GMT+0800
What about a "Art History Degree"?  Smile


Drooling Imbecile
9/25/2015 11:17 PM GMT+0800
I can't until we're like the Soviet Union, and everyone wears the exact same clothes, eats the exact same horrible food and misery i equally shared. Fairness at last! Damn that Ronald Reagan for defeating paradise on earth. Let's just deport all the white people and fairness will prevail.


Mixed Message
11:04 AM GMT+0800
Your name suits you.

【注:Drooling Imbecile 从字面意思看是“流口水的低能儿”】

3:52 PM GMT+0800
Nice! Smile


9/25/2015 3:20 AM GMT+0800
I was in a group of outplaced employees being tutored on resumes by a former ITT recruiter. An employee asked him about the importance of connections in getting a job (which he had not mentioned). He said it was critical. E explained, while he could not hire his own kid, he could hire the kid of his neighbor in his elite neighborhood and the neighbor could hire his kid.


9/27/2015 11:32 PM GMT+0800 [Edited]
Connections are really the only important thing. De facto nepotism is how America works. Hard facts and not a recipe for innovation.


9/27/2015 11:32 PM GMT+0800
The reality is that connections are really the only thing. De facto nepotism is how America works.


Abe Krieger
9/25/2015 2:29 AM GMT+0800
The Wash. Post is becoming more and more like the Huff Post daily. Students who work hard and make the Dean's List every term in the RIGHT majors will land elite jobs. It's almost guaranteed.


9/25/2015 12:18 AM GMT+0800
As a lower middle class college student way back when - I never wanted to join a sorority or any of that stuff. I thought those preppy kids were so icky, crass and horrid. In a way, I saw them as beneath me. I still do. Thankfully, I work in a creative field. I've learned to fake it (the business networking and savvy) but I still want to throw up when I see a blue blazer and khakis.


9/25/2015 12:17 AM GMT+0800
This is all in line with what sociologist Pierre Bourdieu discussed 30 years ago. The connection between cultural and social capital in recreating economic capital should never be ignored. If we paid better attention to this, we would be able to create better strategies for breaking down perpetual inequality.


9/24/2015 11:38 PM GMT+0800 [Edited]
Don't forget the power of unpaid internships. A professor offered me one in college, but I turned it down because I was busy working long hours to pay for my college tuition. In hindsight, the internship would have paid off more in the long run and given me some management experience. But not everyone can afford to take an unpaid internship.


9/25/2015 7:51 PM GMT+0800
My kid was determined to get a paid internship, and she did. Got $12/hour for the summer, about 10 years ago, which was decent, especially since she could live at home and do it. She also got a fantastic reference from it. She was called possibly the best intern they ever had!


9/24/2015 10:22 PM GMT+0800
I grew up in a working class family. Not until college did I begin to understand upper-class culture. There I met guys who'd never been in a fistfight, but knew the inner workings of big business and politics. Hell, they knew about wine tastings, which struck me as trivial. They knew about Caribbean cruises, and so did I; only mine was on a banana boat. I had a reasonably successful career as a scientist, but never acquired the polish of my friends from the upper classes . But I'm not complaining. I wanted to do science, not become a CEO or legislator, and I got pretty much what I wanted.


9/25/2015 7:10 AM GMT+0800
Wine tasting ? Phlease ... How about imported beer or Scotch ...People I've known who got into the wine tasting thing are as phony as a $three dollar bill ..Does Boones Farm count ?

【注:美元纸币面额分为1、2、5、10、20、50、100七种。布恩农场(Boone’s Farm)查到的是嘉露酒庄的旗下品牌,网址链接:http://www.wine

world.com/topic/164238245/20131019092055263 】
9/24/2015 9:44 PM GMT+0800
so let me see if I have this straight. A person that does lots of extra-curricular activities, moves more easily around the elite and graduates from an elite college is NOT better qualified to get the job? Someone that has a family that has worked hard and been successful for generations should NOT have an advantage over someone who's family has failed for generations? How is that supposed to work. What in the world do you think people are successful for? So their children have an advantage. What motivation would you have to follow the law and work hard if it didn't result in advantage and privilege for your family! This type of socialistic, really communistic thinking produces a lazy, corrupt population. See Greece. Nothing wrong with trying to gain advantage.


9/24/2015 11:15 PM GMT+0800
See also: hereditary aristocracy, a system we rejected several hundred years ago.


9/25/2015 2:39 AM GMT+0800
Do you know the end result of giving an advantage to children of families that have been successful for generations?
George W. Bush.


9/25/2015 6:47 AM GMT+0800
So truthonly thinks rich children deserve more than poor children based on their lives of their parents. Is truthonly also in favor of a monarchy? Because that's what it sounds like. Why bother with an election, just make Jeb Bush president. Clearly he's the most qualified because two other family members of his have already been president.  
Nobody else is qualified because their families were too lazy to become president twice. Jeb is obviously the winner. Right truthonlyplease?



9/24/2015 8:14 PM GMT+0800
As a famous actress once said, "I have been rich and I have been poor. Being Rich is Better." Looking forward to read this book and learn some tips.


9/24/2015 8:24 PM GMT+0800
Here is another from Sophie Tucker:  
"From birth to age 18 a girl needs good parents. From 18 to 35 she needs good looks. From 35 to 55 she needs a good personality. From 55 on, she needs good cash."


9/25/2015 6:49 AM GMT+0800
Oh dear. I better get going on polishing up my personality!  Smile


9/24/2015 6:41 PM GMT+0800
Yeah, OR we can restructure the tax system and college loan system to make the playing field more level and more rewarding of real talent, not just privilege. American would certainly benefit.


9/24/2015 8:20 PM GMT+0800
You obviously read your DNC provided talking points instead of the article.


9/24/2015 9:51 PM GMT+0800
you believe the college success is "just privilege" and not real talent? You believe elite colleges are full of people who's family got them good grades in elite private schools and took their sat for them? i have been through this process with my kids three times recently and I can tell you it is just as likely an unqualified student is there because the color of their skin as the wealth of their parents. My children have been passed over numerous times over the yearsfor less qualified minorities. Mainly blacks. Truth on the street.


9/25/2015 12:46 AM GMT+0800
Oh that's hysterical! As a lower middle class kid who made it to an elite university for graduate school, I was a teaching assistant for little darlings of the rich. Just because your are rich does not mean your kids are smart - my experience is that the average IQ difference between rich people and poor people is about zero. In several years of being a teaching assistant I can honestly remember one and only one kid who came from money and realized the value of that. He truly and humbly appreciated what his parents had done for him. Mostly I remember little s**ts who felt the world owed them a good grade because of who they were. Honestly, they would say to me "do you know who my father is?" when they got the grade they honestly deserved (usually not terrible but not up to the parent's expectation). If they deserved and A I gave them an A (and I really did give out As) but if they deserved a B- they got it. And yes, there were affirmative action kids in the classes. And they also got exactly the grade they deserved. Truth in the classroom.

真是太搞笑了。我来自中下阶层家庭,考上了一所名校的研究生,曾经当过富家子弟的助教。根据我个人经验,富人和穷人的智商差距几乎为零, 就算你有钱也不意味着你的孩子就一定聪明。做助教的那几年里,我只记得有一个富人孩子认识到了金钱的价值。他由衷感激父母为他所做的一切。而其他的小混蛋总觉得凭他们的身份地位他们拿高分是理所当然的。老实说,当他们拿到自己应得的分数时(不算太差但是达不到父母的要求),就会对我说“你知道我爸是谁吗?”。如果他们的成绩是A我就给他们A(我给过很多A),但是如果他们的成绩是B-,我就会给他们B-。当然这里也有因平权政策而招进来的学生。他们也都能拿到与自身真实水平相匹配的成绩。真相就在课堂上。

Adam Saven
9/24/2015 5:19 PM GMT+0800
Thanks for sharing this thoughtful article! There are certainly a number of confounding variables that make it hard to identify a single reason why wealthy disparity seems to be getting worse and worse.
With that being said, I've seen a pretty interesting trend of students from top schools to disavow the conventional route of working in elite industries in favor of giving back and doing more meaningful work.
A friend of mine started 80000hours.org which has a great deal of success in inspiring bright you people to give back and provides a great deal of resources in closing the knowledge gap about potential career opportunities.
Inevitably, nepotism and connections play a large role in perpetuating the perceived unfair advantage. With that being said, there was many who are willing and excited to help passionate students who seek out opportunities.
With our site CampusKudos, we have built a community of 2,000+ professionals who are willing to help students out not just from their alma mater but all schools.
The reality is who you know matters. It will continue to matter. Where we can help out is by making it is easier for individuals who did not have access to these "extracurricular activities" the opportunity to connect with mentors who can lead them on the right path, make them better communicators, and connect them with opportunity.


我的一位朋友开始为80000 Hours组织工作,该组织在鼓励人们回报社会和为缩小就业差距提供大量资源等方面做的十分成功。

9/24/2015 3:39 PM GMT+0800
Thanks to people like Robert Reich, "accelerating wealth disparity" is a term which is rapidly finding its way into mainstream lexicon. It is only natural to assume that the seeds of this model are planted in family backgrounds, and allowed to take root in academic settings.

在Robert Reich等人的努力推动下,“贫富差距加剧”这一术语正迅速成为主流词汇。只能说这种模式的种子种在家庭背景中,扎根在教育机构中。
【注:Robert Reich,美国前劳工部长,经济学家,作家和教授,在影片《不平等的时代》(Inequality for All)中亲身讲述美国日益扩大的贫富差距。】

9/24/2015 3:05 PM GMT+0800
Well off kids inherit a culture of achievement as well as a culture where everyone knows how to play business politics. let's give them credit for that. And elite kids driven by "success and status are everything" are not going to be concerned about the noxious effects on society of the elite firms they join.


Ed Mr
9/24/2015 1:21 PM GMT+0800
Sort of proves it a lie that if your work hard you will suceed in America. America still has a lot of the mother countries social values, despite all the propaganda.


9/24/2015 12:51 PM GMT+0800
Lots of BS here. I was a working class kid and did lots of extracurricular activities and wound up magna at Harvard, where I ran track (all are walk-ons in Ivy sports). Just take a theory and go with it, whether it has any applicability at all. What goes on after school is wealthy parents get their offspring jobs. I did fine but I wasn't given anything after school was over.


9/24/2015 3:01 PM GMT+0800
What exactly did you learn at Harvard? That a random anecdote or example disproves a a statistical argument? You sure do show the arrogance wanted at elite firms.


9/24/2015 9:54 PM GMT+0800
where is the statistical argument?


Rishona Campbell
9/24/2015 3:52 PM GMT+0800
There are always exceptions to the rule. As a Harvard graduate, you should realize that.


Brandon Shorter
9/24/2015 6:13 PM GMT+0800
Think he's lying or even worse some kinda automated bot , I honestly wonder if Business institution literally pay people to monitor the major news paper and have shills who "state the opposite of whatever might point to inequality and a unfair system " they almost repeat word for word some sorta right wing fox news fantasy about hard work and american dream working hard and cutting taxes for the wealthy is the TRUE way . This is nutty how many people do you run to on a daily basis are Harvard graduate ? what are the likely hood there drawn to this specific article and make that statement .


9/24/2015 9:59 PM GMT+0800
so you are saying a graduate of an elite school would NOT be drawn to an article on graduates of elite schools? Probably one reason you couldn't get into an elite school. To answer your question I run into harvard grads all the time. In fact my next door neighbor is one and there are at least three more in my small neighborhood.


9/24/2015 12:29 PM GMT+0800
I graduated from an excellent small college and no recruiters ever - ever - came to our school. It was only after I graduated that I learned about recruiters. What a waste of talent for corporations.


9/24/2015 11:51 AM GMT+0800
Why do rich parents go through all of the effort to conceal the legacy staus of their dear mediocre child.
Where is the big longitudinal test data on a rich kid? Is it at the NCES?
Hell no.... Money buys privacy. The children of the working class will be tested and categorized.


9/24/2015 10:23 AM GMT+0800
The elite takes care of the elite. I never could have guessed.


9/24/2015 9:44 AM GMT+0800 [Edited]
One would expect wealthy parents to give their kids advantages so that they are more qualified than others. If they didn't, that would be news.
We will always have a top half, top 10% and top 1%. Nothing can change that. The real question is whether there's less turnover in the top levels than before. At the billionaire level, the median age is dropping, so that means more young people are able to make it big.  
As for the general population, I think the reduction in social churn at the top is tied to fewer kids in wealthy families. Back when people had 10 kids, it wouldn't be unexpected that a few screw ups couldn't maintain the lifestyle they were raised in. But with just a couple offspring, the parental investment in time, money and attention is more focused, so chances of failure are reduced. Still have some who get messed up with drugs, alcohol, DWIs, pregnancy, and laziness, but the data shows a lot fewer.  
Of course a big impact on social standing is who one marries and if one gets divorced. Thank birth control and abortions to help keep the educated and privileged in place.


9/24/2015 10:08 AM GMT+0800
"Back when people had 10 kids, it wouldn't be unexpected that a few screw ups couldn't maintain the lifestyle they were raised in." The Bush family says that you are wrong. Neil, George, and Jeb were all screw ups, or merely mundanely stupid, and yet they've all done pretty well simply because of their last name.


9/24/2015 11:41 AM GMT+0800
@data anal
Hmmmm....I guess you do not bother with magnitudes.
I guess you do not bother with the variances either.
Your analysis is the speculation of a social worker.


9/24/2015 9:32 AM GMT+0800 [Edited]
And this is why the US has such low social mobility. Social mobility is much higher in Europe and Canada than the US. Britain has the worst social mobility in the EU, and yet, even with Britain's explicit aristocracy, an American is far more likely to die in the social class of his birth than a Brit.


9/24/2015 9:32 AM GMT+0800
Well, that explains why most of America's CEO's went to schools nobody has heard of.


9/24/2015 6:59 AM GMT+0800
I've discovered over time that there is a segment of the elite that I really want nothing to do with, so it is just as well that they can't see past my lack of pedigree. Those who are truly capable but are also good people are likely to interact with the world I live in on an equivalent basis, and those few I can respect. Point being, I really do not think these elite firms WANT to change or open doors for anyone else. I once helped put on a presentation trying to get a new client. Our firm was THE best out there, period, at what the company needed. Every measure and statistic proved it. But as soon as I saw the profiles of the board members, I knew they were not going to award my firm the job. We still put on a great presentation, but they had only talked to us to make it look like they had covered their bases.


9/24/2015 6:43 AM GMT+0800
Also, having a family member in the upper levels of a profession can be a source of guidance and support for a newly hired person. Being able to have a dad (or uncle or grandfather) to explain and bounce ideas off of about how business (or law or medicine or whatever) works is a big advantage over a dad who knows how to drive a truck.


9/24/2015 9:31 AM GMT+0800
It also helps to be able to send your resume to Dad's and Uncle Bob's colleagues and fraternity brothers.


Scott H7
9/24/2015 7:52 PM GMT+0800
I think this is a good point, but not just after having been hired, but in navigating the entire process. Not all internships go to connected elite, but if you don't know that they exist (particularly before the internet was as expansive as it is), then you're not going to get one.


David Smith
9/24/2015 6:37 AM GMT+0800
I don't find a lot of truth in these arguments. I have taught at Ivy league and State Universities and worked in industry hiring many people. Lots of companies prefer students who worked their way up the hard way. The're more motivated and hard working. Rich kids today are lazy. The days of getting a free ride because you're from the right class are over. People who were born with a silver spoon might fit nicely at a social, but in the doggy dog world of business you need to carry your own weight. Sure there are exceptions, but for the most part working class skills put you in a better position. Join Toastmasters or take a Dale Carnegie Seminar and you learn your social skills.


9/24/2015 9:36 AM GMT+0800
He's talking about elite firms, not ones looking for worker bees.
Even though Romney went to BYU, Bain Capital only recruited at Ivies.


9/24/2015 9:37 AM GMT+0800
Simply untrue.


9/24/2015 11:27 AM GMT+0800
"Work hard" we are an entires action that does no t seem to understand that hard work happens in context. A rich kid works hard at school and extracurriculars with then upper to tutors and parents who smooth their path andfund extracurricular activities . Meanwhile a poor kid works hard at school whiles working at Wendy's to supplement their family's income possibly taking care of younger siblings constantly living with the stress of not to knowing whether their parents might need help with the bills this month. We've decided that one kind of work is worth more.


9/24/2015 11:34 AM GMT+0800
A fatuous argument.


Mixed Message
11:10 AM GMT+0800
I'm going to go out on a limb and speculate that someone saying "doggy dog world" didn't actually 'teach at Ivy Leagues'.


9/24/2015 5:36 AM GMT+0800
Companies want mindless drones to not question their authority. How else could an exec exploit their subordinates and then claim all the work of them (when they succeed of course)? I dealt with this 3 years in corporate finance and you have to be stupid to realize you're being scammed working. Only the biggest of sycophants rise to the top; and not on aptitude which is why I knew I couldn't work in said industry anymore.

