台湾和中国(大陆)将在1949年后首次会面 [美国媒体]


Taiwan, Chinese presidents to meet for firsttime since '49


BEIJING (AP) — The presidents of China and Taiwan will meet thisweekend for the first time since civil war divided their lands 66 years ago,their governments said Wednesday, a highly symbolic move that reflects quicklyimproving relations between the formerly bitter Cold War foes.


George 6 hours ago
If Singapore + China + Taiwan = United = Will be a 'BIG CHUNG HUA"
No fear of Japs and Yankees !!!
All my Chinese brothers and sister, pease wake-up.


sunshine 8 hours ago
Good for both countries. Hope both can be united as one China..hirr,hirr,hirr


VQG 6 hours ago
Red China should learn from Taiwan to hold free elections so the peoplecan choose their leaders. If the Chinese Commies are capable leaders, what arethey afraid of?


gkh 7 hours ago
Peace is always PREFERABLE than hostility.
May the two Chinese Governments learn from West- and East-Germany.
The present day Germany is a nation at peace with itself, forswearing Naziextremism, focusing its efforts in economic development to help its own people,and doing the most for Middle East refugees.
What a paragon for all nations!
Angela Merkel for the next UN Secretary, if I have my say!


Leangle 5 hours ago
It was right for Germany to reunite, and let's hope so for Korea andChina.


Ckwong 5 hours ago
President Ma Ying-jeou 's popularity is all time low ,the Taiwanesewill elect the DDP in the next election.
President Ma is not popular because of his pro-China policy, but he id the besthe could What could he do ? let the DDP declare Taiwan independent and triggera war with Mainland China and hopes the American government will sacrificesAmerican lives to save Taiwan?
Unless American government promise unlimited support for Taiwan independent,
President Ma did the only thing he could , opening trade with mainland andestablish trade relation for peace


River 4 hours ago
What difference will Ma make with Xi? The DPP will win the nextelection anyway!


John 2 hours ago
This still doesn't mean China won't invade if the opportunity is right.


Global Force 4 hours ago
ha ha ha.. What would they be talking about? It goes something likethis.... Hey Xi, you might be bigger and stronger, but we have enoughsophisticated weapons, if you fluck with us, you might still win, but we makesure that you will not walk away in one piece.


World Citizen 1 hour ago
Here's another opportunity for the Mighty USA to wage war againstChina... Go USA!!!


DennisC 5 hours ago
I hope President Ma reminds Chairman Xi that China's modernizationbegan with Dr Sun Yat-sen's dream of a democratic China and that the PRC andROC should come together to realize that dream for all 1.3 billion Chinesepeople.


Gary 18 minutes ago
The first step to a no shots fired annexation of Taiwan....Thank youObama!


TedDirk 6 hours ago
Common sense will tell you China should follow theTaiwan model. MaybeTaipei can be the capital of New China. That would be a good news for bothTaiwanese and mainland Chinese people.


Russ 1 hour ago
Maybe Ma can ask Xi exactly how many missiles China currently haspointed at Taiwan.


Outerbox 6 hours ago
Money talks, BS walks. Clearly, this guy is under pressure from Chinasince he took the money from it. He'd have to do whatever China said;otherwise, he'd be thrown under the bus.


SwineFlew2 6 hours ago
So, the governor of Taiwan, our 51st state, will meet the president ofChina.
That can happen. He wants to promote commercial ties. Why not.


iam 53 minutes ago
Taiwan is the ultimate insult and threat to the CCP rule in themainland.. so scared China that for more than half a decade all they could doto the little bastion of Chinese democracy is to throw threats and rhetoric...they well know that Taiwan can and will hurt them if attacked and USA will kickthem like dogs..


roger 59 minutes ago
Ma will give a huge chunk of Taiwan away because this is his last yearin office and its what he has been trying to do all along.His goal has alwaysbeen to give TW to china on a silver platter...

