[ 美国 外交官 ] 展望中国未来网络战 [美国媒体]


China’s Vision of the Future NetworkedBattlefield


Cyber, space and electronic warfare challengesto the US in the Western Pacific


By James Johnson April 26, 2017

Compared to the extensive coverage onChina’s traditional war-fighting capabilities (e.g. its ‘carrier killer’anti-ship missiles) far less ink has been spilled on Chinese thinking on the critical systems and nodes (or C4ISR in military lexicon), which enable andenhance these advanced weapons. These systems expand the range, accuracy, andlethality of Beijing’s military power projection.


This war-fighting toolkit includes: long-range precisionstrike missiles for use in early and preemptive strikes; stealth jet fightersto bypass enemy air defenses, and destroy its command and control centers;anti-satellite missiles to take out critical space-based intelligence, surveillance andreconnaissance (ISR) systems; and other emerging technologiessuch as rail-guns, ‘stealth-defeating’quantum radars, and autonomous systems.


A more integrated Chinese warfighting forcecould fundamentally alter the regional military balance, which is alreadyrapidly moving in Beijing’s favor. According to the authors of a Chinesemilitary magazine, China must prepare to fight to safeguard and secureits “central leadership” in the South China Sea.


To be sure, a fully networked fightingforce would prove highly effective during a future amphibious assault in the Senkakus,an island blockade against Taiwan, or a blockade on critical trading sea-lanesin the South China Seas — which China’s neighbors wouldunlikely be unable to resist.


In 2015 as part of broader military reforms, the Strategic Support Force was createdto form an “information umbrella”for future integrated joint force operations inthe space, cyber, and electronic warfare on the future ‘informatized’battlefield. A Chinese state-sponsored newspaper, recently claimed China wouldvery soon be able to conduct operations as complex as the 2011 U.S. raid onOsama Bin Laden. However, it remains to be seen whether the PLA is able toovercome its deep-seated inter-service rivalry, endemic bureaucratic stove-pipingand a lack of combat experience with modern military hardware.


The World’s First “Quantum Power”?


Last year, China launched the world’s firstquantum satellite (aka Micius) demonstrating Chinese rapid advancesin quantum information science. Beijing is clear-eyed about the potential strategic implications quantum technologies will holdfor future warfare. Some Chinese analysts have even compared the strategicimpact of quantum power withnuclearweapons.

去年,中国发射了世界上首个量子卫星(aka Micius;注:墨子号),卫星的发射展示了该国量子信息科学的快速进展。北京很清楚量子技术在未来战争所带来的战略潜力。一些中国分析家甚至把量子力量同核武战略影响相提并论。

Worryingly for the Pentagon, Chinesestrategists appear confident that quantum communications capabilities arealready deployable for “local wars” in China’s “near-seas.” If China is able toleapfrog the United States to become the world’s first “quantum power” it willpose a serious challenge to U.S. military-technological superiority —especially to U.S. military stealth and intelligence gatheringcapabilities.


Underlying the gravity of this challenge, aWhite House official recently warned that the U.S.information-centric ways of war are increasingly “under siege” fromChinese quantum technology — analogous to China’s own “offset strategy.”China has reportedly already developed a range of disruptive quantumtechnologies with military applications, such as: “unhackable” quantumcryptography; sophisticated tools to decrypt military communications; and nextgeneration stealth quantum radars.


Despite these challenges, the Pentagon hasyet to commit meaningful resources to the development of quantum technologies.Apparently, the policy wonks have concluded that these systems wouldnot significantly enhance military communication security. Instead of taking onthis challenge head-on the evidence suggests U.S. funding into criticalmilitary technologies (i.e. cyber, space, and quantum) has actually decreasedover the past five years.


Even with limited military use, Chinesequantum technologies could radically and irreversibly shift the future militarybalance in Asia. This paradigm shift could harbinger a far greater asymmetricchallenge to the United States compared with China’s other so-called “Assassinmace” weapons e.g. anti-ship and anti-satellite missiles.


“New” Preemptive Strike and CoerciveOptions for China


Washington’s main fear is this: once thevarious technical and organizational shortcomings have been overcome, a fullynetworked war-fighting force will offer Beijing new options inthe use offensive weapons for future preemptive and coercive missions in Asia.Specifically, to hold U.S. carrier strike groups and bases in the WesternPacific at risk through lethal cross-domain operations.


Equally worryingly, the possession of thesecapabilities may embolden Chinese leaders to behave more assertively and aggressivelyto defend and expand their unresolved (and widely disputed) sovereignty claims— especially in the South China Sea.


As if further proof was needed, a ChineseMinistry of Defense in response to reports that the Trump administration iscrafting a new arms package for Taiwan asserted it would be “futile” and “doomed” for Taiwan to consider usingmilitary force to prevent unification with Mainland China. These commentsclearly signaled to Washington a renewed sense of confidence and resolve;consummate with an increasingly credible warfighting force.


A destabilizing andhighly escalatory dynamic is rapidly unfolding in Asia: China and theU.S. are both accumulating increasingly advanced military systems to enable andenhance their respective war-fighting tools, designed to deny the other side the upper hand in the useof these capabilities. During future conflict or crisis, this obsession willincentivize both sides to strike first, to deprive the other the chance ofjeopardizing vulnerable battlefield “eyes,ears, brain and nervous systems.”  


Unless Washington and Beijing can deviseways to mollify these destabilizing dynamics i.e. reduce the incentives tostrike first, the policy implications for U.S.-China relations and futureAsian stability will be huge. These deteriorating action-reaction dynamicswill lead to downward spirals of uncertainty, insecurity, and instability. Actionsand rhetoric taken for defensive purposes will be viewed as aggressive; leadingto arms-racing and ultimately conflict.


Dr. James Johnson completed his Mastersin Asia Pacific Studies in 2011, and successfully defended his PhD thesis atthe University of Leicester in 2016.  James has published research andpresented conference papers in the following areas: Security Studies;U.S.-China Relations; Nuclear Strategy; Chinese Military Doctrine; and EastAsian Security and has worked in the financial sector for 20 years.

