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Philippines declines EU aid after securing billions from China


MANILA, May 17 (Reuters) - The Philippine government has told the European Union it will no longer accept development aid from the bloc, putting at risk programmes to assist poor and conflict-hit regions in the country's south, Europe's ambassador said on Wednesday. Ambassador Franz Jessen said the decision to cut aid from the EU, a strong critic of President Rodrigo Duterte's drugs war, would mean the loss of about 250 million Euros ($278.73 million) worth of grants mostly allocated to Muslim communities. Manila's move comes days after Duterte won billions of dollars in pledges from China after attending the Belt and Road summit in Beijing.


paul 11 hours ago
I think Duterte prefers aid from countries that do not in any way interfere with his domestic policy, countries like China and Japan. This is part of his approach in forming an independent foreign policy.


GilG 10 hours ago
US and EU impose conditionalities on what they give (grant). China, like Japan and other Asian countries, gives without conditions hoping for a long-term relational marketing relationship. US and EU conditions infringe on sovereignty and dignity of the recipient country. It imposes conditions contrary to the cultural norms of the recipient. Those grants have never been felt in Muslim Mindanao; never alleviated the poverty level in the region. However, the Abu Sayap. MIFF, and Maute groups have become stronger and well armed.


Yahoo Reader 12 hours ago
so, EU wants to give $279 million to AID the Muslim terrorists and to bribe Philippines to lay off killing the drug criminals in the Philippines... Phul-leeeeeease.....


JJ 9 hours ago
ABOUT TIME. The Philippines has been treated badly by the west for centuries. The EU US aid combined is just really small compared to China's economic support to the Philippines. Perhaps the EU and US needs to treat the Philippines better than before, this is actually a lost to EU and USA - on the other hand a gain to China as this promotes unity in South East Asia.


travis 10 hours ago
i hope america cuts off all funding to the philippines NOW


JB 7 hours ago
Well is a right decision to me , because the AID they so called is not really productive but how they made condition to our government it seems as if we are beggars , and not only that it also jeopardize the cleansing of the government of staging to eliminate the drug menace in the country some of this people they use as well to control the govt. in imposing greater tax reform in the country so it is really a beneficial to the people with out this aid.


Jessie 12 hours ago
President Rodrigo Duterte selling out the Pinoy to his Chinese relatives.


Inquirer 11 hours ago
China will eventually own the Philippines.


G19-G4 12 hours ago
Duterte is selling the Philippines to China so that's why he doesn't want any other countries to be involved in his transaction to China because it will only create conflicts between the 2 countries. LMFAO!


odhie 13 hours ago
Almost 9,000 people, many small-time users and dealers, have been killed in the Philippines since Duterte took office on June 30. where did you get that? from LP (libearal party).. give the names of that 9,000 people or half of it and i believe you on EJK


D P 5 hours ago
EU aid grants mostly allocated to Muslim communities, and why...so that the terrorists can keep the Pinos struggling & poor. China goes to Pino to build infrastructure so that all can benefit, not just Muslims. I like Duerte because he has Asian pride and pride to not take handouts from western nations. Pride goes a long way toward self reliance.


Denis 4 hours ago
What is the big deal? Philippines in an independent nation and it should be able to choose who it wants to do business with or who it doesn't want to do business.


Buddy 6 hours ago
This news report is not accurate. They attributed all killings to Pres Duterte's war on drugs. International media are gullible and greedy for money. They distort the truth for money. Nothing in them is believable. We are daily poisoned by their lies, lies and more lies. Animals are better than them.

