美媒:新奥尔良拆除第三座南部联邦雕像 [美国媒体]

新奥尔良——周二深夜,新奥尔良市开始拆除P.G.TBeauregard 将军(南北战争时期南方联盟国军官、政治家)雕像,这是四个计划被移走的内战纪念建筑中的第三个。美国网友:恭喜新奥尔良市变成熟了,你不是在除掉历史(教科书和博物馆被烧了吗?没有)。你只是在除去失败者和憎恨者的光环。好事儿!有哪个国家会纪念失败者?

Third Confederate statue removed in New Orleans


Statue ofConfederate Gen. P.G.T. Beauregard being removed in New Orleans in wee hours ofMay 17, 2017  WWL-TV

新奥尔良市联盟国P. G.T. Beauregard将军像正在被拆除,2017年5月17日凌晨

NEW ORLEANS -- The city of New Orleans late Tuesday began taking down a monument to Gen. P.G.T Beauregard - the third of four Confederate-era monuments slated for removal. 

新奥尔良——周二深夜,新奥尔良市开始拆除P.G.TBeauregard 将军(南北战争时期南方联盟国军官、政治家)雕像,这是四个计划被移走的内战纪念建筑中的第三个。

The city had already taken down a statue of the Confederacy's only president and a memorial to a white rebellion against a biracial Reconstruction-era government in the New Orleans. 


By 4:10 a.m., the Beauregard statue had been removed from its pedastal, which city officials said would be left in place for now but with Beauregard's name removed, according to CBS New Orleans affiliate WWL-TV.

截止到早上4:10,Beauregard 雕像已从基座上移走。据哥伦比亚广播公司下属WWL电视台报道,市官员称雕像将被移到合适位置,但名字将被除去。

The removal was met by demonstrations favoring and opposing it, WWL says, adding that several arrests were made.


Mayor Mitch Landrieu first proposed removing the monuments in 2015, and the City Council approved the move that year. But the process was stuck in legal limbo for over a year as supporters fought to keep them up. 

市长Mitch Landrieu 2015年最先提议移除这些纪念建筑,市议会当年即批准了该议案,但因反对者的抗议而在法律层面上停滞了一年多时间。

"Today we take another step in defining our City not by our past but by our bright future," Landrieu said in a news release announcing the  Beauregard statue was coming down. "While we must honor our history, we will not allow the Confederacy to be put on a pedestal in the heart of New Orleans."

“今天,我们将迈出新的一步,我们城市的内涵不应由历史定义,而是光明的未来,”在关于移走雕像的最新声明中,Landrieu 说,“历史应当得到尊重,但我们不允许内战时代纪念建筑竖立在新奥尔良市中心。”

Last minute appeals - the vocal kind, not the legal one - were made Tuesday by members of the Monumental Task Committee, but were unsuccessful, WWL says. 


The committee recently launched a long-shot legal battle in an effort to save the Beauregard statue.  "Mayor Landrieu's actions are an insult to New Orleanians who came before us -- the veterans, widows, parents, children, and citizens who donated their personal money to build and place these monuments where they stand to honor the memory of their fallen family members," committee President Pierre McGraw said in a statement .

委员会近日曾为保护雕像而发起法律斗争,委员会主席Pierre McGraw 在一份声明中说:“Landrieu 市长的行为是对新奥尔良前居民的侮辱——老兵、寡妇、父母、孩童和其他市民们捐钱建造了这些建筑,为的是悼念他们在战争中逝去的家人。”

But for many in this majority black city, the monuments pay honor to a history of slavery and segregation, and they want them down.


The Beauregard monument was unveiled to a crowd of hundreds, and with a 17-gun salute the afternoon of Nov. 11, 1915, by Hilda Beauregard, a granddaughter of the Confederate general.

1915年11月11日下午,Beauregard 雕像在数百民众的围观和17门礼炮的鸣响下,由其孙女Hilda Beauregard 亲手向公众揭幕。

New Orleans previously took down the Battle of Liberty Place monument and a statue of Jefferson Davis. Still awaiting removal is the statue of Gen. Robert E. Lee, which is located in the center of Lee Circle.

新奥尔良市之前移走了自由广场战役雕塑和Jefferson Davis (联盟国唯一一任总统)的一座雕像,仍有一座雕像等待移走,即坐落在Lee交叉路口Robert E. Lee 将军(南北战争中联盟军总司令)纪念像。

Statue of Gen.P. G.T. Beauregard in New Orleans WWL-TV

新奥尔良市P. G.T. Beauregard将军像

Each removal has drawn protests from those who have sought to keep the monuments in place, with several people standing vigil at the Davis statue and waving Confederate battle flags even as a crane lifted it off its pedestal.

每次拆迁行动都遭到了反对者的抗议,甚至在起重机吊起雕像时,还有几个人挥舞着联盟国战旗守卫在Davis 雕像前。

TILTUESDAY May 17, 2017 2:2PM
The monuments will go to a museum, which is their rightful restingplace.  Same thing with the Confederate flag - send it to themuseum.  The symbols of a defeated nation belong inmuseums.  I say that as a true Southerner.  We lost the warand we have to admit that and accept it.
Things change.  My high school is no more.  It only exists in a history museum.  Life goes on.


PINEWALKER-2009 May 17, 2017 3:3PM
@Til Tuesday I completely concur. Museums are a place to remember historytruthfully in a place of dignity while respecting the general public, which inthis case and this day are not condoning the issues that were championed beforethe civil war by some in the South before the war was ended. Everyone shouldhave the opportunity to learn from the past and respect those who sacrificedtheir lives, even if they were misguided in their endeavours, just notblatantly telegraphed as a festering wound to an era that we (HOPEFULLY) areoutgrowing in our Great Nation.


I-C-TRUTH May 17, 2017 6:6PM
Congrats to New Orleans on growingup. You are not removing history. (Have the textbooks and museums been burned?No.) You are removing honor to losers and haters. Good for you! What nationhonors losers?


SUNDOG8259 May 17, 2017 9:9PM
The  "AmericanTaliban" strike again. Cranes instead of explosives and sledgehammers --same result though. An attempt to erase idols of History.


DALE3242 May 17, 2017 10:10PM
@SunDog8259 Why not honor the general who took down Beauregardinstead?  Sherman had three horses shot out from under him atShiloh.  By the second day of Shiloh, Beauregard's army was in fullretreat.  In the end, Beauregard surrendered to Sherman in NorthCarolina.
Beauregard ordered the first shotsof the war on Fort Sumter.  There is nothing honorable about a manwho chose to begin the armed insurrection which cost America so many young men.

回复楼上,那为啥不纪念击败 Beauregard的人?Sherman在夏依诺领导了三场骑兵战役,第二天,Beauregard的军队全面溃败,最后Beauregard在北卡向Sherman投降了,Beauregard挑起了萨姆特堡战争,这个人引发的暴动造成了无数美国年轻人的牺牲,有啥好纪念的?

DALE3242 May 17, 2017 7:7PM
The best thing that Beauregard didwas to help convince Jefferson Davis in April 1865 that the war was lost andneeded to end.  If New Orleans wants a statue of a real Civil Warhero, why not one of the first superintendent of the college which became LSU,William Tecumseh Sherman?

Beauregard干的最大好事儿,就是用失败让Jefferson Davis 确信战争输了,一切都结束了。如果新奥尔良想要一个真正的内战英雄雕像,为什么不选择路易斯安那州立大学前身的创始人之一——William Tecumseh Sherman?

DANANGME69 May 18, 2017 1:1AM
As someone whose ancestors foughtfor the south and one who died in a northern POW camp I say treat theconfederacy like the Germans treat the Nazis ( remove all remnants of it'ssupposed glory but leave it in the history books ). Another war started by the1% (rich plantation owners ) and fought by the other 99%.


NOT_PC May 17, 2017 10:10PM
Take the Lincoln Memorial down andput Lincoln's statue in a museum...


These strategically positionedmonuments glorify slavery and should be relocated to the cemetery where theseconfederates are buried.  We cannot erase or rewrite history to makeit palatable.  It is what it is.  History must beremembered, so we don't repeat it.


VICTORYDEMSIN2018 May 17, 2017 7:7PM
Now can we take down Trump Tower...?


DAVID/M May 17, 2017 7:7PM
I can't agree with this. Removinghistory will not erase it.


PUTIN_HUMPS_GOATS May 17, 2017 7:7PM
Ok leave it but next to it put a newstatue of a union soldier running his bayonet through a confederate soldiersheart. Removing history will not erase it.


DAVID/M May 17, 2017 7:7PM
Why did you feel it was necessary tomake an asshole remark like that?


History belongs in history books.Monuments are to glorify and honor people. Take these monuments down. Theyhonor and glorify racists and criminals. They ONLY belong in history books, notpublic monuments.


ACTORNAUGHṪ May 17, 2017 10:10PM
These commemorate traitors on theirwar horses, leading huge numbers of poor farmers to their deaths, for thebenefit of wealthy plantation owners that wouldn't put those folks to work.They only wanted them to die for the slavery of blacks, and thedisenfranchisement of poor whites.
That's the 'heritage', dying for anugly lie.
Try a monument to the working poor,and those enslaved. Or one that shows the surrender.


NOT_PC May 17, 2017 9:9PM
New rule: For every statue/flag/etcthe Left removes they must remove two of their own...


DALE3242 May 17, 2017 10:10PM
@Not_PC This isn't a left or right issue.  This is Americaversus an armed insurrection.  The Confederacy lost.


@dale3242@Not_PC definately a left issue, Democrats again.-- nothing to do w.slavery


According to donald, these peopleare all loosers.

