为了取悦中国,印度将澳洲排除在军演之外 [美国媒体]



India has rejected an Australian request to take part in joint naval exercises with the United States and Japan for fear of antagonizing China which has warned against expanding the drills navy officials and diplomats said. 


Australia formally wrote to the Indian defense ministry in January asking if it could send naval ships to join the July wargames as an observer in what military experts saw as a step toward eventual full participation. 



Four officials from India Australia and Japan told Reuters India blocked the proposal and suggested that Canberra send officers to watch the exercises in the Bay of Bengal from the decks of the three participating countries' warships instead. 


New Delhi is worried that China will step up activities in the Indian Ocean where it is building infrastructure in Sri Lanka Bangladesh and Pakistan feeding India's anxiety about being encircled Indian military sources and diplomats said.



Commentor 1 day ago
Man up India. Don't worry about Chinka. THey will not changed their ancient kleptomaniac way of life. Include Australia.

印度,爷们儿点儿! 不要担心中国人。他们改不了他们古老的偷窃癖式的生活方式。让澳大利亚加入。

dipankars 1 day ago
Who cares about China India should have definitely included Australia that would make a strong partnership.


Neil 1 day ago
Therein lies the problem with India. China and its sidekick N. Korea are threats to all of its neighbors because China acts like a thug in the neighborhood. India has a Gandhian philosophy in its foreign policy where it tries to appease every threat. This policy has made India weaker and has emboldened its enemies including China and Pakistan by being more aggressive.



M 1 day ago
I thought the Indians balls had dropped; looks like I was wrong.


HiQ 1 day ago
India is on its way to becoming the biggest economies in the world. Tell china to shove off!


T 20 hours ago
Better late than never. India has finally realized that it can't fight China. China is too big for India. Accepting Chinese supremacy can only benefit India.


One China 2017 WATNK 1 day ago
Did any one read an article John McCain regarding Australia refuse to do freedom of navigation with US. How funny two articles in same day in regard Australia military in two separate directions.



James 19 hours ago
As usual Modi CHICKEN OUT!!!


Mike L 16 hours ago
China is a spoiled bully. I love Australia but I don't trust India.


Peace for all 17 hours ago
India to keep China Happy? What a joke. In fact Indians didn't want other navies to find out how professionally worthless their navy is.


Tattletale 19 hours ago
Kowtowing to China now will only lead China to expect more of the same in the future. No one is going to save India if it keeps undermining its own independence and pushing its best friends away. Wake up India before you become a vassal state.



Dan 21 hours ago
China and India should get together and kick white people back to Europe.


TuringMachine 21 hours ago
Is the purpose of drill how to take over New Delhi as a part operations lead by China? Makes no sense; it's like we participate in a joint exercise with Russia.


Ramoo 21 hours ago
what's the logic? they are enhancing military cooperation together and obviously everybody knows whom it's been against and here you are blaming China for being unhappy. Should China be happy?


One China 2017 WATNK 1 day ago
Should people really believe this fake news? China will more upset about India military drill with US and Japan than Australia but Russia should more anger than China. US FAKE NEWS CONTINUE



Neil 1 day ago
Time to take the leash of the Japanese who are the historical enemy of China. Japan better wake up and smell the coffee. Don't solely rely upon the US to protect your interests.


Doc 15 hours ago
i think thats a decent compromise. they save an incredible amount of money not sending ships to just observe when the indian officers can get a closer and more in depth look at how we conduct our drills and war games.


Taiwe 1 day ago
India gives in to Chinese bullying so are the US.

