玉林狗肉节图片,2017玉林狗肉节如期举行 [美国媒体]


The Yulin Lychee and Dog Meat Festival is an annual event in Yualin, Guangxing, China where people gather at markets to boost the city's economy. Arguably, one of the most disturbing parts of the festival is the killing of dogs. 


The festival started in 2010, but eating meat has been a practice in China and Asia for thousands of years. Dog meat supposedly helps combat the heat which is why the festival takes place during the summer. In 2016, it was estimated that 10,000 dogs were going to be killed at the festival, according to Forbes.


This year, there were rumors of a ban on dog meat sales. On June 15, The Beijing News reported that there would be no ban. Because of all the controversy around the event and the thousands of people who protest it each year, the Yulin government no longer formally endorses it. Since 2014, the festival has lived on as an informal event.


Robert 9 hours ago
Barbaric... I would continue commenting but my steak is ready...


RedMan 43 minutes ago
liberalism at it's finest. you all insist we respect other cultures and accept them into our lives, then turn around and demand that other cultures conform to your views. just because you don't agree with something another culture does, doesn't mean it needs to change...especially when it has absolutely zero effect on you. if you don't believe in killing dogs, then don't do it. god will sort everybody out in the end regardless of how much you try to force others to be like you.


Moo 8 hours ago
they should stick with growing hamburger trees and hot dog bushes like we do


Dr.Bermudez 2 hours ago
The comment is true in some ways, but dogs are man's best friend you don't eat them.cattle was created to feed the populations and dogs were domesticated to protect the population. In my opinion it's wrong, but animals are food it's the natural order I life.


Scot2 hours ago
Ignorant idiot. Get back to me when they string cows up, burn their fur off with a flamethrower (while alive), then boil them (while alive), then skin them (while alive). Because this is what they do at the dog "festival". Go educate yourself if you think there is ANY similarity between western farming and this torture.


rjcappy8 hours ago
Hot DOG is NOT real dogmeat you Moron. It's the garbage that can't be used to sell naturally, all mushed up. Hamburger comes from Cows. I know no one who has a COW as a PET/Family member. Indians WORSHIP Cows, NOT the same.

热狗不是真正的狗肉你个SB. 是那些卖不掉的垃圾肉做成的。 汉堡是有牛肉,但是谁会把牛当宠物和家庭成员?印度人只是崇拜牛,这不一样

I Thumbs Up My Own Posts 8 hours ago
truepatriot - ever been to a slaughterhouse? Most are not humane.

truepatriot -你去过屠宰场吗?大多数是不人道的

truepatriot 8 hours ago
Moo as in Moron. These dogs are not humanely killed, idiot. At least we have humane slaughtering laws.


Orion 9 hours ago
Since when is it part of making hamburgers and hot dogs that you torture the cow to death?


Brandi 8 hours ago
This is the most vile thing. God's creatures deserve to be treated with more respect and humanity than this. Even though the majority of that nation wants this cruel festival to end, it continues. This is unbelievably heart breaking.


Pierre 7 hours ago
Nonsense! There is no god!


zeke7 hours ago
i guess cows and pigs are NOT god's creatures huh brandi?


Calvin D 9 hours ago
I agree this is sad, but how are American (or even Western) slaughterhouse treating God's creatures?


hatchet 9 hours ago
i guess you only eat fruits and nuts

