The field of quantum cryptography which seeks to transmit encrypted information using entangled quantum particles like photons could help lay the groundwork for tomorrow's quantum networks but it faces a significant physical hurdle: entangled photons are crazy hard to transmit long distances. Even in fiber optic cables they can only go about 150 miles before completely degrading. But a team of researchers from the Chinese Academy of Sciences may have the solution. You just have to send the photons 745 miles into space.
Though the idea of using satellite relays to shunt entangled photons into space and back has long been considered it wasn't until last August that the nation sent up its first such orbiter the $100 million Quantum Experiments at Space Scale. It is reportedly equipped with a laser-and-mirror system as well as a special crystal that can encode data and encryption keys onto photons as they travel back to Earth.
Even without the ground-based obstacles that conventional quantum networks and experiments have to contend with spotting these photons on their way back from orbit is no easy feat. The crystal can generate as many as 6 million pairs of photons at any given time however the two designated ground stations which are located 750 miles apart are only able to detect around one par per second. "It's a challenging task" physicist Chao-Yang Lu told Wired. "It's like you have to clearly see a human hair from 300 meters away."
Lu and his team hope that this successful experiment which has recently been published in the Journal Science (paywall) could pave the way for more secure encryption systems. In theory you'd first encode an encryption key based on the characteristics of a photon stream and send that to your message's recipient. You'd then encrypt your message with that key and send it on as well.
In USA all we know is Chinese steal and only steal because media wants you believe that way.
Everyone knows that. All but Americans. Please realize the rank only 43rd with their freedom of press globally. Most 3rd world countries have better freedom. US is hardly a credible nation anymore. No evidence of Chinese spies ... Meanwhile we all know Snowden is American. Active US Admiral convicted of spying wasn't Chinese. Nor were 9 other high ranking officers selling information. US Ford plans stolen? US naval engineer. All ASW technology? US scientist. List goes on.
Yeah their pretty smart I worked on chem E project with them. Their concepts on nanotechnology is very impressive. Still this tech has another 15-20 yrs of R&D and small scale implementation before it's even ready for real world trials. Who knows maybe sooner the Chinese are very disciplined.
是的,我之前在chem E计划中共事的中国人都非常聪明。他们对纳米技术的造诣令人印象深刻。尽管这些技术面试还要花上15-20年的研发时间和一些小规模实验。也许也用不了那么久,中国人非常效率的。
R u serious - NY
The American narrative has been one of the blind self assured that American exceptionalism is born into and we don't have to do anything to earn it or keep it. For decades we assured ourselves that no other economy can compete against ours. Then China rose. But then we said we were still the financial center of the world. Our stock markets sets the tone on the global market. Until that was no longer true. Then we said China copies everything and is incapable of inventing new ideas. I hope this is the loud wake-up call akin to Sputnik that we cannot expect America to be made great by sitting on the couch. We need to refocus from blowing all our money on never-ending conflicts and instead on our infrastructure and education to create success for the future before everyone else has raced past us. Other countries don't need to re-invent everything we did. They can simply start pursuing the latest tech with the existing current tech. Basically the path to surpassing a technological power is shorter than most people even realize.
George Politico
I hope that we do this but the foreign policy / defense establishment that wants continual conflict is powerful. You're right though--we have military bases all around the world but if we lose our technological edge they won't do us much good. The host countries will realize that they are a liability and tell us to leave.
Einstein called this 'spooky action at a distance.' Spooky is right. Information can theoretically be transmitted at faster than light speeds between entangled particles which is insane but true...
Zach: Quantum entanglement is instantaneous. Particles are not traveling. They share the same manipulation instantly no matter which on particle was manipulated
Read it for yourself. Quantum entanglement can send information faster than the speed of light and no one knows how it works--it just does.
It can't be transmitted faster than light because the particles have to be sent to their locations first. That's like saying a car that drives 500 miles to a destination and then unloads its passengers 3 hours after arriving delivered its passengers faster than light.
Yup and this is why reality is not what we think it is.
Big Deal! U.S. bounces an "Orange Clown" between D.C. and Palm Beach Florida weekly.
有什么了不起! 美国在华盛顿和佛罗里达的 Palm Beach 间每周都来回运送一个“橘色小丑”(特朗普)
And the Clown sends out messages the are so incomprehensible the must be encrypted by a 5 year old
George Politico
We are losing our technological edge. One mistake we should not make is to abandon renewable energy and allow foreign competitors (especially China) to dominate the market. Whether global warming is real or not the world is heavily committed to renewable energy and we should make our plans accordingly
Meanwhile in the good ole US of A: 30 something % of the populace doesn't believe in climate change and thinks vaccines cause autism. Smh we can't even scientifically keep up with third world countries anymore let alone expand the cutting edge of science space or technology. Oh well empires rise and then they fall I suppose...
-------------译者:cyber power-审核者:天河云------------
Quick move to Canada snowflake.
We need to be doing stuff like this in fact we should be pioneering these fields we used to be inovaters if we stay on the road we're headed down we just be the imitators just in
Soon the US will be a copycat and steal China's Quantum technology.
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...