CNN:川普感谢中国尝试处理朝鲜问题 [美国媒体]


Trump to China: Thanks for trying with North Korea


President Trump caught administration officials off guard when he tweeted a message thanking China for their efforts with North Korea, hours before the US and China were set to meet in Washington.


wonder woman 454 小时前(修改过)
He still blaming Obama not him self, Trump what about what you did pulling out off the climate change deal with Paris, that was a bad move on your part


Drum Trump4 小时前(修改过)
Donald Trump do your damn job, it not China or Obama responsibility. It your responsibility you are in the damn white house, are you not?


Larrys Rides4 小时前(修改过)
Amen to that I couldn't have said it better myself. MAN UP TRUMP you're like a little kid always blaming someone else for the troubles you have.


Troll Boss4 小时前
No, it is not Trump's responsibility. Trump is not responsible for the actions of liberal Americans breaking foreign laws.


tip pullthemnow3 小时前
Troll Boss that was a republiCUNT stealing a cheap white privilege in north korea..


shutup3 小时前
trump was the one who got ottom warmier home , if it was obama he'd still be there buried in the ground

是川普把otto warmier(被朝鲜释放的美国人)带回了家,如果是奥巴马当政,这家伙估计还被埋着呢。

tip pullthemnow3 小时前
+shutup north korea doesn't think whites are superior or white privilege in north korea..white pansy cried when he found out...NO mercy for thieving white boys...dennis rodman has NO problems in north korea


Christopher4 小时前(修改过)
CNN is ...Fake, Fake, Fake .....Fake, Fake , fake......fake your booty......fake your booty.......Fake, Fake, Fake..... Fake, Fake, fake..........Fake your booty, fake your booty….


Mister Deplorable2 小时前


Xr8dACE4202 小时前
Christopher How is showing a actual trump tweet, fake? You idiots repeat the same BULLSHIT with NO proof... Must be a symptom of supporting trump.


Mr Taylor4 小时前
cnn doesn't understand how to deliver real news. President Trump said they are no longer fake news but have been down graded to very fake news


Mr Taylor4 小时前
Trump is done playing games with NK time to bring them down. he said he would give china chance, now he will be doing the dealing


Andrew L PickfordIII4 小时前
Mr Taylor of, course white men love WAR......


magic1012 小时前
Mr Taylor What's he going to do?


william esp Borrero3 小时前
its crazy russia would shoot down a us plane n trump would not do anything i think every one knows why


Cody Green20 分钟前
Russia hasn't shot down a US Plane while Trump's been in office, you may be thinking about the recent incident where a US plane shot down a Syrian plane.


julian hobrough4 小时前(修改过)
Trump owes a 'tremendous' amount of money in China. One does not insult those to whom you owe money. And Trump has only good things to say about Russia, and Putin's fine, tasty(?) posterior. Hmmm ...... interesting.


Charles Sky3 小时前
Emoluments Clause needs to be enforced! Trump sells out US to foreign powers. Now he's thanking China. Suckers!


Four Disastrous Years Coming4 小时前
Trump is extremely dangerous to humanity. He should resign.


ThrummerOfLove4 小时前
Not a chance in hell. He's with us for 8 wonderful years.


Tea Coffee4 小时前
Trump is only dangerous to delusional unhinged lunatic leftist.


백마탄 불의칼날3 小时前
May he rest in peace. The North Koreans are enslaved by Kim Jong-un.Please help us.


LCarlTBM x4 小时前
Trump loves communist leaders.


td603 td6034 小时前
But America detains hundreds and tortures them without due process at Gitmo Bay. Oh the hypocrisy.


Mr Taylor4 小时前
td603 td603 your about to see how big boys get shit done


td603 td6032 小时前
Mr Taylor Big boys .....meaning you ate too many McDonald hamburgers? Fucking clown!
