菲律宾总统罗德里戈·杜特尔特已经成为了世界上最著恶名的政客之一。他被戏称为“杜特哈利” “惩罚者”或 “东方的特朗普”。美国网友:杜特尔特教会我们热爱自已的国家,为我们是菲律宾人而骄傲。努力工作、爱你的家人、同你的邻居建立良好的关系,爱你的国人、尊重同性恋的权利、服从法律、成为负责任的父母、缴税并远离毒品。
The president of the Philippines Rodrigo Duterte has become one of the world’s most notorious politicians.
He revels in being referred to by nicknames such as "Duterte Harry" "The Punisher" and "The Trump of the East." Outspoken and populist he is best known for his unrelenting and violent war on drugs. But outsiders are confounded by his election and continuing popularity.
他被戏称为“杜特哈利” “惩罚者”或 “东方的特朗普”。 作为一个口无忌惮的民粹主义者, 他因他无情而又暴力的反毒品战争而出名。 但是他的当选和持续的受欢迎让外人感到迷惑。
As an anti-establishment figure and political outsider he is frequently compared to Donald Trump.
But Duterte has not sparked the division associated with his American counterpart. Despite an undoubtedly abrasive character his popularity stretches far and wide. Some of his most fervent supporters are middle-class highly educated urban Filipinos. He does not represent the views of the most dispossessed nor the most marginalized.
但是杜特尔特没有象他的美国同行,引发分裂。尽管他性格粗鲁,但他的声望却很高。他最热心的支持者是城市中受过高等教育、中产阶级的菲律宾人 。他的观点并不是代表无依无靠的贫民和社会边缘人。
Instead Duterte represents an ever-present brand of Philippine anti-colonialism. In the years immediately preceding Duterte’s election I identified a huge growth in anti-colonial and anti-American sentiments expressed in the mainstream media.
These contemporary anti-colonial sentiments have a long and powerful history. The Spanish colonized the Philippines from 1521 and during the mid-18th century resistance spread leading to the first claim of independence in 1898. In the same year however the US purchased the Philippines from the Spanish.
The US was invested in "developing" the Philippines and creating an alliance due to its geographical position as a stepping stone to China. (Indeed the Philippines’ strategic position is the primary reason the US continues to take an interest in the country.) American forms of political legal and educational institutions were implemented and English was taught.
美国投资帮助“发展”菲律宾,并且和菲律宾建立盟友关系,因为其地理位置重要,是通向中国的跳板(事实上,菲律宾的战略位置是引起美国兴趣的主要原因) 。美国模式的政治教育法律机构在菲律宾建立,而且让菲律宾人学习英语。
Subsequent improvements in health care and education were evident particularly for the middle classes – which led many to accept American control.
Protection offered during the World War II occupation of Manila by the Japanese further cemented the US’s position as savior and ally.
The Philippines was formally granted independence in 1946 yet remained closely tied to the US which maintained a large military base there. The US is also one of the major aid donors to the Philippines and has been a primary destination for permanent Filipino migrants.
But after the fall of Ferdinand Marcos in 1986 dissent towards the Americans – which had sponsored the dictator’s regime and ultimately gave him protection – grew. This led to theclosure of the military base in 1991. While ruling administrations of the late 1990s supported US influence due to perceived economic and political benefits anti-American and anti-colonial sentiment did not wane among the educated middle classes – those most negatively affected by Marcos and his martial law corruption and imprisonment of detractors.
Philius 13 hours ago
"For his part Trump is one of the only Western leaders to support Duterte’s war on drugs. It could be the beginning of an unexpectedly close relationship. But it would be one that risks losing the popular support that put Duterte in power in the first place." Wrong analysis! Quite the contrary Filipinos viewed US positively. It was Barrack Obama's policy that Filipinos didn't like/hated most - interference of Philippine internal affairs and his arrogance in imposing his beliefs to Filipino culture. This was met with resentment among Filipinos.
”特朗普诗世界上唯一的几个支持杜特尔特反毒品战争的西方领导人。这有可能成为美菲关系进一步升华的意想不到的开始。 但着也许会成为使杜特尔特失去支持率的威胁。” 这是一个错误的分析! 与这正相反的是, 菲律宾人对美国的看法是正面的。 他们最厌恶的是奥巴马干涉菲律宾内部事务的政策和他对菲律宾文化的无礼。大多数菲律宾人都对他感到不满。
Carlitos 11 hours ago
"..outsiders are confounded by his election and his continuing popularity..." because to put it simply they have no idea about what's going on in that country and to those who try read about the situation there they read articles like this one which is a propaganda masquerading as journalism. Especially for many americans guys who are so poor at picking out the truth from what they're reading - which allowed the Russians to manipulate them and end up with a trump in the white house. :)
“但是他的当选和高支持率让外人感到迷惑” 因为这些人完全不知道在菲律宾发生了什么, 而且那些真正想了解情况的人往往只会读那些由假扮成媒体的宣传机器所写出来的文章。 特别是大多数美国人, 他们没有足够的智力分辨出他们所读的文章中的事实- 这让俄罗斯人很简单就控制了他们并将特朗普送入了白宫。
MCS 17 hours ago
This writer must have experienced going to the Philippines. He/She has written the truth. Not other journalists who are just waiting for anti-Duterte Filipino journalists reports. Finally I have read an unbiased news about our President. I hope journalists will continue to do their job basing on facts.
这个作者一定去过菲律宾。 他写出了真相, 这不是一个像其他记者一样所写的只是为了反杜特尔特的菲律宾文章。 我终于读到了一篇对我们总统没有偏见的文章。我希望记者们会继续用事实来写报道。
the brain 13 hours ago
if only we were brave enough to do what duterte is doing --maybe then a huge portion of our nation would have a clear enough head to realize what terrible road the liberal left was attempting to lead us down
如果我们有足够的勇气去做杜特尔特所做的事情的话-- 或许我们国家会有大量的人有足够清醒的脑袋意识到左派自由主义者正在带领我们在糟糕之路上越走越衰落。
jig 16 hours ago
Duterte is just applying common sense to bad situations. Dopeheads are like an anchor to any society constantly dragging that society down underwater. At some point our country is going to have to declare war on gangs and drugs as well and bypass the judicial system to solve the problem. Either we will or we will cease to exist. Trump is trying to apply common sense to some bad situations but is opposed by the media and liberals.
杜特尔特只是在用常识来解决糟糕的情况。 吸毒者对于任何社会来说就像一个会持续把大家拉入水中的船锚。 未来我们国家也应该对帮派和毒品发起战争,绕过司法系统来解决问题, 不是毒品和帮派死就是我亡。 特朗普只是在使用常识来解决问题但左派自由主义者和媒体在反对。
amber 12 hours ago
Duterte taught us to be proud of ourselves as Filipinos love our country .... work hard love your family establish good relationships with your neighbors;love your countrymen respect the LGBT rights obey our laws be a responsible parent pay your taxes stay away from drugs!
Gloria 16 hours ago
Bigger fingers?
StalkingMantis 17 hours ago
Duterte is/was supported 92% of Filipino people.....your daily bashing of Duterte does not count.
marc 15 hours ago
Duterte handed out free T-shirts....Trump charged for them.
Patrick 1 minute ago
The only only people that consider what Duterte is doing is a human right issue are the drug addicts and pushers alike. The media did not report that he gave all the people involved with drugs a choice.....either go and get rehabbed or risk being killed. He wants to eliminate a major scourge in the Phillipines that most of the popluation wants gone. The people know he wants the best for the country. It is a simlar comparison to Trump. Whether the media will ever understand that most of Trump's policies are for the good of the US if they would just let him operate with some sort of decency you will probably be surprised at what gets accomplished. But Trump is his own worst enemy. The really only difference between the two is Trumps ego which must be stroked every day. Mostly by himself..
Mike 22 minutes ago
The author missed the point completely . The Colonial period had very little to do with the current situation in the Philippines . The Philippines is seeing unbelievable economic growth . A rising middle class is tired of the status quo and wants action ....in steps Duterte . Though Duterte has talked about the Colonial period the real issue for him is Obama's arrogance and lack of respect for the Philippines and it's people . Duterte is all about fixing the many problems facing his country and drugs is a major issue . The US could have stepped in and helped him even more but instead gave him lectures about how to run the Philippines ...thanks Obama . I live in the Philippines and Obama was so insulting as well as belittling to the country during his term of office . Make no mistake about it ....Obama cost of a key ally that will be hard to win back . In general people in the Philippines are very much in favor of the US but when you insult them that's puts a different twist on the politics .
robert 1 hour ago
The only thing separating these two ignorant bullies and worse is 8356 miles.
Mart 1 hour ago
One of the very few more accurate assessment of what is currently happening in the Philippines. I congratulate the author.
Eric 14 hours ago
The character and personality may be similar. Both are bully. Duterte may made it clear that he is doing something for the good of the country. That is why people still support him. Trump on the other hand does not have any idea what he is doing except for enriching himself and his family.Trump may also destroy the American structure of government. Duterte may think of becoming a dictator but I doubt he'll make it. Of the two Trump is a real con man the other is an ideologue.
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