中印边境争端使人担忧引发新的亚洲战争 [美国媒体]


An unfinished bridge on the road between the coal mines of Tsogttsetsii and the border to China is seen in Tsogttsetsii, Mongolia, June 12, 2017. Picture taken June 12, 2017. REUTERS/Terrence Edwards

上图为未完工的桥梁,位于Tsogttsetsii煤矿与中蒙边境,摄于蒙古国Tsogttsetsii,6月12日,路透社Terrence Edwards

China has accused Indian border guards of crossing into its territory from the state of Sikkim on India's northeastern border with Tibet, the Chinese foreign and defence ministries have said, complicating an already difficult relationship.


Geng Shuang, a spokesman with China's foreign ministry, said Indian guards "obstructed normal activities" by Chinese forces on the border and called on India to withdraw immediately, according to a ministry statement late on Monday.


He urged India to respect China's territorial integrity and the border treaties signed by the two countries, and said China had already suspended official pilgrimages at the Nathu La Pass, which lies on the frontier between Sikkim state and Tibet.


A spokesman for the Indian Army declined to comment but said the army would issue a statement on Tuesday. India's defence ministry did not immediately respond to a request for comment.


Nathu La connects India to Hindu and Buddhist sites in the region and was the site of a fierce border clash between Chinese and Indian troops in 1967.


China's Defence Ministry said in a separate statement India's military had obstructed work on a road, a move it described as seriously threatening peace on the border.


"China is dedicated to developing bilateral relations, and will staunchly defend its legitimate rights," it said.


"China hopes India will meet it halfway, not do anything to complicate the border issues and jointly maintain the good momentum of relations," the defence ministry said.


Ties between China and India have long been frosty as a result of long-term territorial disputes, as well as Beijing's support of Pakistan, and Indian leaders declined to attend China's "Belt and Road" summit aimed at boosting regional economic and political ties last month.


Chinese President Xi Jinping told Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi earlier this month that the two countries should work to "appropriately" manage their differences.


A visit in April by Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama, who Beijing brands a separatist, to a region controlled by India but claimed by China also stoked tensions between the two countries.


The Indian government has since taken steps to cool tensions, rejecting an Australian request to take part in joint naval exercises with the United States and Japan last month to avoid agonising China.


Modi is expected to visit China in September to attend a summit of the BRICS nations, which groups Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.



Alan T14 hours ago
What, again? The Chinese have another another territorial dispute? What on earth is the matter with these a..holes? One things is certain, these 'gentlemen' have now become so full of themselves, they can no longer think straight. Yes, they should have their heads--maybe only the communists need it--examined.


J13 hours ago
So claimed by China but controlled by India? Chinese will stop at nothing to land grab. Now that they've abolished the one child rule china is gonna explode and try to engulf as much land as possible and eat anything and everything along the way.


Gary13 hours ago
Once again China is trying to steal land from other countries by use of force.


DM14 hours ago
WWII brought Communists to power to punish human race. Now we all know the face of devil hopefully another war is needed to clean these up.


Cameron14 hours ago
Chinese are very rude. They don't smile, aren't very helpful and the chinese men shake hands like women.


KothandapaniR11 hours ago
China wants the whole world belongs to them. Sunni Muslims breed like pigs to spread people all over the world to claim their land. North Korean leaders are another brain dead people. What is wrong with these clay heads?


Cormac10 hours ago
I'm sure the Chinese will pull out an 8000 year old map out that shows how they really own India and expect the Indians to give it back.


Hounddoggin11 hours ago
China is itching to try out it's new military.

