【reddit】[认真的](中国的)结婚和继承问题 [美国媒体]


I'm dating a Chinese girl (parents still live in China, and she came over for college and has been in the US since) and had two questions:


1. In Chinese culture, does the bride's family pay for the wedding or does the groom's family? Trying to understand how much I would need to save for it as my parents won't be able to contribute.


2. She has brothers - in traditional Chinese culture, would she stand to inherit anything (i.e., like Americans where siblings inherit equal amounts) or do daughters get passed over and everything gets handed down to the sons?


For the record, I love her dearly and want to marry her (that's why I'm thinking about these things). I know how these questions come across, but I'm the type of person who stresses about finances and planning for the future.


[-]dcrmGreat Britain
1.The man's family pay for everything, I have a female friend who has a rich father her brother is inheriting practically everything and her family want her to marry someone rich.
2.Maybe after her parent's have passed away (like a house or such) but if she has brothers, I guarantee you they are getting the majority of it.


When you marry in Chinese culture, you don't marry the girl you marry the family. If I was you, I would be prepared for the cultural difference and know whether you can handle it before committing to getting married.


Since she's studying in the US and has siblings I assume she's from a very wealthy family-- are you in a position where you could reasonably afford a house and car prior to proposing? Or are you studying something that would lead to a successful career that would be respected by her parents? (banking, law, etc.)
RE: 2. It depends on the family. But you shouldn't be hoping or assuming you'll inherit before you're even married... If you easily stress about finance my advice would be to absolutely not marry a wealthy Chinese girl whose attitudes about money would be a constant source of anxiety in the future.


Yes she's from a wealthy family. Yes I have enough "brand name" prestige in my education and job that it would be "acceptable" for her family.
I ask about the wedding because despite my earning potential, I'm a pretty modest person in terms of spending. If I could do things my own, I'd have a really small, basic wedding with close friends. But I know Chinese weddings can be extravagant with huge extended families, which is fine if her family is going to cover it, but if I have to pay, I'd like to know now so I can start saving and also will probably delay the time to proposal because there are other things that make more sense to spend money on at the moment (paying down student loans for example).
On the inheritance part, I'm just curious. It seems like she does a lot for her parents and her brothers don't really do anything. Is the expectation that she will provide for them (paying for their housing when they are in the US, their healthcare when they come over once a year for all of their doctors visits, their medicine, etc.) and then that they won't give her anything in return?

是的,她来自一个富裕的家庭。是的,在我的教育和工作中,我有足够“大牌”的声望,这对她的家庭来说应该是“可以接受的”。我问有关婚礼的事,是因为尽管我有赚钱的能力,但在消费方面我是个相当节制的人。如果我能做我自己的事,我会举办一个非常小、基本上只有亲密朋友的婚礼。但是我知道中国的大家庭的婚礼是很奢侈的,如果她的家人愿意支付这笔钱,那是最好的,但是如果我要付钱的话,我现在就想知道大概要花多少钱,这样我就可以开始存钱了。 这可能会推迟结婚的时间,因为现在还有其他的更急需花钱的事情(例如偿还学生贷款)。

Just do what I did/doing. Have 2 different ceremonies. I just had my first Chinese wedding ceremony last month and going back to the states soon and will have a small wedding for family and close friends.
Don't be too worried about the cost. The traditions and process will be crazy enough.
About the cost, we broke even and we had 200+ people. People will give hongbao s galore.


Either you have really generous friends who gave you 1000 rmb each or you had a really cheap wedding.


You could throw a pretty decent shebang for 100k.


lol you really want a piece of that fuerdai wealth I see. Do you have no morals or principles? Asking that question on here like it's just acceptable to be a gold digging man-whore?

