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Egypt is getting a new capital - courtesy of China


By Kieron Monks, for CNN Updated 0725 GMT(1525 HKT) October 10, 2016

Photos: Mutli-billion megaproject to replaceCairo
Grand vision – Model of the new capital on display during theannouncement of the project in Sharm el Sheikh.


Photos: Mutli-billion megaproject toreplace Cairo
New home – The as yet unnamed new capital -rendered by architect firm SOM - would be the new seat of government andprovide housing for five million people.


Photos: Mutli-billion megaproject toreplace Cairo
Rivers to cross – The Egyptian government expects the city to be ready forresidents within five years, with the help of over $30 billion of Chineseinvestment.


Photos: Mutli-billion megaproject toreplace Cairo
Breaking the gridlock – Part of the reasonfor the new city is the anticipated population growth and congestion in Cairo,which is already famous for its traffic problems.


Future city – There are many eye-catchingproposals for the new city, including an innovation district, smart village andindustrial zones.


Photos: Mutli-billion megaproject toreplace Cairo
Power hub – The government district,rendered here, will be constructed in phase I of the project, along withresidential blocks.


Photos: Mutli-billion megaproject toreplace Cairo
Global capital – The city will alsofeature a high-tech international airport. Housing Minister Mostafa Madbouly says it will be a "global capital."

全球金融中心——该城市将拥有一处高科技国际机场。住建部长Mostafa Madbouly表示,这里将成为一个“全球金融中心”

Photos: Mutli-billion megaproject toreplace Cairo
Worst case scenario – But there are fearsthat the new capital could suffer the same fate as satellite towns such as 'NewCairo,' afflicted by low occupancy despite high investment.


(CNN)Egypt's newcapital city moved a step closer to reality with the announcement that Chinesedevelopers will largely fund the megaproject.


The ChinaFortune Land Development Company (CFLD) agreed to provide $20 billion for thecurrently unnamed city, after a meeting between heads of the firm and EgyptianPresident Abdel Fattah El Sisi.


This follows aprevious commitment of $15 billion from another Chinese state-owned company,bringing the project close to its $45 billion budget requirements for phase I.


Plans for thenew capital were first announced in March 2015. Government officials describedthe development as a solution to crowding, pollution and rising house prices inCairo.


"Cairo Capital is a momentous endeavor to build national spirit,foster consensus, provide for long-term sustainable growth," said theproject website. "(The)new city will create more places to live, work and visit."


Model of the newcity on display in Sharm El Sheikh.


Under construction


The 700 squarekilometer city to be constructed in the desert to the East of Cairo wouldbecome the new seat of government, and it is presented as a far grander visionthan the current capital.


Proposals for the city include housing for five millionpeople, over 1,000 mosques, smart villages, industrial zones, a 5,000-seatconference center, and the world's largest park.


Interest in theproject has been brisk. An Indian company is reportedlyplanning a vast medical center and university, while a Saudi firm intends tobuild a 12.6 hectare mosque and Islamic museum.


Construction isalready under way. According to Egypt's Al-Ahramnewspaper, engineers have begun work on infrastructure includingbridges and 210 kilometers of roads.


The first phaseof the project will see government ministries and residential blocks rise fromthe sand. This phase could be complete within five years, with the firstresidents moving in.


Ghost town?


Despite theoptimism from officials, there are concerns that the project will encounterfamiliar problems. Egypt has already constructed several satellite towns aroundCairo, which have registered low occupancy despite high investment.


Abandoned architectural marvels inChina's largest ghost town


"The needsof Cairo should be met by the existing eight new towns around it," saysDavid Sims, an urban planner and author based in the Cairo. "But peoplecall them ghost towns."


The satellitesrepeated the same mistakes, says Sims, which are also likely to affect the newcapital.


"The newtowns produced housing that is unaffordable, unobtainable and inaccessible forthe majority of Cairo's inhabitants," says Sims. "The new towns werebuilt with a high modernist approach that did not allow the informalenterprises and activities that most Egyptians rely on."


A street ofindividually owned villas and apartment blocks rises from the sand in NewCairo, one of the new satellite 'ghost towns.'


Learning lessons


Egypt has afundamentally misguided approach to development planning, according toarchitect and planner and Kareem Ibrahim of the NGO Tadamun.


"We have achronic problem with the urban government of existing cities, and no matter howmany cities you build you are not solving this problem," he says.


Ibrahim's researchfound that around 50% of Cairo neighborhoods lacked access to sewage services,while public services were failing, and municipal councils were operating withas little as $4 per capita per year.


"The levelsof deprivation were shocking," says Ibrahim. "The investment shouldbe going towards providing equal rights to public services and utilities. Let'sthink about how to develop better governing structure for the cities we have,and then build new cities."

