回应制裁,普京要求755名美国外交官离开俄罗斯 [美国媒体]


Putin Orders 755 U.S. Diplomats Out of Russia in Response to Sanctions


In an interview with the state-owned broadcaster Russia 24, the Russian president said the move was in response to “illegal restrictions” imposed on the country by the United States.


chuck5 hours ago
WTH do we have 755 diplomats in Russia for anyway? What a waste of taxpayer dollars.


Yuri Idyit4 hours ago


David6 hours ago
Good. Apparently they were not doing anything anyway. Might as well come home.


Paige24 hours ago
For the offensive, vile and reckless news reports and media attention TRASHING the 'leader' of the Russian government, I'm surprised they have not declared war against us. Putin has been the subject of non-stop disrespect from our country. The people in that country must hate Americans by now.


Eldon3 hours ago
It was an act of War when Obama took over the Russian Compound. Technically no different from an invasion. And just what was gained by it? Not a damn thing


Suckit5 hours ago
Why did we need 755 diplomats to begin with?


Cognitive Dissident3 hours ago
Yeah, that "collusion" between Trump and Putin is looking pretty brilliant right now, eh leftists?


Miami Gulfer4 hours ago
If 755 are being expelled, just how many "diplomats" do we have in Russia? How many do the Russians have in the U.S.? What's going on here?


jazzrule5 hours ago
But, but, but Tramp is Putin's puppet, so says the fake mainstream media, for over a year now. LOL


LibsRLeeches3 hours ago
So much for the Trump/Putin love affair accusations by the Progressive Liberals.


pondering_it_all5 hours ago
It's all about the Magnitsky Act sanctions against Russia. Congress approved that because a 200 million dollar corrupt deal traced right to Putin. Russia killed Magnitski, who uncovered it. The subject of that Trump Jr. meeting was supposedly the freeze on Russian child adoptions, but that was Russia's response to the Magnitski Act. It's sanctions threaten Putin's personal fortune and his ability to protect cronies. his very basis of power. All those Russians at the meeting are connected with lifting the sanctions.

这都和针对俄罗斯的《马格尼茨基法案》(Magnitsky Act)相关。国会通过了这个法案,因为普京涉及了一桩2亿美元的腐败交易。俄罗斯杀害了披露这个腐败交易的律师马格尼茨基。作为回应,俄罗斯禁止美国人领养俄罗斯儿童。美国的制裁威胁到了普京的个人财富及其保护密友的能力,而这些是他权力的基础。

End of the great consumer nation4 hours ago
I think this is in response to Obama's ordering out Russian diplomats and taking away their vacation spot on the Maryland shore.
There will be another response to the sanctions!


Alex4 hours ago
There are 755 diplomats ? What the hell do the do ? Fire them altogether. What a waste of our money. I figure they each make at least 100k ?


Rufus T.4 hours ago
I am hoping they were Obama hires.


Big Ed5 hours ago
Why do we have 755 "diplomats" in Russia ?
2 would be about enough.
And lets shut down at least 120 American "embassies."
They usually cost about $1B each to build. Why ?


Scrooge3 hours ago
Why do we need 755 diplomats in Russia.........??


RVoy3 hours ago
Well, at least Putin is saving Soros some money. That's 755 change agents he won't to buy anymore.


Josa4 hours ago
I'm waiting for Lame Stream Liberal fiction news to put their spin on this story.


Lily Vu5 hours ago
I think Russia is doing us a favor. Why on earth do we have so many diplomats over there? The only reason I can think that Putin allows so many is because they video tape them in compromising situations, then black mail them.


steelerman2 hours ago
But, but.... Trump is Putins puppet......................


Impartial Observer4 hours ago
Putins Tit-for-tat ... the US ejected Russian diplomats when Obama pretended to be a president ... so. now it's Putin's turn.


Anonymous4 hours ago
State Owned Fake News!


mink46 minutes ago
headline shoulda been "755 US diplomats overjoyed to get the hell out of russia"


Daisy2 hours ago
Anyway, the bloated State Department should be put on a diet. For instance, there are more U.S. diplomats posted at US Embassy in New Delhi, India, than there are Indian diplomats in the entire world. WHATEVER for?
The U.S. currently has 299 physical embassies, consulates, and diplomatic missions across the world, more than any other country in the world.


Dan4 hours ago
Trump doesn't care about the state dept or diplomacy, so he doesn't care. Hell he can't even handle his own senate, what good are diplomats going to do him?


Ronald Reagan5 hours ago
Too bad there are only half the number of US diplomats. But then nobody talks about that.


Tom Bl5 hours ago
That's a lot of government employees (all diplomants?) in just that one country...


American Small Business Owner5 hours ago
If Trump wanted to retaliate, he could have the 750,000 visa over-stayers from Russia deported. Or shot.
