在全球经济影响力上,美中此消彼长 [美国媒体]

中国经济可能正在赶上美国 至少看上去是这样的。美国网友:我曾在韩国.中国和台湾工作过. 这些地方的全都比我们有更好的教育(在很多方面)和更好的基础设施. 我们需要停止让1%的人变的更富有并与这些国家竞争.


China’s economic might is catching up to the United States — or is seen to be catching up.

中国经济可能正在赶上美国 至少看上去是这样的 .

That’s according to a new report from the Pew Research Center which released results of a 38-nation survey Thursday afternoon. While the majority of those polled still correctly believe the United States is the world’s biggest economy 12 nations — including Canada Russia and most of western Europe — believe China has the largest economy in the world.


Pew detected a dramatic shift; only six nations said Beijing possessed the world’s strongest economy when the question was asked between 2014 and 2016. Since then the number of countries that view the United States as playing second fiddle to China has doubled. And more striking is the change that’s taken place in just the past year: Canada the U.K. Germany Spain and Italy all went from seeing America as the biggest player to viewing China as the top dog.

皮尤中心还发现,2014-2016年的同类调查中仅有6个国家认为中国是全球最强经济体,此后认为与中国相比  美国(对全球经济的贡献中)只扮演了二流角色的国家 戏剧性地增加了1倍。而且令人侧目的是 中国仅仅用了去年一年的时间就让人们转变了看法 . 包括加拿大 英国 德国 西班牙 意大利都认为中国取代了美国成为世界经济的领头羊 .


In Asia where countries are closer to China’s brand of geoeconomic bigfooting the story is quite a bit different. A host of U.S. allies and partners including Japan South Korea the Philippines Indonesia Vietnam and India all see the United States as the global economic powerhouse. Notably there’s one regional exception: Australia now believes China is the biggest player.


Pew attributes the rise of China’s standing to the aftermath of the Great Recession. “While the United States and other relatively wealthy Western nations have slowly bounced back from the crisis economic growth rates have been low compared with those of China India and other emerging economies” the report said.



Trumps' not making America great again but in fact is dragging the US down on the world stage. He is such a repugnant personality the classic ugly American arrogant stupid and of course a pathetic liar. not to be trusted on anything.


Let see U.S. have trillions plus dollars assets besides oil reserves bonds and other resources and yes they can afford to survived without china.


@Leo and most of the Obama spending was due to the Bush era...funny typical trumptard

@Leo 奥巴马时代大多数的费用都是用于支付布什时代所设立的项目......搞笑啊,典型的川普愚蠢支持者

@zababafool most of the deficits spending on Obama era.

@zababafool  大部分赤字都出现在奥巴马执政时期

@UglyTsai sure lists yours included you owned.

@UglyTsai  肯定把你的拥有的部分也列出来了


@ L You forgot to mention the 20 trillion $ deficit . You must be a Trumpet Stupid Dumb and Ignorant ! most be a White European American .


List your assets please


One more proof that our Press have dumbed down many in the population who do not rely on data and facts anymore.


Such a stupid comment. You must watch Fox.


Average American have double down on the stupidity and ignorant by ignoring and denying the facts


udon't kn jk
u really think the world stand on its end 2 wait 4 trump rubbish ????... they move forward at lightning speed n china is now winning the race and will b the greatest power on earth in 2020.... nothing can stop china's rise... usa is quickly destroying herself thru trump.... win win 4 china...



Global Force
Thanks Trump for enabling China as the leader of the world.

多亏了特朗普 让中国成了世界经济的引领者 .

The Truth
That's what you get when you elect a businessman with no political experience to run the country. A billion dollar business is not a 20 trillion dollar economy. It's like getting the owner of a Subway restaurant to become CEO of the company.

这就是你们选一个没有政治经验的商人做总统的后果 . 打理一个20万亿美元的经济体远不像经营一个10亿美元的生意那么容易 . 这就如同是让一个快餐店老板去做一家大企业CEO一样不靠谱 .

Your king ran up a 9.6 trillion dollar debt so how was he any good.

你们的国王增加了9.6万亿美元的国债 这样看来他有一丁点的好处吗 ?

china has evil and mafia government

中国是个邪恶的流氓政府 .

and we have trump so china still wins.

而且我们有了特朗普 所以中国会继续领先的 .


I have worked in South KoreaChina and Taiwan. All have better education (by a lot) better infrastructure and are leaving us behind. We need to quit making the 1% wealthier and compete with these countries.

我曾在韩国.中国和台湾工作过. 这些地方的全都比我们有更好的教育(在很多方面)和更好的基础设施. 我们需要停止让1%的人变的更富有并与这些国家竞争. 

What can you expect? We have a president which doctrine is isolation ...which creates an international vacuum and like magic it's filled out by another country ... Doen;t take much brain to figure that out does it?

你还能期望些什么呢? 我们有一个奉行孤立主义的总统 ...他在国际社会上留下了真空 另一个国家随之填补了这个空白 ...

In order to "make America great" a person must first understand why technology boomed in the US. Technology is the fundamental driver of economic growth so any conversation about economic development that does not include technology misses the point. Now Chinese innovation is leaping ahead of the US and we have a construction worker driving the ship

某人想要令"美国伟大" 必须第首先弄明白为什么科技大爆发会发生在美国.  科技是经济增长最基本的驱动力. 所以任何有关发展经济的对话 如果不涉及科技的话都偏离了要点 . 现在中国的创新已经领先于美国了 然而在为我们掌舵的居然是一个建筑工人 .
