Chinese woman dies after four abortions in a year trying for boy
[–]KimPeek 8330 指标 11小时前
Chinese hospitals are forbidden from disclosing the gender of a child before birth to mitigate this.
[–]Reddit-Loves-Me[S] 3244 指标 11小时前*
Things people will do for money... there are illegal clinics.
Does anyone know how the non disclosure is done? Parents cannot see the ultrasound screen? Cannot get a copy of the image? Part of the image is blocked?
EDIT: Expats in China shared that an ultrasound technician doesn't focus on the genital when showing the screen to the parents. It is widely known that the parents can pay the technician to show the part but the technician cannot say it officially. Also an ultrasound image comes with a black square over a fetus's genital.
人为了钱会做一切事... 有非法诊所。
[–]Excelius 1917 指标 10小时前*
Apparently there's a black market ultrasound business in China for sex-determination.
This article talks about how some small villages will actually band together to buy a community ultrasound machine in other cases otherwise legitimate clinics just sell their services on the sly.
[–]HitlerHistorian 549 指标 9小时前
Sounds great. What could go wrong?
[–]katie_didnot 1700 指标 8小时前*
A sex ratio of 1.19 men to women contributing to an increase in sex trafficking/prostitution and general abuse of women.
**EDIT: as I can't find any scientifically-backed studies with solid data I'm taking out the stuff about Thailand. Anecdotes/stories aren't evidence etc etc.
注:鉴于我找不到任何包含可靠数据的科学研究,我就借用了泰国的一些资料。 奇闻轶事/故事等等可不能作为证据。
[–]isleepbad 636 指标 8小时前
What the fuck .
[–]Leopod 894 指标 7小时前
China has some pretty serious issues when it comes to sex and gender. A lot of people still want boys and not girls especially in rural communities and in the older generations
[–]Do_Ya_Like_Dags_ 808 指标 7小时前*
China has some pretty serious issues as a whole.
Turns out decades of life under an insane dictator coupled with intermittent famine doesn't* do great things for a population.
[–]maxinxin 717 指标 7小时前*
that's not why they want boys though...
*Editing this comment because my explanation got burried
It's a cultural phenomenon stemmed from Confucius beliefs.
Ever since ancient dynasties Chinese value the family's bloodline more than anything in the world. The children will always bear the father's family name thus having a girl as the only child means the end of your bloodline. Because she will eventually marry someone and your grand children will "belong" to someone else's family. In these old values raising a girl is like raising someone else's wife spending money and teaching girls is a waste of time other than marrying her into a good family.
There is a saying by MengZi "There are three unfilial conducts among them the most unforgivable is not having offspring(implying not having a son)." Not continuing your bloodline brings shame upon your family. Although this is largely not the case anymore in modern families the underlying cultural impact is still there.
[–]sunset_sunshine30 99 指标 5小时前
Sounds like Indian culture. My grandma ADORES my boy cousins. The girls can be taken or left in her eyes.
[–]jaeofthejungle 355 指标 5小时前
Interesting how they expect the boys to continue on the family line if there are no girls to marry. Do they expect them to spontaneously self replicate?
[–]PM_me_an_original_UN 166 指标 4小时前
Or as they would say in India
"raising a girl is like watering another man's field"
Two huge countries racing each other for economic dominance who both developed the tech to completely fuck their gender ratios roughly 20 years ago. If that's not two opposing armies in waiting I don't know what is. Someone please prove me wrong!
[–]i_made_a_poo 184 指标 5小时前
To further this - modern China sees it more as a way of taking care of yourself when you're older. Boys take in their parents. Girls don't - girls help take in their husband's parents.
[–]crazboy84 90 指标 5小时前
Its also expected of men to take care of their elderly parents in most Chinese culture. They dont believe in pawning off the elderly to homes. So having a boy is like a retirement investment...
[–]MuonManLaserJab 199 指标 5小时前*
Lots of cultures value boys more than girls and the vast majority of cultures value bloodlines and family names and pass the family name through male children. Why don't all those other cultures have such skewed gender ratios? The one-child policy.
载入更多留言 (55 回覆)
[–]AskMeHowIMetYourMom 249 指标 6小时前
The issue with not wanting girls has nothing to do with the CCP rising to power. It's a product of hundreds of years of a family system that diminished the role of women and relied heavily on males to carry on the family name.
[–]Leopod 201 指标 6小时前
Favoring boys is not a mindset unique to China at all. This is pretty common across all of Asia.
China does happen to be in a unique position where abortions are not frowned upon and have had a history of Family Planning laws ( see One Child Policy). Even with the OCP exemptions were given to rural households who's first child was a girl or if they were any of the protected minority groups.
The West has a very biased view towards China and don't get me wrong China has a lot of faults.
I would argue that China's populace is quite happy with the general direction of the CCP. People are wealthier than they have ever been the quality of life for the average Chinese citizen has greatly improved within the last 20 years. Sure terrible human rights records and limited freedoms in many areas but to a lot of people that doesn't really affect them much.
They have underlying issues no more than a lot of other countries have nowadays
[–]overlordkitty 32 指标 6小时前
I live in Japan I feel like people here don't have a huge preference. I could be wrong though I've never actually asked anyone. I feel like Moms want daughters and Dads want sons
[–]dbbd_ 95 指标 8小时前
To be honest we arent far away from a day where ultrasound machines can be made for a much much cheaper price.
[–]visual_account 212 指标 8小时前
download the "Find the Penis" app and hold your phone-camera against your belly - probably year 2030
[–]ChIck3n115 82 指标 7小时前
"Not hotdog!"
[–]KeplerNeel 97 指标 7小时前
Think I can modify my Gay-dar to add this feature?
[–]Jay180 63 指标 8小时前
I think that app will be used on men too.
[–]JuventusX 29 指标 7小时前
Especially for you
[–]AlabasterBearrr 122 指标 8小时前
I'm Kenyan and in Nairobi you can get an ultrasound for less than $20. A 3D ultrasound costs $50.
[–]CintsLasler 106 指标 7小时前
Can confirm I'm an American in Kenya and I got my daughter a MRI and a consultation with a competent doctor for $230 (rugby injury).
[–]AlabasterBearrr 51 指标 7小时前*
Nice! Have you been to Karen hospital for an MRI? They have a really nice machine. Like cutting edge technology and it only costs around $300 with a consultation. I usually go to Aga Khan cause its so cheap. Nairobi hospital is even cheaper but the doctors there aren't as good imo.
真棒!你是去凯伦医院做得核磁共振吗?他们那儿的仪器特别棒,技术很先进而且一次会诊只要300刀左右。我常去Aga Khan医院,因为那儿更便宜。内罗毕的医院收费更低,但医生的水平也要稍逊一些。
[–]CintsLasler 35 指标 7小时前
Yes Aga Kahn in Westlands. On an unrelated note we like feeding the monkeys across the street in City Park!
是的,内罗比市维斯兰德的Aga Kahn医院。说个题外话,我们特别喜欢在那儿的城市公园里喂猴子。
[–]portingil 28 指标 7小时前
What made you move to Kenya? How do you like it? You should do an AMA it sounds very interesting.
[–]CintsLasler 65 指标 6小时前
I work with the U.S. Embassy in Nairobi. My family's two years here have been a very rewarding experience Kenyans are extremely welcoming helpful and kind people. East Africa is the most amazing place I have ever seen the wildlife and natural beauty here is unbelievable.
[–]Evader143_143 21 指标 7小时前
On a non related note we had to move out of Kenya in the 1990s....
[–]Aquaman5000 58 指标 7小时前
In the US. an ultrasound at a doctor's office or hospital can easily cost $1000 or more.
[–]DearMrsLeading 26 指标 7小时前
You can also get them from a boutique for prices starting at around $50 though I've definitely heard of them being cheaper as well. My gender scan was $75. The price goes up with more features time pictures etc. This is all out of pocket though not through insurance.
[–]BegginStripper 16 指标 6小时前
These days you really should research sometimes it's cheaper to pay out of pocket at a lot of places so they don't have to go through insurance and all the crazy expensive bullshit that is our "healthcare system"
[–]pburydoughgirl 8 指标 5小时前
When I was pregnant there were able to tell the sex through a blood test. Since the baby's dead cells get flushed out the same way mine do you can test my blood for Y chromosomes. If you find any they clearly didn't come from me. Could be easier than an ultrasound and you can detect earlier too
[–]picklesandcheese 148 指标 9小时前
I'm an ultrasound tech. I know lots of clinics have a screen for parents to watch the ultrasound but at the hospital I work in parents/patients only have the option of seeing the screen on the ultrasound machine and only if/when I show them. I imagine this is how they do it in non-disclosure. Also it's relatively easy to avoid focusing on the genitalia while scanning to avoid the image altogether. Lastly while boys often stand out on imaging a girl isn't as easy for a patient/parent to figure out on their own.
[–]Reddit-Loves-Me[S] 50 指标 9小时前
So there's only 1 screen. You can choose to turn the screen for them to see or not?
Avoid focusing on the genitalia
Like scan the face? Or choose an angle that the genitalia is not in view?
I reckon it wouldn't be hard for a patient to learn how to read the image if they are determined.
[–]picklesandcheese 47 指标 9小时前
Yup the machine has one screen so it can be turned to show the patient if they'd like to see. With obstetrical ultrasounds we take images of all the fetal body parts and with the way the scan works it's usually narrowed in at one part at a time. This makes it easy to avoid the genital area and just show the patients the face like you say or hands and feet - things that are easily recognizable
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