理想的中美日之间的关系应该是什么样的? [美国媒体]

我想知道来自中、美、日三国人民的看法。quora网友:理想情况下,中国,日本和美国三个国家应该成为经济竞争对手,共同致富。 交易不是只有赢家和输家的零和游戏。正如二战后欧洲和日本,台湾和韩国亚洲三虎所表明的那样,它可以让每个人变得更富有。经济一体化缓解了军事冲突......

Ideally,how should the relations among America, China, and Japan be?


I would like to know the opinions from theAmerican, Chinese, and Japanese people.


Scott Kirwin, BA East Asia, University of California,San Diego
Ideally China, Japan and America should be economicrivals tied together by the common interest of getting rich. Trade is not azero-sum game with winners and losers. It allows everyone to become wealthieras has been shown by post-WW2 Europe and the Asian Tigers of Japan, Taiwan andSouth Korea. Economic integration eases military friction as all playersunderstand that its in their own interest to minimize conflict to keep themoney flowing.

理想情况下,中国,日本和美国三个国家应该成为经济竞争对手,共同致富。 交易不是只有赢家和输家的零和游戏。正如二战后欧洲和日本,台湾和韩国亚洲三虎所表明的那样,它可以让每个人变得更富有。经济一体化缓解了军事冲突,因为所有参与者都明白,为了保持资金流动,冲突最小化是为了他们自己的利益。

Unfortunately China doesn’t see things that way. It stillviews trade as having winners and losers and is determined to be the former. Italso sees economic power as part of a broader plan that includes militarydomination of southeast and east asia, its sphere of influence that dates back2000 years. Its leaders have been indoctrinated in Maoist communism which viewscapitalism negatively and as a means to an end, not an end in itself.


The Chinese leadership knows that the greatest threat totheir own survival is social unrest, and hopefully they recognize that thesurest way to cause social unrest is through war which would end Chineseeconomic prosperity. But so far I’m not sure they get that.


Pekau Prometheus
Very close, as if they were one nation. But we don’talways get what we want.


Marriage between China and USA will be like how Americansfear closer alliance between Russia and Germany that eventually forcedAmericans to join WWII. German capital, industry, technical know-hows + vastland/resources/manpower of Russia = serious hegemonic threat to USA.


Imagine Americans pouring their capital-rich resourcesand technical know-how to modernize China at American efficiency. Imagine ifChina, after experiencing economic rise unheard since the beginning of time,says thank you for helping us when we needed the most. You need anything, ucall me day or night. U want to achieve cold fusion to start new energyrevolution? All the lands that were poor and couldn’t do anything now canproduce profit so let me take some of those and help you fund it. You annoyedabout how Pakistan isn’t letting Americans hunt for terrorists in their ownplace? You call us, we have words with them and u get what u want. Does Chinaneed more resources? Call Washington… we give u blessings in South America, ourturf.


Someday we’d learn to trust each other more and realizewe can accelerate our progress like there’s no tomorrow when we all worktogether. But not yet. We’ll get there. Cavemen ruling their own caves inBeijing wouldn’t have imagined the shits China can do today as the nation worktogether. It’d be like that when the world come together to focus on betteringthemselves rather than worrying about what we can do to each other.


JJ Hantsch, Expert on Asian wars; I was married to awoman from Chubu.
China, Japan and the USA each have a great strength andeach have a glaring weakness. All three countries can relate either based onthis weakness or based on their strength. In reality, each of them acts betweengreat strength and great weakness.


China - greatest strengths is massive population and theability to organize a huge surplus of very low cost labor for manufacture. Hasa middle class which is very hard-working for very moderate wages and willproduce. Weakness - must keep employed a very large labor force, has aninternal tension between coast and central provinces and does not have theappetite for great foreign involvement.

中国 – 其最大的优势在于人口众多以及有能力为制造业提供大量过剩的低成本劳动力。中国拥有一个非常努力工作,工资非常低,并且愿意生产的中产阶级。劣势 – 其必须保持雇用一支庞大的劳动力队伍,在沿海和中部各省之间存在内部紧张关系,并且中国对外国事物参与度不大。

Japan - a highly organized workforce and society whichexists to produce, market and consume. Weakness- few natural resources,absolutely must do foreign trade to maintain standard of living.

日本 -(优势)拥有一个用以生产,销售和消费的高度组织化的劳动力队伍和社会。劣势 – 本国自然资源少,必须要做对外贸易以维持生活水平。

USA - a large resource rich nation with a society thatfosters innovation and creativity. People from all over the world come to theUSA to innovate and the system rewards them and even makes them rich. Weakness-greatly rewarding the winners means you have losers who fall to a relativelymodest level.

美国 -(优势)是一个资源丰富的大国,拥有一个鼓励创新和创造力的社会。来自世界各地的人来到美国进行创新,(美国)系统奖励他们,甚至使他们变得富有。劣势 – 这种系统会给成功者带来很大的回报,但就意味着你的失败者的待遇会降到相对较低的水平。

Ideally, all three nations should do what they do bestUSA innovate, China manufacture and Japan market, but seldom do things work outexactly as Adam Smith wrote.


China’s thirst for greater resources and it’s expandinginfluence push it into competition with the USA and Japan. Japan’s inability toinvigorate it’s economy is a source of internal and external strife. The USAwhere people rise to their abilities produces haves and have nots and this canbe badly exacerbated by poor leadership. As a democracy, the USA is fullycapable of electing non-professionals to guide it.


Ideally, each nation should help each other with theirweaknesses.


Yu Cheng, lived in China (1988-2012)
The world would be a paradise if these countries couldget along. The ideal relationship should be based on truth and conscience,rather than pure ambition for interests or superiority.


Japan should be a normal country, rather than a politicaldwarf. It should be capable to reexamine itself for war crimes throughly, sothat fellow Asian countries would embrace it.


China shouldn’t have gone through the civil war, thecruel dictatorship, and all the rest nightmares, so that it won’t have anypolitical motivation to confront Japan or the US in any way.


The US shouldn’t have manipulated things for its owninterests. It shouldn’t treat China or Japan as a potential threat. Taiwanshould be made clear as a Chinese territory just as Japan surrendered it to be.


Korea shouldn’t be divided.


That’s the ideal situation that never happened, becauseall players in history are selfish.


Joseph Boyle
Almost all developed countries are allied, including US,Canada, Europe, Japan, South Korea as formal collective defense allies, andsome others with other forms of alliance.


The US is only about ⅓ of that alliance. While it has more of the weaponry,especially Navy and nuclear weapons, alliance policy in Eurasia is determinedby the allies in Europe and Asia.


China should form some kind of formal securityrelationship maintaining peace with the alliance. It is not really a questionabout the US individually or Japan individually.

