没有与中国的贸易,葡萄牙和西班牙就不会成为后来的帝国 [美国媒体]

reddit网友:某种意义上中国的确起了作用 中国在(与两牙的)贸易中只需要白银 这致使西班牙和葡萄牙严重依赖美洲殖民地来开采白银. 但这并不能说明中国“创造了新世界”,那完全是个附带事件,因为不论中国是否接受白银,贵金属总能增强一个帝国的财政实力。


Without Chinese trade Portugal and Spain would not become the Empires they were

没有与中国的贸易 葡萄牙和西班牙就不会成为后来的帝国.


–]_shackleton 11 指标 1 天前 
how did the Chinese create the new world in 1565?


[–]BillyBattsShinebox 8 指标 1 天前 
Perhaps you should start by explaining the importance of China in supporting the growth of the Spanish and Portuguese empires? Right now all you've done is made a claim and say China's past has always been excellent.

或许你应该从解释清楚中国在西班牙和葡萄牙帝国的成长中的重要性开始? 现在 你仅仅只是一味的宣称中国的过去多么厉害 .

[–]Fojar38 4 指标 1 天前 
China played a role in the sense that China only trading for silver led the Spanish and Portuguese to lean heavily on American colonies to extract the stuff but that's not really a Chinese role in "creating the New World." That's entirely incidental to what was happening especially since precious metals boosted an empire's treasury independent of what China accepted at any given time.

某种意义上中国的确起了作用 中国在(与两牙的)贸易中只需要白银 这致使西班牙和葡萄牙严重依赖美洲殖民地来开采白银. 但这并不能说明中国“创造了新世界”,那完全是个附带事件,因为不论中国是否接受白银,贵金属总能增强一个帝国的财政实力。

[–]PolypinoonEuropean unx 4 指标 1 天前 
I always thought Spain and Portugal discovering and heavily colonizing the Americas had a bigger impact on them growing into powerfull nations.


[–]bigbagofdumb 2 指标 1 天前 
Well now you know.

好吧 现在你知道了.
[–]PolypinoonEuropean unx 1 指标 1 天前 
Clearly I have been brainwashed by hostile foreign forces and their toxic facts.

显然 之前我被外国敌对势力和他们的有毒信息洗脑了.
[–]enxiongenxiongUnited States 3 指标 1 天前 
I am trying to read Socrates but everyone is telling me he was illiterate and didnt write any books. Now i am banned from the library. What should i do?

我尝试去读苏格拉底的书  然而人人都说他曾经是个文盲 而且从来没写过哪怕是一本书. 现在我已经被图书馆拉黑了.  我该怎么办?

[–]bigbagofdumb 2 指标 1 天前 
Read Plato
'he took notes like a motherfucker'

去读泊拉图吧 那个混蛋总是记笔记  ---苏格拉底(是不是大意是向楼上吐槽意思是苏的学生柏总记笔记有书给他读 ????)

[–]enxiongenxiongUnited States 1 指标 1 天前 
Well i am going to ask thrasymachus questions anyway

好吧 我还会向色拉叙马库斯请教一下的.

[–]Fojar38 8 指标 1 天前 
This is an online collaborative project to revise holes in history that point to the glorious past of China as proof of unbroken excellence of the Chinese people despite modern historical distortion.
Sounds like a bunch of bullshit nationalist revisionism OP


[–]fojiaotu 4 指标 1 天前 
And (s)he bravely posted no lix to said online project.

[+]wengchunkn[S] 留言分数低于临界标準  (10 下层留言)
[–]chill1995United Arab Emirates 3 指标 1 天前 
You are broken



 [–]fojiaotu 6 指标 1 天前 
despite historical distortion
My understanding of Chinese history is shallow but I do recall a continuing theme throughout millennia of destruction of books and rewriting of histories to glorify the current leaders.
If China's own sources have poor historicity and you reject presumably foreign "modern historical distortion" how do you plan to justify any of your claims?
Lastly everyone in China knows that Socrates is an example of subversive Western philosophy. Frankly your recommending he be read disgusts me. Confucianism Mo-ism and Han Fei should be more than enough. I would report you to the relevant government authorities if I knew where you were claiming to be working. You're obviously wasting 国有资产 for your own enrichment.


[–]TheDark1 2 指标 1 天前 
All signs indicate that you are utterly bereft of useful insights. I suggest you read some books instead of writing a screed of ignorant trash.


[–]Psy_Doc_ 2 指标 1 天前 
I've read Socrates and I'm going to say that your project smacks of blatant nationalism.
